What were your 15 minutes of fame, and what did you think about it?
Asked by
nikipedia (
September 13th, 2011
Well, I’m not exactly famous, but a research paper I worked on is getting a lot of attention. There are over 70 hits in google news for it, one of the other authors did an interview with BBC yesterday, and it has popped up on digg, reddit, and ScienceDaily.
I had expected it to get a fair amount of attention and thought it would be fun and exciting. But in fact, the whole process has been pretty disheartening. The reporter who wrote the press release printed blatantly incorrect information despite repeated requests to please correct it. The comments being posted about it on various websites are, frankly, completely stupid. Many are misogynistic jokes that are unsupported by the research, and some are directly insulting to the research team:
Selective memory in women is nothing new
Experts conclude women tend to remember different aspects due to whatever suits them best and fits with their pre-conceptions.
Another “study” by “experts” after maintaining their bursaries and funding.
Hmmm, hasn’t it been known for a long time that women can’t remember details, can’t think analytically or logically, and can’t read maps? I don’t think this has anything to do with the pill, since it’s been known for millennia. The emotion area of the woman’s brain is oversized, whereas the other areas which are the seats of reason, analysis, spatial recognition and logic are greatly shrunken in comparison to men. This is hardly news.
And many more. I guess it shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but I am pretty bummed at the overflowing stupidity and misogyny.
What about you? What was your brush with fame? Did you have a better experience with the general public?
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11 Answers
Congrats! Would love to read the abstract (link?). Science reporting by news organizations is horrible. From what I have seen, the reporters tasked with reporting on science are scientifically-illiterate. Don’t read the comments – it’s all lowest common denominator trash.
Oh, and I have never done anything famous.
I was in a Korn video. Not a lot of face time. A friend of mine was in another Korn Video and got to run in the street in her bra. She is more famous than me. Notthing near as important as you Ms. @nikipedia . Congrats on your hard work!
I’m not going to say what it was but I hated it. Last thing I want is to be pointed at and hear “he looks like the kid from the newspaper!” Not to mention the article was filled with quotes abridged and taken out of context making me to appear as a bigger asshole than I really am.
Ah, @nikipedia. Sorry about those disappointing responses. It’s depressing that we live in such a know-nothing society. Few people seem to want to think for themselves—and by think, I mean use data as the basis for drawing conclusions, not press articles and uninformed opinion.
Anyway, I know you are excited to have written this article and to have your fifteen minutes of fame. Remember, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Any publicity is good publicity.
As for me—no fifteen minutes of fame—not even two or three minutes. I think that if I ever did have fame, it would be of the notorious kind, not the appreciative kind. It’s just as well I don’t have it, because even thought they say there is no bad publicity, I’d still rather be known for something positive. Of course, that means I would have to do something positive. Like write a book. Which probably would never happen, since I have the attention span of a gnat. Or maybe an ant. And even if it did, I doubt it would be a book that would bring positive attention. Anyway who has read much of what I write here knows I have the morals of a gnat. Or maybe an ant.
Then there’s the issue of whether I even want fifteen minutes of fame. Part of me does. I think my ego could use a boost like that—so long as it was positive attention. Part of me doesn’t because I am pretty sure it would be negative attention. Part of me doesn’t want to think about it because it makes me realize that my significance in this world is awfully local—like maybe in my family and a few close friends.
Then again, I know I’m not supposed to care at all. I can live a perfectly happy life without any notice whatsoever. Except I do want notice. Probably for deep-seated psychological reasons. It’s a problem. If I were an advanced being, I wouldn’t care. Oh well. It’s fun thinking about things, whether or not anyone else cares to pay attention.
I’ve had quite a few little mini-victories in life, but I don’t think I’ve really had my Warholian 15 minutes yet. We’ll see.
When I was four years old I appeared on a children’s pre-school TV programme. I was on-screen for maybe 10 minutes or so. I don’t remember a thing about it, and I don’t have a copy of the tape.
I was in a Mattel catalog when I was around 5. I blew the money on coke and whores.
Honestly, I haven’t had any attention that would have reached national fame. I once put out a fire in the lab at work, and people liked that. I once played piano at a mall and a bunch of elderly people loved it. I’m published in a journal of organic chemistry, which impresses people in small circles. I was once the best fighter in a kung fu school for a while. Also used to be a volunteer fire fighter and got lots of gratitude form the public from time to time. I was a single father for a bunch of years, and some people thought that was unusually impressive. I met Dick Dale and shook his hand.
I don’t know. Maybe I need to step it up.
I’m fairly well known in certain circles as “that guy who writes those twisted kinky horror stories on the internet about women enslaved and forced to endure all sorts of perverted erotic torture.”
Okay! So in my school newspaper there is a fashion column. I absolutely hate jeggings. They are HORRENDOUS. So, when the writers interviewed us, I told them that. They put me in the paper!!! I was so happy. Then no one cared the next day.
We had a lousy team in our little league . I think I was maybe 10. We were like the Bad News Bears. We almost never had practice but we were the best of the worst. I could not hit at all and if I did get a piece of it, someone picked it up and threw me out, easily.
One evening in the last inning with two on, I was up to bat. We were already prepared to lose. If the two runners managed to steal bases and score it would be the only possibility for a tie. That pitcher had already smoked me probably 20 times that summer so far, so people were picking up their lounge chairs and heading to their cars. There was so much noise from both teams I just wanted to be struck out already. This pitcher was known for throwing inside, way inside and he fired one down the pipe, with my head in the other end of it. So I twisted out of the way and my bat hit the ball and I fell on my ass. For some reason this time, the ball went up, and out and fell over the HR line by maybe a ½ inch, maybe less. Somebody got the story to the local AM radio station and I was famous for about a day. We won the game by one run and I made a lot of people mad.The more things change, the more they stay the same :)
“shrunken”!! I’d love to meet who wrote this gem. Congratulations on being published!
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