Remarried jellies, did your spouses previous debts ever come to legally collect from you?
I know it’s possible but not sure how often it really happens. Stories, precautions, suggestions, links?
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6 Answers
Do you mean debts that my spouse had before we were married? No, but I don’t think there were any.
@marinelife: Yes, stuff they had in their name or in their and their ex spouse’s names too. As I research, I’m learning creditors can zombiefy old debts and come after me once I’m married to my fiancee. Scary stuff.
Yes. In our property settlement he was given all the joint debt, including a rental property we owned that was given to him in the divorce. He defaulted on the mortgage over a year ago and I have been receiving calls on and off since then. I have sent them letters asking the to stop calling but periodically they contact me again and I have to threaten legal action to get them to stop. On the up side I have spoken directly to an FHA mortgage underwriter who told me that as long as I have the divorce decree giving him responsibility for the debt and the late/missed payments came after, it should not be counted against me in qualifying.
@SuperMouse: If you didn’t have that decree in the divorce settlement, do you think your current spouse would be liable along with you if your ex defaulted on his end of things?
Just found this site
I hope it’s not some ad scam.
@Neizvestnaya we have spoken to a loan broker about this because my credit took quite a beating during this divorce. It is my understanding that his credit (his FICO is awesome) should be totally unaffected by the credit baggage I brought to the marriage. I also know that they cannot go after my current husband for debt that was never his. It seems to me that collection agencies will do anything they can to scare debtors into paying them, and many of their tactics are shady.
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