For yourself, would your preference be for burial or cremation and why or why not for each?
Asked by
plethora (
September 13th, 2011
My ex-wife, and mother of my kids, recently died and, much to my surprise, she had chosen to be cremated. Just had never been done in her family or mine. It turned out really good and I have had lots of positive thoughts about it myself. Many, though, are dramatically opposed to it. What do you think? Which would you choose and why?
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22 Answers
Cremation. Allows me to leave the world as completely as possible, I suppose.
I wanna be stuffed & mounted at the museum of gorgeousness. Beauty like this simply has to be preserved ;¬}
None, I carry a donor card in my purse to donate my entire body to science.
Edit: If that wasn’t an option, cremation would be my choice, because its cheaper.
Here’s what’s in my will:
• die
• donate any and all organs
• cremate
• sprinkle ashes into Mrs. Fields cookie batter
Well, maybe some of the wording is a bit different, but anyway… Cremation for me.
As @tIm said, I want to go out as completely as possible. I also generally don’t see the point of stuffing my corpse into a box and burying it underground. I get the tradition, but given the alternative, burial seems a bit bloated ifyaknowwhatImean
I also carry a donor card to donate my body to science and if they don’t want it, to the plastinators. I’ve forgotten their name. If nobody wants me, I also pick cremation so it’s cheaper for my kids. I want my ashes sprinkled around a forest.
I think cemeteries are weird, personally. The whole concept just gives me the creeps. I also figure if we live long enough, we’re going to run out of room to bury people. As far as I know, this may already be an issue in certain areas of the world. So, I’ll take up less space as ash.
Organ donation and then cremation.
Cremation. I can then be placed in different locations in a forest/on a mountain/ near the sea. It’s rather childish but it’s a comforting idea.
Cremation. Because there is not enough space for cemeteries in the world. Because I believe that the body is useless once dead.
Glad you asked this. I just looked and my organ donor card is frayed and hardly readable. My preference would be a hole in my backyard but I don’t know if that’s legal.
After organ donation, I’ll have my remains cremated, ashes in a nice urn sat on a mantle. I want to be included in all the special holidays (my birthday, Thanksgiving, and New Years day) with a wine toast. My children know the routine and my wishes.
There is a petition that was left on my door that says “We want Rosanne Barr buried, not cremated. Signed, the Worms.”
Personally, I want my remains to be scattered in the ocean, but I don’t want to be cremated. Just chum the waters with me.
Seriously, I want cremation. Headstones seem a little self-important, and cemetaries seem wasteful of good land.
Caskets are ridiculously expensive. I’m frigging dead. Do I care if I’m surrounded by the finest silk?
Cremation, because of the space saving, money saving and lack of fanfare.
I have no desire to tether anyone to my tombstone.
I never visit the cemetaries where my family members are buried.
Dead is dead, funerals are for the living.
When my mother passed, the only option I had for her burial, was cremation. She only had $3,000 dollars of life insurance and that barely paid for the ceremony. Under these circumstances, I felt having her cremated was the only choice I had.
The burial ceremony was the same. The only difference was a small cremation box, compared to a large casket and of course, the difference in the money.
I am sure my mother did not object to my actions.
We buried her next to my dad and that is all she cared about.
Return to nature of some sort. Since burying a corpse without a coffin is illegal in most places, I’m gonna go with funeral pyre out to sea. Though, really, you could just toss me off the side of the boat like filmfann. We can be fish food buddies.
Oops! I didn’t actually answer the question. No (traditional) burial for me because I don’t like the idea of decomposing in this weird man-made thing. Don’t want a headstone either. When everyone who remembers me has also passed away, I want to be gone from this world too. A headstone that no one remembers is a lonely thing.
Cremation is preferable over a traditional burial, but is also too clean for me. There’s something a bit processed to it. I’d prefer just an old school fire. Definitely no urn. I do like the idea of loved ones being able to sprinkle my ashes in different places though.
What I don’t want is to have my blood replaced with formaldehyde, my face made up to look as if I were only sleeping and my body displayed in a box for people to stare at. That whole idea creeps me out just as much as the idea of the chemical-filled corpse lying underground, unable to decompose. Ugh.
Flames for me, please, and then a big party for my friends.
@Blueroses Formaldehyde only lasts a little while- 2 years or so. You’ll decompose.
@faye That’s still 2 years longer than I want to keep company with worms. I’m still opting for ashes.
Just huck my carcass in the garbage bin for all I care. XD
Nah, my body goes to science. I don’t have a problem with cremation, and being buried is nice and classic. But since I’ll be dead, it’s not like I can care. (not that being buried while alive would be anything cool, that would suck ass) So, might as well have someone use my remains for something constructive. If it’s still any good by then. XD
Waits for the ’‘at least your body will have been good for something in its existence’’ joke XD
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