Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 24?
Asked by
creative1 (
September 14th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
425 Answers
False I have 1 brother and 2 sisters
TJBM is from a large family
TJBM has a great grandparent.
Not living anymore, and, I am an only child. lol
TJBM is happy to see part 24 happen
It’s where it is happening! Part 24
TJBM has driven more than 600 miles in a single day ( 24 hours ).
False. Only about 450
TJBM likes to go camping
True, but more with walls around me – but still in the bush!
TJBM is not one bit bald.
True, but not for long.
TJBM needs to shower.
I just had one and am fluthering damp.
TJBM loves to garden.
not really. hate weeding.
TJBM has taken a 3D picture.
TJBM has “fallen off the wagon”
TJBM’s cheese has slid off of their cracker.
Haha..I love that saying
False, I’m quite mentally stable, but my boobs have slipped outta my bra a few times.
TJBM likes bubble baths
TJBM likes water parks.
TJBM likes bubble parks
I admire Rosa Parks, but Bubble is just an airhead.
TJBM cracks walnuts with her glutes.
LOL, no!
TJBM thinks they’re only as old as they feel.
True. and this week I feel about 105 lol
TJBM thinks that all this ” 50 is the new 30” is so stupid
True, now it’s all “60 is the new 20”.
TJBM cracks old walnuts at bubble parks.
I absolutely do. ;)
TJBM is wearing invisible socks. O.o
It’s certainly possible since my feet appear to be bare.
TJBM is frittering away his/her afternoon here instead of seizing the day, which is fresh, cool and beautiful.
Nope doing housework housework and housework
TJBM hates doing laundry
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! I love doing the laundry.
TJBM loves granola bars.
TJBM loves doing laundry while eating granola bars.
False. I love doing ALL my housework eating Happy Brownies. Infact, last Happy Brownie I pruned nearly every tree on my 5 acres, magic clippers they were. lol
TJBM likes pruning bushes
TJBM likes pruning “bushes”.
I have no response to that… >.<
TJBM is skipping school. O.o
Negative. This jelly doesn’t go to school anymore but he did just start a 16 day leave (vacation) from his military job.
TJBM hasn’t exercised yet today but it is on their to do list.
Yep, I’ll be doing yoga in a little while.
TJBM has been feeling grounded lately.
Haha. I’m going to be grounded for skipping school, when my mother finds out. XD
TJBM is wearing orange prison pants.
Nope, but does wearing them count if they are at your ankles?
TJBM has worn handcuffs before.
Only playing around ;)
TJBM likes to have good old fashion fun
False. But I like to shoot the neighbors sheep with my aquazooka squirt guns. lol
TJBM makes a point of being outside to watch the sunset every night
I wish…False.
TJBM regularly spends time with feathered friends.
How’d ya guess? LOL
TJBM has run a bath and forgot to close the drain
Thank you for opening another thread ^^
Well I didn’t had a bath but I never forget to close the drain. We had problems with it in the past so we are very careful ow.
The Jelly Below Me prefers showers over baths.
TJBM is going to a special meeting this week.
Not that I’m aware of. lol
TJBM doesn’t like the sound of a “special’ meeting? haha
True story!
The Jelly Bellow Me believes “Peanut Butter is to Banana, as Chocolate is to Caramel.”
Nope but I believe it has a hidden way of udnerstanding it and I don’t get it.
The Jelly Below Me drinks coffee at home and one ]or even more] at work.
Part true, since I am starting a new job next week and havn’t worked in over a year then I haven’t drank any at work
TJBM Is job hunting
It’s good to get a better job so while you work you can look for a better place ^^
The jelly Bellow Me still has toys from his/her childhood.
I’m under 18 so I am still a child.
TJBM is a child inside.
[ I was referring more to toys from when someone was a baby (under 2–3 years old)]
Will be till the day I die.
The Jelly Bellow Me likes the smurfs ^^
HELLO!!!!!! Long time no see here!
Wrong. When my kids were little I would not let them watch the Smurfs because I had this idea they were evil. sigh
TJBM loves backed goose pot pie swimming in butter and gravy.
… I’m a vegetarian. XD
The Jelly Bellow Me lives in a blue house.
False. A white house.
TJBM has been in a serious car accident at some point in their life.
TJBM is admiring the full moon tonight.
nope, rained out.
TJBM likes to run naked in the rain.
I don’t think I have ever done it but if I could do it on a private island I am sure I would love it
TJBM went swimming today
Response moderated (Spam)
TJBM is watching vampires vrs zombies on spike
TJBM is not running their AC.
TJBM is fluthering to avoid doing something else they should be doing
Yup. Bed! But this is the last thing I’m going to do before I do go to bed.
tjbm doesn’t like to use capital letters and writes really small
False. Completely false. THE SHIFT KEY IS MY BEST FRIEND.
The Jelly bellow me is eating cereal.
False, but I did just have ice cream :-D
TJBM is going to bed in exactly 13 minutes
The Jelly bellow me refuses to go to sleep on time. >:)
TRUE! Actually my internal clock is non-existent.
TJBM is an insomniac.
TJBM has an alarm set for tomorrow morning
True, unfortunately. I can’t skip school again tomorrow, so I have to listen to my stupid alarm. :(
TJBM gets mad every morning when their alarm goes off. >:(
False. I rarely set it.
TJBM is not a morning person.
TJBM is nocturnal.
TJBM has shaved a part of their body in the last 24 hours.
TJBM has bats flying around outside their home at night
I wish, I love bats. I’m strange
TJBM loves being strange.
TJBM has a tattoo(s).
Not unless you count the pencil poke I received as a child. Don’t plan to get one either.
TJBM loves a Renaissance Festival, and always goes in costume!
Hm. I honestly don’t know because I’ve never been to one. (yet)
TJBM has scary neighbors.
TJBM has obnoxious neighbors.
How did you know? O__O
The Jelly bellow me is stalking my neighbors…
Almost. I hired someone to do it for me. I just compile their findings and send them to the FBI, CIA, NSA, Department of Homeland Security…, it’s classified.
TJBM likes to watch cartoons, even as an adult.
TJBM wants to be in a cartoon.
I already am. I live in a Far side cartoon.
TJBM has been procrastinating on something
always procrastinating.
TJBM wants to move to China or Vietnam.
TJBMM addss ann extraa letterr att thee endd off eachh wordd.
TJBM eats olives twice a day
TJBM has a dog or cat that puts away its toys on command. If you do, you’re the next pet toy whisperer!
False, my cat puts his toys in the water dish…
TJBM has a pet that is very human-like.
Well…he’s smarter than your average goose, that’s for sure, how many geese do you know that have a vocabulary and can turn on faucets with their beak? lol
TJBM likes ducks and geese
TJBM still has the original Nintendo Entertainment System lying around.
False. In fact, I never owned a Nintendo. I did own a Coleco though ;)
TJBM is fluthering barefoot.
TJBM plans on getting the Wii U.
no plans
TJBM wants a Samsung Galaxy Tab.
TJBM wants an iPad 2.
TJBM wants to use their iPhone as target practice.
False, don’t have one.
TJBM was wrong about something today.
The Jelly Bellow Me destroyed at least one bee’s nest in his/her lifetime.
False! I love Bees! Infact I have a huge hive in an Oak tree at the edge of my yard and I mist the tree every day when it is hot so they have water and Bee AC. lol
TJBM loves and respects all nature knowing it is a reflection of themsleves
I love nature but not as a reflection of myself but more because I am part of it so if I do something bad it will come back to me in a way or another. [not karma but if you dump garbage everywhere it will start to smell and I’d be bothered by the smell]
The Jelly Bellow Me thinks I’m rude.
TJBM wears glasses.
I should wear them but I never use them ... bad me. :(
The Jelly Bellow Me prefers rock music to classical.
TJBM sleeps with the light on.
No. I can but I don’t. Light doesn’t really bother me when I sleep.
TJBM drinks pints of beer.
Couldn’t be further from the truth. I haven’t drunk the equivalent of one beer in my entire life.
TJBM is content with how the day went.
I am very happy with how my day went.
The Jelly bellow me has a dog:)
False. I have a pair of chinese geese and a siamese cat.
TJBM likes Siamese cats
Yes, especially in Pad Thai Maa-oo.
TJBM has practiced sorcery for years, but still isn’t successful.
False. But I make a pretty mean Voodoo doll just for those that eat Siamese cats. lol
TJBM will get me some of @ratboy ‘s hair and fingernail clipings
Um, false.
TJBM likes techno.
True. And sometimes that new folkie stuff. And whatever that electronic genre is that includes Ulrich Schnauss. Love.
TJBM is hungry for Thai food after reading @ratboy‘s comment above.
mmmmm Thai food, thinking abt it now
TJBM thinks they will order some Thai real soon
False. :(
TJBM is sad that they can’t have Thai Food.
Well, I guess I can….if…shit! Snowberry!!!! You cut in line!!!!!
Not tonight I can’t, but I’ll get it tomorrow if I want it.
TJBM is/was racing against me to see who “wins”!
I’m trying to figure out whose question I’m answering now…
Edit: I cut in line? NOoooooo. I did not! You came on after I got on. I looked. So there.
True. I was racing cuz I was there first!
TJBM wonders what the difference between Thai food and Chinese food is…?
Let’s blame Fluther! deja vu?
There’s all the difference in the world, and IMHO Thai is much classier. But that’s just me.
TJBM thinks I forgot, but I didn’t.
Elephants never forget. ;)
TJBM is an elephant?
I beg your pardon?!!!
TJBM is STILL is wondering what exactly the difference between Thai and Chinese food is…specifics? TJBM really wants to know!
True. XD
TJBM is NOT an Elephant. XD
TJBM is sitting back, relaxing with a beer or drink of some kind in their hand.
@Dutchess_III Thai food is better. That’s the difference. and they use different spices
I’m not much of a beer drinker, but I am thirsty. I think it’s time for some water.
…aaaand we’re at a stand still.
The Jelly bellow me doesn’t want to be at a stand still…
TJBM likes to eat snowberries.
Are they magic snowberries?
TJBM has taken hallucinogenic drugs
Indeed. I had to see what’s the deal with them. I might say they are not bad or good it all depends how you use them.
The Jelly Bellow Me smokes.
False, only three times as a teenager
TJBM likes making pies :-)
Very true, you should see my mile high apple pie
TJBM would enjoy a piece a pie for breakfast
that would be nice
TJBM got their business degree from a Ferengi.
TJBM has seen a snowberry before!
“Common Snowberry is native to the coast ranges, San Luis Obispo north to Alaska and has edible, white berries. (Before you get all excited, they taste like bitter Ivory soap. The Thrashers will eat them when everything else is eaten, but they have a silly gagged look as they choke the berries down. Dazed and confused fits in with everything else around here, though.) ”
TJBM has big plans for the weekend.
TJBM eats snacks all day long.
True, usually.
TJBM is a fan of all three people in my avatar.
False. I’m a fan of no one.
TJBM is making up their answer.
TJBM has been on a business trip before.
Yes, but not my own.
TJBM has been very naughty already this morning
;) Of course. I hit the snooze button three times. Wait, that’s not what you meant?
TJBM is in love with the snooze button.
True, I can’t help but keep hitting it.
TJBM is not a morning person.
TJBM is a night owl
Lately yes, but, once winter hits I’m in bed by 9:30…oh lots of sleep in the winter. :-D
TJBM is noticing that it’s starting to look more like fall
TJBM misses @MilkyWay
TJBM is now hungry for some candy.
TRUE, mmm
TJBM is sad that summer is over
False, I am so ready for a good cleansing storm and the wildfire scene to get doused for another season. Although the temps. are in the 80’s now and it is actually kinda chilly this morning! Bring on fall!
TJBM loves wild stormy weather
TJBM doesn’t like when the days get shorter.
Yep. But I like snow, which bugs my friends and neighbors.
TJBM likes to mow grass.
False. I pay someone to mow, but I LOVE pruning trees and plants and bushes.
TJBM needs to make a phone call in the next 10 minutes
TJBM has a big dog that thinks it’s a lap dog.
MIlo here: I have a big servant but it’s not as friendly or devoted as a big dog.
You are expecting a frost tonight, the first of the season.
False, but, am diggin’ the cooler weather, I actually pulled up my fluffy comforter last night for the first times in months! :-D
TJBM is going to try to cross pollinate some flowers by hand this morning
No, but that is uber interesting to me.
TJBM has a craving to “pollinate” someone specifically
Already done.
TJBM is feeling good
trying my best
TJBM will be glad when people quit wearing sandals.
Why? I could care less what kind of shoes people wear.
TJBM likes wearing sandals
Sandals, clogs, Crocs and bare feet.
TJBM just got the post or mail.
Almost true. I am about to drive to our little country post office to pick up my mail and that of my neighbor’s, who is on holiday.
TJBM is treasuring the snap in the air and the tinge of scarlet on the maple trees.
Actually, although autumn is starting early, where I am there is no snap in the air. It is a beautiful day. I have enjoyed seeing the hint of autumn colour in the trees though.
TJBM loves to visit museums.
TJBM just received a gift.
Yes but I did not take it.
The Jelly Bellow Me like to give gifts more than to receive them.
False. I like to give and receive, a healthy balance.
TJBM likes to make soup in the fall
I like eating soup.
TJBM is unaffected by the fact that it’s Friday Friday, getting down on friday….Partyin’ partyin’
False. I am THRILLED it is a Friday. At our house there is a $1 penalty (put $1 in the “curse jar”) for singing that Rebecca Black song, but we happily sing the Katy Perry (Last Friday Night) chant: “TGIF! TGIF! TGIF!”
TJBM does not wear white after Labor Day.
I wear “winter whites” =)
TJBM is spicing up their relationship
what relationship?
TJBM likes to sleep alone.
Have no choice in it since I am single but if I did I would love to sleep next to a nice man whom I could make love to all night long
TJBM likes to have half awake middle of the night love making
TJBM has never suffered a broken bone.
TJBM has gone out to see a movie this month.
Nope when you move and find a new job there just is no time left
TJBM would like to get pregnant
TJBM is too young to get pregnant. O____O
It’s not the age, it’s the equipment.
TJBM has never left their country of birth.
TJBM is a fan of Fox News Channel
TJBM is a fan of Stephen King.
You’re joking, right?
TJBM is content with life at present.
TJBM is dancing. ;)
Yeah, with my laptop. It’s just me and Toshiba against the world! and that’ll work until the battery runs down
TJBM is going to bed early tonight.
True. At least earlier than any other night this past week.
TJBM has a Friday-night / end-of-the-work-week routine which they love.
TJBM is spontaneous.
Very and perhaps at times, too spontaneous.
TJBM finds it hard to sleep at times.
TJBM is drinking a beer.
I just woke up and I don’t drink that early,
The Jelly Bellow Me prefers cold weather over warm/hot one.
YES! I hate hot weather. Ugh, hate it, hate it, HATE IT!
TJBM has dressed up as a clown at least once.
TJBM likes chocolate covered crickets.
No. Maybe if I was a Gecko.
TJBM knows someone at the Reno air show races My neighbors are there for the week, hoping they are okay after the crash situation.
TJBM has jumped off a cliff.
No. I am scared of heights.
TJBM has learned ball room dancing.
false but if I had a partner it would be something I would love to learn
TJBM Wants eggplant for dinner that you mention it! haha
Actually, it is an awesome, cool, fallish day here, I am thinking of making a big pot of beef with barley soup and cornbread muffins! Yay cool weather! :-D
TJBM makes a mean pot o’ home made soup
I do, I do but I never use anything that has a mother and a father and eyes that blink. So I would settle for mushroom, tomato, barley.
TJBM just heard six different versions of “Fascinatin’ Rhythm ( one sung by Fred Astaire) on NPR.
@gailcalled fish don’t blink!
This jelly has never heard of “Fascinatin’ Rhythm’!
TJBM has a BIG mess to clean up in the kitchen.
@Dutchess_III now how did you know I have been busy blanching and freezing various veggies making lots of pots and pans.
TJBM Hates to do dishes
I hate doing any kind of housework, honestly! But I like a clean house so I just don’t know what do!
TJBM handles pregnancy quite nicely.
If my memory serves me, yes, I did. Considering it’s been almost 25 years since I was pregnant. haha
TJBM needs to go do a mega shopping trip at like 4 different stores
Nope. This Jelly just wants to go back to bed. Is it dark yet? :)
TJBM is in a massive thunderstorm.
False, I wish.
TJBM is eating pasta.
not this time
TJBM likes this week’s games.
What games?
TJBM needs to take a SHOWER.
Yes, yes I do..right after this.
TJBM loves to take nice hot bath in a deep tub of water.
How True…
TJBM drove over 200 miles today
False, about 30.
TJBM wants to know if @blueiiznh has.
True….and hiked a mountain to boot
tjbm has a cute puppy
True, she’s getting spayed soon though :O
TJBM has had a bitch have puppies.
True when I was a child
TJBM is getting a new puppy soon
Nope. We have a dog already.
TJBM has a rodent for a pet.
False. I have had pet rats though years ago. I like rats!
TJBM likes pet rats
My only experience with a pet rat was one that peed anywhere and everywhere. It peed on me, on furniture, you name it. It did not take long for me to get tired of that. Yech!
TJBM is watching a James Bond movie.
False. I am staring out the window, just got home and am starving. I’m too tired to eat. lol
TJBM is too tired to eat dinner
Too tired to cook, yes. I might have the strength to open a bag of chips with some salsa though ;)
TJBM is Fluthering without socks on.
I don’t use socks inside [maybe when it’s really cold outside but even then I like my feet to be “Free” ^^ ].
The Jelly Bellow Me goes to the circus at least 2 times per year.
False just on rare occassions for the kids but it is really fun
TJBM Is going apple picking soon
False. We only have avocado and orange trees on our property.
TJBM has never been stung by a bee.
Well I was. But mainly because I was annoying them.
The Jelly Bellow Me likes bees.
True. Not wasps tho
TJBM likes hugging people
tjbm likes hugging trees
True. I have some magnificent 300–400 year old Heritage and Black Oaks on my property. Several are so huge it would take 3 people to hug them all the way around.
TJBM likes to go to big food events, like Chili cookoffs
True, mmmm tasty good fun
TJBM Likes to make their own homemade chili
True! Mmmm…loaded with red peppers and the trifecta of beans. lol
TJBM has fall allergies
No, but Milo and I sneeze a lot in August.
TJBM thought there were bananas hanging, suddenly, from her flowering cherry tree but discovered the gold finches were back.
Not exactly although I think I had that exact same scenario in a dream once. It was nice. (HIS flowering cherry tree)
TJBM dislikes romantic movies but likes to read books about romance.
don’t do romance
TJBM likes to watch football and thinks that the Twilight series is a huge waste of paper.
Hate organized sports, and yes, I do think the Twilight series is a fluffy literary filler, but, good for the author from a financial perspective. They hit on a goldmine audience of sophomoric romanticists. Compared to sports players I feel any author is far more worthy of being paid well for their “work.”
TJBM LIKES to see others flourish and become successful
True, I love and hope my 2 daughter will be 2 more I get to see
TJBM wants a burrito for lunch
False. I am making BLTS! With pre-cooked bacon lol
TJBM loves BLTS but hates cooking greasy bacon
False I don’t mind cooking bacon because I don’t want the extra preservatives they put in the precooked stuff
TJBM Is enjoying the beautiful fall day we are having today
True! I am SO happy!
My feet were COLD this morning….imagine that! Now it is unfolding into a gorgeous 80-ish degree day. :-D
TJBM has lots of oak trees and falling acorns
False, no trees at all.
TJBM live around lots of beautiful nature.
I think I do….but it’s all relative!
TJBM has lived over seas.
TJBM has tried windows 8
Nope a Mac gal here… now window ever again for me
TJBM cares for someone who doesn’t return the feelings
Hmmm, after a bit of thought, yes. But as you can see, it’s not bothering me. I didn’t send them away; they sent me away.
So what shall I be/like etc .. You forgot to post the jelly bellow me part ^^
TJBM is tired of people trying to end this thread! D:
@snowberry yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy… ^^
Well not really. Some will try but won’t succeed.
The Jelly Bellow Me is listening to classical music.
I’m sooo sorry! If it happens again, ignore me and post as if I hadn’t answered. OK? Please? I’m not trying to end this question; I think it’s awesome. But I’m a little scatterbrained sometimes.
I am not listening to classical music, unless you count the score to the new Thor movie as classical.
TJBM forgives me.
Of course I do, we just move forward no problem it happen to where I had to update mine before.
TJBM made a great dinner tonight
tjbm shoots a mean game of 8 ball
Though I love to play I am not very good
TJBM likes watching a person of the opposite sex bend over when shooting pool
False. And I HATE it when the opposite sex leers at me and acts like I’m being all sexy-on-purpose when I’m simply trying to make a very difficult pool shot.
TJBM has run the table in pool before.
Never… Ever.
TJBM can’t play pool… :(
False, you can’t hate something you’ve never used
TJBM loves to go to the drive-in to see a movie in the summer
The drive-ins are lovely.
TJBM will use windows 8 when it comes out.
TJBM doesn’t want tomorrow to be Monday. :(
I’m ok with it since I am starting a new job
TJBM want an ice cold glass of milk
Yes and as a matter of fact I was just thinking getting one before reading your post ^^
The Jelly Bellow Me likes milk too.
Rice Milk, yeah. Not cow’s milk. I’m not a calf, hehe.
TJBM has consumed chocolate in the last 24 hours.
True, not ten minutes ago
TJBM likes swimming in the sea
False. To much water for this kid.:D
TJBM is enjoying a rainy Monday morning.
I am
TJBM would rather have a real burger instead of a tofuburger.
TJBM is watching a new TV show this week.
More than likely not.
tjbm is deaf in one ear and can’t see out of the other
TJBM needs a Monday jump start
False.might need a Tuesday one soon though
TJBM watches too much tv
TJBM is wondering were milkyway went
Now that you mention it, yes, she was nice. :-)
TJBM is looking out a window with a nice view right now
False. I’m sitting in a room with a tiny window that looks out on an enclosed yard overgrown with ivy.
TJBM hates doing yardwork.
Semi true. Depends on the day.
TJBM is listening to a song that’s making them sad. :(
TJBM likes green tea ice cream
TJBM is addicted to salsa
Tjbm does extreeme sports.
TJBM likes to eat peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon.
TJBM has seen a UFO.
Nope but if you do please let me know, I could use a beaming up..
TJBM loves to wish upon a star
never had done that.
TJBM likes to have this served to him
Er.. I’m not a him..and I have no fondness for ikizukuri dishes.
TJBM is off on another business trip.
The Jelly bellow me loves chocolate milk! :D
TJBM has blown their nose at least twice today.
True. I think I’ve had a sinus infection for about 7 years…
TJBM didn’t use marijuana today. What the what?! Totally unproductive.
I just woke .. I barely went to the bath.
The Jelly Bellow Me likes drama movies.
True, and I like some real-life drama too.
The jelly blow me finds humor in some typos. ;-)
True. I smiled, at least. :)
TJBM does a great impression of someone, and is going to tell us who they do a great impression of. And provide video for our entertainment.
True…...Elmo…Audio may be furnished at a nominal price :D
TJBM was awake before sunrise
TJBM has rode in a bobsled.
False though I have ridden a skido
TJBM reads romance novels
A few.
TJBM thinks ikizukuri (see above) is gross.
True. In Asia ” squid on a stick” is the equivilent of a corn dog in america. Bleh! The only thing worse would be squid wrapped in seaweed, I’m sure it;s been done. lol
TJBM hates squid, clams, oysters, and sushi
TJBM likes egg salad sandwiches.
True, but only if I make them myself. I don’t like anything surprising in my egg salad.
TJBM owns a silver or gold car.
True! and it’s running now in my garage…hi ho silver awaaay!
TJBM is wearing something purple
.yadot sdrawkcab gnihtemos did MBJT
not really,
TJBM is playing ‘airport security’ instead of ‘doctor’.
Is that the one that involves handcuffs instead of a thermometer?
TJBM has noticed the leaves starting to change.
nope, cavity check and pat downs. @ANef_is_Enuf, I have yet to notice.
TJBM is going to do the luge or skeleton.
TJBM is going to do the jellyfish bounce.
TJBM will just watch the Jellylympics at home on TV.
Nope. Sorry,
The jelly Bellow me wants more time for himself/herself.
False. I am single, divorced, child gone….it’s heaven, more than enough time just for me!
TJBM likes to visit observatories
Sorry @Coloma…
Yes I like to visit them.
The Jelly Bellow Me at some point wanted to go into the outer space.
Sure, sign me up!
@Hibernate Nothing to be sorry about, I’ve earned my space.
TJBM would like to go down in a submarine
Did you think I said my child was IN heaven? lolol
She’s alive and well, and I am in heaven having few responsibilities these days.
You betcha!
TJBM refuses to vote.
No. I think having the ability to vote for those who run my country is a privilege. I always vote. Sometimes I don’t think there are candidates worthy of my vote, but I always vote for someone or more particularly a party candidate. (It is also compulsory to vote where I live.)
TJBM has designed their own clothing.
Why yes I have!! I love designing children’s clothing best. Fashion Design was the trade I took up at a trade high school.
TJBM hates bugs
Only Dragon Flies.
TJBM had a bad day. :/
False. Neutral. Nothing really good, nothing really bad..a good space. lol
TJBM is noticing the missing hour of daylight now
This is Alaska. I’ve been noticing them for a while.
TJBM wants summer back! D:
True. I hate the cold.
TJBM is secretly enjoying all the drama going on.
Faaaalse. :( This is all really sad.
TJBM misses Cruiser. :/
Yes, but he’s come back at least long enough to get some help regarding his son.
TJBM knows Cruiser’s new moniker is @CruiserCruiser.
I know now :D
TJBM is happier now.
I am so happy to see he came back to us under @CruiserCruiser
TJBM is sad he had to come back because he had to ask a question about his son…
True. But, I’m sure he’ll work it out.
TJBM would miss me if I went away lololol
True. So don’t go away. Please?
TJBM isn’t going away.
I don’t think so, but I am a great believer in never say never. I am sad to see so many really lovely Jellies leaving though. I didn’t know @Cruiser had come back under a new name to seek advice, but… I hope we helped and I will miss seeing him. He is one of the most genuine, intelligent and lovely jellies.
TJBM has had problems with a child and knows how stressful that can be.
True. My daughter was never in any trouble, but, 16–19 sucked!
It was challenging, to say the least, on an emotional level. I kicked her out of the car once on about a 105 degree afternoon. lol
TJBM has kicked someone out of their car before
True, while playing Grand Theft Auto.
TJBM likes apple pie.
TJBM has seen the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
I haven’t, but I have seen a small part of it.
TJBM has created something in the last week.
Umm… I made a powerpoint on Lyndon LaRouche. Just to piss people off. And for the shock factor.
Alaskans don’t like him, apparently.
Does that count?
TJBM does things just because they think they can. :)
True. In fact, doubting I can is likely to make me try harder.
TJBM has written difficult letters to people in the past.
True. I did that 30 day letter challenge last year, and just the other day went back and read them. I ended up crying, a lot, even looking back.
TJBM is the “rock” in their family.
My family is a collection of rocks, and we make a very sturdy dry wall.
TJBM is about to write his electrician a very large check for fixing Hurricane Irene damage.
TJBM sent at least one email today.
TJBM swims in a mudhole.
No. Thank goodness!
TJBM eats multiple small meals
TJBM pushed something off until tomorrow.
Not today, I am kicking arse!!!!
TJBM needs to get their car inspected.
Soon, yes. Need to do my back brakes and buy new tires before winter, otherwise, runnin’ like a charm. :-D
TJBM hates spending money of car repairs
TJBM is ready for snow.
False, hoping yes.
TJBM is worried about something.
TJBM has misplaced th.eir period
Appears so
TJBM hates ThIs WhEn PeOpLe SpElL tHiNgS.
TJBM thinks @Paul should write us a poem about smurfs
I have been told that I am “formidable yet sincere”...:-D
TJBM is shy
False. Upright and curvy. lol
TJBM is taller than a fire hydrant and shorter than a street lamp
Petite and watching the roundness factor now. lol
TJBM loves honey cornbread
False but it sounds delicious. Yum
TJBM likes wine
True, although i made a choice when I was 10 to never drink alcohol and it’s stayed strong for the last five years.
TJBM is a celebrity.
False, I’m a nobody!
TJBM pees sitting down.
No. I obviously pee standing up, out of my penis. :P Joking
TJBM is sitting in the sun right now:)
False. But I am waiting for the sunset to sit in my cold hot tub. :-D
TJBM has Blackberries growing around their house
I should have if the birds had left me any, but the thorns are still there, ready to puncture me on any area of uncovered skin.
TJBM had to open an expensive can of organic salmon in order to lure her recalcitrant cat inside at dusk, when he apparently had other plans.
False. I JUST lured my cat in with her “Greenie” treats. lol
TJBM is a slave to their pets
more of a slave to my kids and my pets…. I love them all and happy to do all for them
TJBM loves having a close family
True, Family is soooo important
TJBM is deeply, madly in lust with someone
Nope nobody around to lust for
TJBM would like a pumpkin cheese cake muffin
they’re ok
TJBM likes to drink some smurf juice.
Yum, juiced smurf. I only like the smurf juice without the bits though.
TJBM has been to a Broadway show or similar recently.
True, actually on Broadway in NYC last month
TJBM has been to a concert recently and will share who they saw perform.
This was just last weekend, an annual thing just down the road from me a couple miles. :-)
TJBM likes outdoor music festivals
You now it playa.
TJBM likes to say “playa”. :)
I have never talked that way.
TJBM is a big fan of popcorn. How do you like it best?
I don’t like popcorn.
TJBM has a favourite food from their past that they can rarely or never access now and will tell us what it is.
I haven’t had a decent chocolate covered cannoli in 15 years. I’ve never come across one outside of NYC.
TJBM knows someone that knows someone in the Mafia.
False. There is no mafia in the hills of California, only coyotes and rattlesnakes. lol
TJBM has almost been bitten by, or stepped on a rattlesnake
TJBM knows how to type like this.
False. :(
TJBM wants to teach me their ways? :D
TJBM thinks it is fun to type like this!
I want to know how!
TJBM wants to teach me their ways.
TJBM is having too much fun typing like this.
Jimmy the Greek says “Don’t count on it.”
TJBM just ate the last ear of fresh corn for this season and is very sad.
False. However, I did just cache the string bean seeds I dried from my neighbors garden. Next year I am going to plant bean vines in with the morning glories for extra twiney vine action. :-D
TJBM will show us their face in their avatar for a brief few minutes
nope, mine has been in my avatar for months now
tjbm changes their avatar often
TJBM is excited about something
True. I’m excited that my hair is locing pretty quickly! I’ll look like this before I know it (in about ten years lol)
TJBM is sleepy.
TJBM still wants to know how to type like that… :(
To create small type ( whisper ) bracket your sentence with 2 dashes together
TJBM will reply in a whisper
I already knew that. I meant the weird typing that @erichw1504 is refusing to teach me. >.<
TJBM is eating nerds.
@AshLeigh LOL
TJBM is going to wash their car tonight
False. I washed my car yesterday. :P
TJBM is a bad driver.
nope….never had an accident and a damned good driver
tjbm would be better off getting a horse
I have a horse. :P
TJBM wants a horse.
nope they are nice to look at
TJBM is thinking about what pies they are going to be preparing for the holiday season
Not quite yet, but this weekend is supposed to drop into the mid-70’s and I want to bake something or make a big pot of soup.
TJBM is hungry right now
TJBM took a nap today.
Not yet. It is only 10.30 am. I may have a nap later. Still a bit jet lagged.
TJBM has a great way to make themselves stop procrastinating.
A list written down the night before helps. Also I find a way to make it impossible to move forward until I have completed the project. Sort of like self sabotage kicked up a notch.
TJBM likes to make green smoothies.
Yes, but the colour does not matter
TJBM has been to the equator
False. Close but skimmed on by. lol
TJBM has/ had a dog named Skippy
No. But I have a dog named Scrappy. :)
TJBM can’t wait for Saturday:)
I’m patient…only because I have ½ a Saturday every Friday. I work 12 hours on Monday, ergo I only work ½ day on Friday….and I opt to sleep in rather than get off early. O! That’s a good question! Stay tuned!
TJBM Would rather sleep in than go home early. : )
@Coloma .. no. I know how to read punctuation. I said sorry because you are alone now after having a family.
Yes. I’m on the right track!
The Jelly Bellow Me likes Nas’s music.
TJBM will be watching football this weekend.
Watching it now. Friday night football and the Broncos are getting flogged…sighs.
TJBM likes to find interesting and forgotten clips in YouTube.
Hey how are you @MilkyWay?
I’m eating now.
TJBM is happy to vegetate at home today.
<—Going to school in ten minutes. :(
TJBM has a sister. :)
Yes, Gott sei Dank.
TJBM in enjoying his/her classes this new school year.
True, i love the,
TJBM is glad @MilkyWay is back :)
of coures
TJBM would like to see @MilkyWay on a video show.
ummmm sure thing.
TJBM is ready to or already tipped one back
TJBM is please I can now type like this thanks to @AmWiser
TJBM is glad it’s Friday
Yes, very much.
TJBM is/was a Girl Scout or a Boy Scout.
False, I was in the Boys Brigade.
TJBM hates reality television.
TJBM is soooooo happy it Friday
TJBM loves sour gummi worms. :)
Meh..I do like chewy sweet tarts, the originals have been around for about 50 years. lol
TJBM will tell us all the items on the top shelf of their fridge
no I won’t
TJBM dances in the rain (minus clothes).
wish I could but I but I think my neighbors would call the cops so I guess the shower will have to do
TJBM will soon be pouring a glass of wine so we can have one together
It’s Happy brownie Friday over here. Just came in and am going out to sit in my cold hot tub and have a snack. lol
TJBM likes Magaritas
TJBM wears holy underwear.
“Holy” yes, they have halos hovering around them. lol
TJBM has a parakeet
TJBM wears brown and yellow underwear.
False. XD
TJBM wears a SPACEMAN outfit. ;)
No but the little ones want it.
The Jelly Bellow Me discovered [in the last few days] a really nice song that is at least 10 years old.
True, I am always finding new and old music
TJBM knows where the UARS satelitte is going to fall withing 50 miles
On the earth or on the sea but not on ME. I hope !
TJBM has visited the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Nope haven’t visited but got to meet some people who worked there when I was on vaction in Cocoa Beach… Stayed not far from there but the beach was the only thing on the menu that week.
TJBM enjoys going on a winter vacation in FL
Never been there but in the future, who knows, perhaps.
TJBM has a unique fashion trait they like to follow and will let us know what it is.
Of course. I never wear basic colors, and try to wear their “cousin” instead. So, mustard yellow instead of yellow, navy blue instead of blue, and so on. So glad you asked =)
TJBM is inebriated.
Nope, I am Sicilian and Scandinavian
TJBM is inebriated
False. >.<
TJBM is half asleep.
True! It’s 1:47 AM here!
TJBM is using a laptop.
I am.
TJBM has seen a member of the British royal family in person. (Inspired because the Queen is apparently coming here next year. No, I won’t be waving a flag at the side of the road as she passes).
Yes but it was from a great distance. I wouldn’t have seen him but someone said “look there he is [he as in Charles]”.
The Jelly Bellow Me likes learning new languages.
Somewhat, but, I am more a seeker of other knowledge than languages.
TJBM thought the movie “Black Swan” was not that good, considering the hype.
Oh so very TRUE!!!
TJBM will tell us their favorite movie
Yes I will. My favorite movie is “To Kill A Mockingbird”
TJBM was involved in an unusual incident involving food coloring at some point in their life.
Oh.. So many times. ;)
TJBM is excited about something. :)
I’m excited that I got paid today even when they fired me two weeks ago lol
TJBM has eaten something delicious today.
False! and I am about to keel over, haha
12:15 pm in California and I have been on the phone half the morning, ran a few errands and just realized I need food, NOW!
TJBM waits too long to eat
Sometimes I do. I only eat when I feel like eating and there are times when I am feeling anxious and the last thing I want to do is eat. Sometimes I go days without eating anything properly because of this.
TJBM has a shiny new toy.
Does a new house count as a shiny new toy if so then a big YES!
TJBM just got a new job like me
False. But, I was recently solicited for one and that was flattering.
TJBM is amazed at how many people fail to perceive the meaning of a STOP sign. lol
TJBM has rode a Zebra.
nope i’ve never tried that before
TJBM will come to part 25 to play now!!!
Okay, you talked me into it! Off to part 25….....
@MilkyWay Hello, what’re you still doing on Part 24? :P
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