General Question

snowberry's avatar

Why does AARP send applications to people decades too young to join?

Asked by snowberry (28022points) September 14th, 2011

My son who just turned 30 says he has started receiving mail from AARP and I started receiving mail from them 20 years before I was eligible. Will my dog start getting mail from them next? Serious and not so serious replies are welcome, because honestly, I don’t think even AARP has a clue.

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16 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Haha…I was TEXTBOOK AARP solicitated…I got their info. the DAY I turned 50, almost 2 years ago.

Made for a good laugh…WTF!

Maybe they are just covering all their bases, decades earlier now…a new marketing strategy maybe? lol

snowberry's avatar

@Coloma If this is a marketing strategy, you know they’re not spending their money wisely. Makes me think they’re over priced, and their products may not be a good investment.

Coloma's avatar

I agree..I have zero interest in buying into their program.
Besides, it is unlikely I will ever fully retire. lol

Blueroses's avatar

I was just talking to my grandparents about this. My dad has been getting their offers for years and he’s still not 60. We decided it’s brand identity marketing. Make people laugh at silly AARP not knowing you’re too young for their products for several years and by the time you are old enough, their name is firmly in your mind as something you need to have at a certain age.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I think they may do it early so we will be less offended to get their info when we’re old enough to join. Or maybe it’s just lousy mail lists.

marinelife's avatar

They have no reason to market to people too young to join. It is an error.

wundayatta's avatar

I started getting them when I was 48 or 49. They don’t send them as much now that I’m 55. It turns out that I am eligible for a Sr. Citizen discount at my local movie theater! Woohoo!

WestRiverrat's avatar

They just sent me an application. It came the same day as the no contact order from their SD representative. They got it back with a copy of the no contact order.

Let’s see if they contact me again.

Really it just means they don’t have very good people selecting their prospecting lists, they didn’t screen them all properly for age.

srmorgan's avatar

Database marketing is an imperfect process. I sell medicare supplements to people about to turn 65 and we get about a 5% error rate in our solicitations; people who are 73, people who are 46, all kinds of errors. The database source is the Social Security Administration and it boggles the mind to realize how error-ridden their information can be.

As to joining AARP; before retirement I was the CFO of a medium sized company and I encouraged anyone who could join AARP to do so. Why? Their hotel and auto insurance discounts beat anything you can get through other corporate programs and while you might find individual rates on internet sites better than the AARP rates at a given time, the AARP rates are consistent and can be used at any time.

This reduced our travel costs and gave the sales force the opportunity to stay where they wanted, usually near the customer.

snowberry's avatar

Ha ha! My 23 year old daughter said she got an application for AARP a few months ago! I’d say their advertising department is screwed up all right!

Roby's avatar

The AARP is a Liberal organization who want you to vote Democrat. I always tell them to kiss off when sending me material on the net..

Pustic2's avatar

I started getting them at about 45 years old, I’m now 62 and still ain’t joined, and I never will. It’s a Liberal/Socialist organization, and I’ll have nothing to do with it.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s liberal and socialist? I always thought it was rather conservative. If it was liberal and socialist I might have joined. But I’m not retired so what’s the point?

snowberry's avatar

I’m not re-tired, even though I am old enough to join. However, I am too tired.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I got something from them shortly after turning 27.

MIDWESTFD's avatar

anyone catch their Betty White commercial telling us youngins to “get over it” if they target market us? PLEASE! I started getting info from them since I turned 40. MORONS! AND…for the record….I DON’T NEED READING GLASSES EITHER!!! I had an eye “doctor” prescribe bifocals for me without testing my reading. After insisting on a reading exam, he admitted that I passed…WITH FLYING COLORS

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