Social Question

rebbel's avatar

"TV Is Chewing Gum For The Eyes." Can you make your own clever motto on what TV is?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) September 14th, 2011

I saw this slogan this evening on a wall in a television studio, on tv.
According to one answer I found on the net, it means something like: “gum is not feeding you it is only keeping your mouth busy, in turn tv is only keeping your eyes busy.”
Can you make one that is witty, and/or clever?

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19 Answers

tom_g's avatar

TV is diarrhea.

I am incapable of being witty or clever.

ucme's avatar

TV is (for some parents) a babysitter who they don’t have to pay.

Judi's avatar

A place to disappear, and if you’re not careful, it will suck you in and you will never be seen from again!
Sort of like intranet, but without the keyboard.

Nimis's avatar

TV is a vacation for your brain cells.
Does it have to be witty or clever?

rebbel's avatar

Yes, unwitty and/or unclever will be modded down by the witmaster.
So far, so witty and clever!

CWOTUS's avatar

An electronic coffin that you climb into yourself.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It’s like sticking syringes in your abdomen and then calling the paramedics to lecture them on plate tectonics to convince them to help find your cat in the crawlspace.

janbb's avatar

TV is toilet paper for the tush.

ucme's avatar

TV is like Sarah Palin. Easily turned on, makes a whole lotta noise, most of it a croc a shite!!

smilingheart1's avatar

Any of rhe major network affiliate could advertise themselves as “your vegetation station.”

Sunny2's avatar

TV is stupification for the nation!

King_Pariah's avatar

Tv is an opiate for the masses.

marinelife's avatar

TV is pablum for baby brains.

Berserker's avatar

What is that terrible monster who controls your mind with its one eye, and two antennas…television!

No go buy something, quick!

filmfann's avatar

TV: If you can’t afford a life, you can watch somebody elses.

noservice's avatar

Television is a leaky tap. If you listen to it long enough, the dripping sound will drive you insane but, on the other hand, it can also be relaxing at times when you’re in the mood for it.

Berserker's avatar

Television; why people just don’t masturbate anymore. Damn it, go masturbate!

rebbel's avatar


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