Who here, when rereading old answers, has really enjoyed one that turns out to have been written by him or her?
I occasionally find myself rereading answers to old questions. From time to time I will come across one that really interests me, pleases me, challenges me or makes me laugh. And, lo and behold, I discover that I am the author. Any of you feel cock-a-hoop in similar circumstances?
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14 Answers
Cock a hoop?
I’ve done the same thing (I think I’ll do that now), and it was pretty fun, although I hate seeing old answers that I could have said better.
(^^ Look it up. It’s a useful expression.)
I have more often had the experience of seeing a thought-provoking, lively question only to discover that I asked it. That always makes me chuckle.
Um….with over 14,000 responses of mine there are more than just a few bricks in the pile and I cringe when I happen upon them!! I did get to see a few good ones though when @Jude bumped up a few oldies to push me to my 30K mark!
@gailcalled I actually have. I’ve outloud said, “I wrote that?!” :)
I go through a lot of old threads. I’m amazed by many of the discussions we’ve all had here.
Guilty. Of course everything I write is gold.
A few times.
Why did you not put this in Meta, gail?
I can’t see how anyone can read an answer without first noticing who the author is. Whether it’s one of their own or anyone elses. I mean, the avatars are plenty big enough to see & are clearly within view when reading through. So yeah, i’ve liked old answers of mine, but i’m always aware that they’re my own.
[mod says] Moved to meta.
I’ve hocked a coop over a few.
I do.
As @Blackberry said, I also find some that make me cringe. Especially when they have horrendous typos. Sometimes I have written a really great answer, and then there is this word replacement somewhere in there that makes the whole line sound idiotic. Like replacing “thing” with “think” or “an” with “and.” Drives me crazy.
I tend to speed read on fluther; that means I run my eye down the middle of the text and peek at the edges. So that precludes noticing my own avatar. Even for the times that I am actively looking for something I have written, I often miss it.
@FutureMemory: I’m too old to need any excuse, remember?
Technically, no. When I reread old stuff, I’m always aware of the author, unless it’s a Jelly I don’t know. But even then I know it isn’t me.
However yes, I do enjoy rereading some of my old stuff. And then, some other material of mine just makes me cringe. :D
But it has happened on rare occasions that I was reading something I wrote and didn’t realize it was mine at first. But this only happens when I’m looking for something specific, and go through old questions to find it. I usually don’t have time to take in much of what I read until I find what I want, usually a link…but it is kinda messed up when you realize it was your own post. It’s like, whoa dude, that’s me. Lawl.
That’s the closest answer I can give, anyways.
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