What does your pet do that really ticks you off?
We all know how much you love your pets, and how sweet, funny, entertaining, and all around awesome they are. I love hearing adorable pet stories as much as the next person, but I’m curious to know what your pets do that makes you want to rip your hair out.
My basset hound likes to eat every filthy, disgusting thing that she can find. I have a cat that steals bread, and is extremely skilled at breaking into locked cupboards and cabinets to do so. Makes me furious. What about you?
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70 Answers
I cut my dogs a big break because they were abandoned by the guy that thought he could make tons of money breeding them.
If alone in a room, Zuppy “shops” off of tables, and will eat papers and odd plastic things, and will, on occasion, empty the bathroom trash at night. Good thing he’s so cute or I woulda kilt him long since! ;-)
Frank, my kiity: Jumps on the bed at night when I go to sleep. Settles in and sleeps until 2 in the a.m., wakes up, scratches at the bedroom door, and then paws at the backdoor. I let him out. Four in the a.m., he outside my bedroom window on the ledge, meowing to come in. Flumps back onto the bed with me. Snuggles into my armpit (with his grey starfish near my face) or lays across my feet, so, that I can’t move.
I get up in the morning, feeling like crap, and he’s nestled into the rumpled covers, purring.
My cat Inky has a habit of draging small prey into the house, lizards lately, and often very much alive. She could at least kill the darn thing first so it is easier to dispose of.
Just yesterday, Axel chewed a hole in our new $850 rug.
Molly just woke me up (at 5:00 AM.) We have an electric doggy door that opens when she stands in front of it. (a chip in her collar activates it. ) she still wants me to walk her to the door and whines at me until I wake up and escort her. Ugh I’m tired. This was the third time since 11:00 last night.
@Hypocrisy_Central my grandma’s cat used to bring a live chipmunk in the house every day. Once it was a baby bunny, and my sister had to assist me in removing it from the register where it had decided to crawl up inside of and hide. Much harder than it sounds.
@Judi Oh no!! :O
My adorable dawg Penny is totally my shadow, follows me everywhere she does. Now while this is endearing & lovable, it has one teeny weeny drawback. Its called I’ve tripped over her more times than can possibly be healthy!!! Yeah, that’s what it’s called. Can be particularly troublesome when i’m carrying hot cups of coffee, for example…....:¬(
My cat, Chance, occasionally empties the bathroom trash and drags bits of it all over the house. A more common annoyance is that she insists on trying to settle on the desk, directly in front of me, between me and the keyboard/mouse. Most inconvenient.
I used to have a cat that could open any door in our house, except the heavy front door. I had a goldfish in my bedroom, and had to keep my door locked all the time to keep her out. She once opened the freezer door while we were at work, and dragged all of the meat out onto the kitchen floor. Every single pack had nibbles out of it. :/
@augustlan I think all of my cats conspire to ransack the bathroom every night. They empty the trash, they shred toilet paper all over the house, they hop up on the shelves and knock over the baskets, they open the cabinets and drag out everything they can find. It’s insane.
I don’t know why I didn’t think to cite that in the original post.
Here’s a thought… why don’t we ever think to leave the bathroom door shut? Ha.
@augustlan my bathroom door won’t stay shut. My cats are door openers, anyhow. Old house, uneven doorframes.
I got bathroom trash cans with lids. Axel and Molly were both guilty.
Trash cans with lids. I shoulda thunk o’ that!
@augustlan Cats are stronger than people think….they are really space aliens you know. They are here to observe humans, and test them. When humans are deemed safe enough, the cats will report back to the mothership and they will come down and share all their knowledge of the universe. They use their unusual strength when humans are not looking.
@Judi I got one with a lid, too, but she still manages to ransack it. She just knocks the whole thing over, freakin’ cat. I think @Hypocrisy_Central might be right!
Holy sexy legs.
Your cat is so lovable! His face is so handsome.
@Jude Screw the cat, I want to see more of the legs! Holy crap. Okay the cat is cool, but those walking sticks are amazing.
Chews on anything I leave in the back yard. Extension cords, tools, construction materials, even the pool pump. I hate that.
Is all black and likes to sit in dark places, where I stumble into her. Or I get off the couch and she’s right there and I step on her. Unpleasant for both of us (but mostly for her).
For the coup de grace: likes to eat the bathroom trash, particular my wife’s and daughter’s maxi pads, and spread them around. Picking up pieces of your daughter’s used maxi pad is not a good feeling. She also seems to like anything with my semen in it, which also grosses me out.
Is it awful that @cockswain‘s response made me laugh hysterically? Pets are so gross.
The other day she was steadily licking the carpet next to our bed. My wife and I were staring, wondering why she was doing that. Did we spill a beer there or something? No, there would be a stain. We pondered for a bit, then realized exactly what she was happily licking. Just some clear spot on the carpet. You can fill in the blanks.
When my cats were still around I would get pissed off at Zuppy because he wouldn’t clean up the kitty barf. I had to do it. What the hell good is a dog that doesn’t eat cat puke? Geez.
One of my cats sticks his favorite toy in the water dish constantly until it gets so nasty that I have to toss it.
He then finds a new favorite toy…
Well, one of my “girls” throws temper tantrums from time to time when she is feeling neglected. These generally take the form of getting into the trash under the sink and making an unholy mess out of it on the kitchen floor.
My other “girl” seems to have a taste for cat poo. I have to watch her pretty carefully when she stops to “smell the roses” on our walks. Given the opportunity she will gulp down any cat turd she has opportunity to.
Another one of my cats will try to trip you as you walk down the stairs. As you descend the stairs, he will come running from behind you can ever so gracefully make a slight turn right in front of you and continue running down the rest of the stairs.
Milo here; Gail continues to lock me in the house during the hours of darkness, in spite of my clear nocturnal hunting skills.
To add insult to injury, she then goes to bed and appears annoyed when I suggest that we should play a hand of gin rummy, or at least, run on the treadmill together. I ask you, isn’t 3:00AM the perfect time for bonding?
Even when I compromise, jump on the bed and sit on her diaphragm, she gets cross. What happened to “love, honor and obey”?
Yeah – still miss that silly, furry face.
I can be sitting quietly at the computer which happens to be by the living room sliding door and the room will be silent when he will spot someone or a dog walking by outside and suddenly let out a bunch of high pitch barking right behind my seat.. Needless to say, I always want to choke him after I peel off my ceiling.
Lmao. Our male cat has a very rigid routine that he follows every day. In the morning, he feels compelled to jump on our kitchen counter (where he’s not allowed) at every opportunity. He doesn’t respond to scolding, but if we stand up he immediately jumps down because he knoooows he’s being bad. He’s probably up there at least ten times every morning, getting his litter box paws on the surface where we prepare food. Then he gets bored with it and he curls up on the couch – always the center cushion – and goes to sleep for most of the rest of the day. I don’t hate that part. xD
@Pandora ; Axel is the quiet one, but he will tease Molly with a toy and she will start with that high pitched barking. It is just the right pitch to cause my hubby severe pain! He yells at molly, but Axel started it.
@Judi Yeah, the only thing that saves him is that I know the high pitch can’t be helped since he is a little dog. He use to do it if I was napping as well. He learned real quick its best to give just a gruff sound instead. I never find it funny when he does it to me but I can’t stop laughing when he does it to my husband and then comes running behind my legs for safety. LOL
My dog won’t get off from Fluther. I think he’s using the name Wundy? Blackberry?
Maybe Bob? ( Kidding! )
When he was alive, my Japanese spitz named Pags, would be missing. I would find him in a neighbor’s house humping the beautiful female dog there. Like master like dog, I guess. Lol.
Both my cats seem to have a competitive streak with each other, who can rake ( claw ) the carpet the loudest :-/ Usually just after they’ve eaten…. I really wouldn’t care so much but they have scratching post in almost every room, besides that they both come & go as they please… The little buggers…….
They drop their smelly shit in a box, instead of using the toilet like good kittehs. =0)
I miss my kitties, turds and all… :(
The one thing my dog does that annoys (and confuses) me, is licking the bed. She will lick and lick in one spot until it’s sopping wet. Then she’ll move on to another patch. I have no idea why she does this.
I don’t have a pet at the moment but one of my aunt’s cats likes to leave his hair on my pants. He enjoys it since he can leave a bunch of hair and not swallow them. I don’t mind it that much but I always have to brush it before I go to her since he leaves a lot of hair. If I forget people on the street will look with not so nice eyes toward me.
@Hibernate your aunt’s cat doesn’t shed deliberately, you know. :)
Believe me he does it. I like sport clothes and the type of pants I wear can sustain a lot of his hair. I am the only one to which he comes to do it. he doesn’t do it with anyone else. I know he likes me but still :) I do not like his hair.
My dog has a problem right now holding his pee. If he gets startled and barks out, he pees. If he gets excited for someone coming home, he pees and often times as he runs. He needs to be let out every half hour or hour or else there are puddles. We know he can’t help it but it’s a disaster to look over the expanse of tile floor and see… puddle!
My dog also doesn’t want to drink water from bowls on the floor. He’s always thirsty and will “harf” beside the sink and sigh loudly until you pick him up and let him drink the running sink water from your cupped hands. He’ll paw us beside the bed to wake us up to give him water.
My mom’s cat is old and is now peeing in my mom’s room which make our entire house stink like cat pee which to me, is one of the worst smells ever. I absolutely love our house but the smell is atrocious and I can’t wait until the cat is gone so we can replace the carpet in that room.
@Neivzestnaya, Molly has a pee problem too. She’s 14 and just lies there and suddenly there is a puddle under her. She has medicine, but if I miss one dose we’re in trouble. I am not sure if it’s her bladder or her sore hips so she doesn’t want to get up or a combination of both. Poor girl.
@Judi: My dog has been diagnosed with urinary crystals which are treatable but from all I read up on it, it’s also a recurring problem. He is also over 10yrs old with one bad knee joint which pains him along with a crippled foot. Either or all combined, these things could have something to do with us. Poor animals. Poor us. Gotta love our little pee pots.
@Adirondackwannabe Screw the cat, I want to see more of the legs! Holy crap. Grasshopper, do not get caught up in all the leg splendor or you will miss all the superb sexiness in the voice. You did miss that, didn’t you?
@Jude Oh, my tookus is frosted now. You actually got him to sleep in a cat bed!?! I bought Splotch (RIP) a bed and she as well as the others just thumbed their nose at it, no matter what I lined it with, toys, treats, cat nip, etc.
I have to say I no longer have any pets but I used to keep scorpions (primarily form the Buthidae family) that delighted in stinging me, and that really pissed me off as it was incredibly fucking painful.
@Hypocrisy_Central while I agree that @Jude has an adorable voice, I have to side with @Adirondackwannabe due to the fact that her legs make me think inappropriate things. I’m done talking about it now, but damn.
@ANef_is_Enuf Like your eyes can do to people? [SLAP SLAP] Quit thinking those things!!! To myself
I’ve heard the voice before, so I could handle it. The legs were another matter.
No matter where we go together ,my dog with drop a huge greasy turd right after she gets out of the truck. really?
Our dogs. The one on the right is Bear. He doesn’t listen well and loves to run and chase after anything. Every night when I let him out to pee he chases something into the cornfield and doesn’t return until 20 minutes later. He never does this during the day, it’s only at night. He will also take any food left on the kitchen counter if it is left unattended.
The dog on the left is Spot. He listens very well, but he has a very annoying habit. He likes to turn around and face his butt towards us. I’ll often end up with his butt on my knee, or worse, his butt near my face if I am laying on the couch. ugh
My kitties like to chase each other around in the apartment. Pisses me off when they knock shit over. I lost a good lamp because of them.
Also, I know it’s a sign of love and approval, but I’m not fond of them bringing dead birds and small rodents by the back door.
I keep thinking it would be kinda funny if some day, I went to take out the garbage or something, and found some dead guy on the back steps lol.
Gawd how big are your Kitties?
Two full grown males. Had a pic link but it ain’t working. :( Imma try to fix it.
@Symbeline The cats woman, the cats! Still waiting here.
Our cat hiding half-eaten mice somewhere behind our furniture. The first time we notice it’s because of the intense, pungent smell. The we have to find the source. Where exactly does the smell come from? Our cat never tells us.
@mattbrowne Our cat hiding half-eaten mice somewhere behind our furniture. Did you check your cat’s laptop to see if my cat is on your cat’s friends list? I think they are posting tips to each other’s wall.
My dog is (I believe) currently attempting to eat herself. She’s been grooming for so long that it has become creepy, in a strange, animal NSFW kind of way. I think she’s gone past the grooming stage and is doing something entirely different.
The reason it “ticks me off” is more of an annoyance factor. She’s making this godawful slurping noise and it’s going on ten minutes now. It’s like, “OH MY GOD! If you lick it for too long it’s gonna fall off! Stop it!”
That is funny. A lot of people would be jealous of a dog that can do that ;p
Heck, I jealous that I can’t do that!
OTOH, I’d probably never leave the house…
Maybe, but it was just disturbing for her to lay there, indulging in… that… for so long. I had to leave the room, lol.
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