Meta Question

Lightlyseared's avatar

Is the lurve quota for GQ's different from the lurve quota for GA's?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35121points) September 15th, 2011

I gave someone lurve for a GQ recently who I am quite sure I had maxed out the lurve with but their total went up and continued to go up when I gave GQ’s but not when I gave them GA’s. Has anyone else noticed this?

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15 Answers

janbb's avatar

it is confusing to me too; sometimes it seems like it doesn’t go up and sometimes it seems like it does.

rebbel's avatar

Apparently it is.
I GQ’d this question I’m pretty sure that I maxed out on you ages ago and you went up from 21209 to 21212.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@rebbel And that’s a palindrome which is cool

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I hadn’t noticed, but now I will be watching.

rebbel's avatar

@Lightlyseared If I GA you now and I was not maxed out on you Jellies would wonder where that palindrome is.
By the way, I love them too…, I always wait expectingly to see that number go to a nice palindrome!

Vunessuh's avatar

I have found that you can give 20 GA’s and another 20 or so GQ’s per person until you max out. So, if you max out on GA’s, you can still GQ them and vice versa. They register separately as far as points go.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Also does the lurve for being followed tends to count differently too?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Lightlyseared I think it does. I’ve seen my number go up when people I’m certain maxed out on me long ago began to follow me.

jrpowell's avatar

That is how we gamed the system to time peoples milestone threads. There isn’t a limit on Great Questions unless they recently changed it.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@johnpowell i think they may have changed it.

janbb's avatar

But there must be a max for GQs ‘cause I just got a GQ for an old question with no increase in lurve.

jrpowell's avatar

I just checked and it didn’t work so it must have changed.

Vunessuh's avatar

@janbb I think it works the same as GA’s. After five GQ’s on one question, the points no longer register.

janbb's avatar

@Vunessuh Makes sense that it works that way but I never understand the reasoning for that rule.

erichw1504's avatar

You are pregnant.

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