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JLeslie's avatar

Democrats and Independents: if John Huntsman gets the nomination will you consider voting for him?

Asked by JLeslie (65978points) September 15th, 2011

He seems to me the most viable Republican that can draw a lot of Independent votes, and capture some of the Democrats.

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14 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

I don’t think he will get out of the primaries. He doesn’t have the funding or the name recognition some of the other candidates have

jrpowell's avatar

If Obama chose Perry as a VP I might consider it.

marinelife's avatar

No way!

“The vast majority of his plan has nothing to do with creating jobs, at least in the short term. He focuses heavily on “regulatory reform,” which sounds like some non-ideological effort to streamline government but is mostly code for pandering to the Tea Party. Huntsman would repeal the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and the Affordable Care Act. He would “Dramatically Rein In The EPA” and “Curb The Excesses”—meaning eviscerate the essential regulatory power— of agencies like the National Labor Relations Board.”

The Nation

phaedryx's avatar

I suspect he has his sights on vice-president on the republican ticket.

Jaxk's avatar


All very positive points but there must be something you don’t like about him.

jerv's avatar

Nope. Buddy is looking pretty good though. Too bad they won’t invite him to the debates.

marinelife's avatar

@Jaxk Ha, ha, ha. One man’s positive points are another woman’s horror stories.

SpatzieLover's avatar

He won’t make it. He just doesn’t have the backing/support. I’ll be voting for Obama unless he completely does something out of his character which I don’t see happening.

filmfann's avatar

I understand he has some issues against the Gay Community. He looks good in the debates, though. Probably cause that isn’t a hot button there.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann I wasn’t aware of that. Are any of the Republicans running in the primaries for gay marriage?

Aethelflaed's avatar

Not unless my only other option was someone more right of him. I don’t like his fiscal policy, stance on corporations, or his pro-voucher stance, and his support for restricting abortion rights severely is a dealbreaker. I like him more than Rick Perry or Michelle Bachman, but that’s really not saying much.

jerv's avatar

@JLeslie I think they kick you out of the party for that sort of thinking.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@jerv Last I heard, Dick Cheney hadn’t been kicked out of the party… though admittedly, you couldn’t run with that in your platform. :P

tedd's avatar

The only two Republicans I would consider voting for (of the current crop) are Huntsman and Romney (and frankly I think Romney is their only chance to win the election).

That said, I doubt I vote for either over Obama.

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