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Pandora's avatar

Do you find spelling some easy words to be more difficult as you are getting older?

Asked by Pandora (32595points) September 15th, 2011

When I was growing up I was fantastic at spelling. If I saw a word one time, I had no problem recollecting how to spell it. Lately I find myself getting fustrated because I occasionally will forget how to spell a word. I, know it can be blamed on text speech (used on my phone) or even the laziness of using spell check, but I am beginning to wonder if its just a common thing as I age. Yesterday I had to look up how to spell pour. I knew it wasn’t poor or pore but I couldn’t remember for the life of me that it was pour.

And why is it I have an easier time remembering how to spell complex words but a harder time remembering the smaller ones?

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30 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I always chalk it up to spellcheck being so readily available, and my being out of school for so long.

I relate.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. I think it is for multiple reasons. Probably I do have some neurons not firing as well as they used to. Texting. Around many people who write in British English. Around Spanish speaking people a lot. After a while I am not sure what looks and sounds right with all of these things going on at once.

Nullo's avatar

Same here. I blame the Interwebs and bad translations of my manga and anime.

cookieman's avatar

Yas aye doo.

Seriously, I actually find myself completely blanking on simple words – as if I’d never spelled it before. It happens infrequently and only lasts a few seconds, but it’s a bit scary.

fizzbanger's avatar

For me, it’s due to studying a foreign language. Makes me have to think about English words longer because my mind wants to spell out a transliteration of how it sounds.

LostInParadise's avatar

I chalk it up to healthy skepticism. When you are young and don’t know any better, you accept the spellings. As you get older, you think, “That that doesn’t seem right. No reason why it should be spelled that way.”

Coloma's avatar

Sure, midlife dementia creepeth up.

I forget words, lose my car, see things that aren’t there and overall just humor myself when the ‘moments’ show up.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Actually, though I’m still young(”-ish” my wife is chiding me), I think I’ve been getting better as I’ve aged, but then there was a significant amount of room for improvement to begin with. However, my wife would certainly stipulate to the fact I’ve got a long way to go. Curiously I seem to be better with spelling in Japanese even though learning it has been torturously slow.

jerv's avatar

Not exactly, but my typing skills are deteriorating so the net effect is teh same.

HungryGuy's avatar

Maybe your brain is getting full and can’t hold any more words…

janbb's avatar

Yes – I have noticed that and it really worries me. I thought it was Alzheimer’s starting.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I was a spelling bee champ and find it very frustrating when I forget how to spell a word.
Then I forget that I forgot and all is well

flo's avatar

Yes @Pandora you’re not alone at all. But I understand we need to keep the brain more and more active as we age.

gondwanalon's avatar

It could be a brain tumor. Just kidding. But seriously perhaps over the years spelling simple works has become not important to you and you subconsciously dismiss them or blow them off as too elementary for you to bother with anymore. On the other hand you may find that spelling more difficult words more important to you and may even enjoy the challenge that they present.

I seem to be the opposite of you with spelling. Spelling has always been a struggle for me and I seem to continually improve with my spelling skills. However my improvement is due mostly to brute repetition and not so much that I give a hoot.

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CWOTUS's avatar

Not really. S-o-m-e e-a-s-y w-o-r-d-s… it’s as simple as it ever was.

I’l lett yu no iff it getz hardr az i git oldr.

JLeslie's avatar

Today I didn’t know how to spell role, roll, role, roll????

Cruiser's avatar


I do think that people increasingly are relying on spell check and lose the on-board brain ability to spell with confidence. We now expect a spell checker to save out butts as we go.

JLeslie's avatar

@Cruiser I don’t think that is it for me. I don’t think spell check affects that I am losing my ability to spell. The spell check thingy on this IPad spells all sorts of words I never intend to write.

Pandora's avatar

@hungryguy. So its ditching the simple words! However, I will take that as a reasonable explaination. Oops, too many letters. I feel 3 four letter words bidding adieu. LOL, Oh, I know adieu had to cost me something as well. Shit! I have to stop.

gailcalled's avatar

@Pandora: Psst… explanation

Pandora's avatar

@CWOTUS LOL What was sad was the my brain had no problem interpreting your misspelled words.

Pandora's avatar

@gailcalled Oops, slipping more. LOL, at least I know now I didn’t sacrifice 3 small words. I’m going fast.

Pandora's avatar

@Jleslie Oh, goodness. I never thought of that. I don’t know how many times my iphone decides I didn’t mean one word over another and I get question marks for replies. Then I have to be certain that I follow through on typing the entire word. Like if you type a word like suck and it may decide you meant duck or luck.

gailcalled's avatar

or dick or lick. It’s tricky.

Pandora's avatar

@gailcalled LMAO, that can totally convey a different feel. Imaging the reverse. You go to say, I am licking my lips. See how it can really go wrong.

Pandora's avatar

Thank you all for your answer, it’s nice to know I have company. I think the only thing that has kept me from going completely down hill is being able to write on fluther so often. It at least keeps me in practice. Especially since, people don’t write letters any more and I really hate texting or texting long messages. Its a challenge sometimes to not accidentally hit a wrong letter next to the letter I intended to touch.

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