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poisonedantidote's avatar

What small changes could you make to your day to day life to help increase your metabolism?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) September 16th, 2011

You could take the stairs instead of the elevator, you could walk instead of drive and you could wash the dishes by hand.

What else could you do?

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17 Answers

ucme's avatar

Instead of taking our cars, I could give the wife a piggy back ride to work. Yeah, that would work.

Hibernate's avatar

A lot of movement. Stop eating junk food.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Walk everywhere you can.Mostly away from the refrigerator ;)

mrrich724's avatar

Take whatever you eat, divide it up into smaller meals throughout the day. So your body is constantly digesting.

Also, drinking really cold water causes your body to work over time to warm you back up.

But these are small VERY small steps compared to going to the gym, LOL

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Maybe the corn broom and a dust mop on the floor instead of the vacuum?

snowberry's avatar

If driving, park as far away from the door to wherever you are going as you can.

downtide's avatar

Walk more. Don’t use the car for trips less than a mile and a half. If you are not mobility-impaired, you can walk that in 20 minutes.

Cut out high-glycemic food (basically processed carbs).

Seaofclouds's avatar

Being sure to eat breakfast to get the metabolism up and running in the morning. There are also many foods that help to up the metabolism (balsamic vinegar for example).

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Have pre packed snacks and for the day.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, walk more and, if possible do a concentrated 30 minutes or more of exercise in the morning.
Morning exercise boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day.

GladysMensch's avatar

Allow yourself to be cold as much as possible. Keep your thermostat a few degrees lower than comfortable. Don’t use the heater in your car. Wear less clothing than you normally would for the weather. Take walks in the winter wearing a t-shirt. Being cold forces your body to use energy to warm itself.

JLeslie's avatar

For the most part your metabolism will stay the same with very minute adjustments. What you will do is burn more calories if you are more active. However, if you build some muscle it will increase your metabolism. Most people have metabolisms in the normal range, what varies is how well they eat, how much they eat, and how much energy they expend,

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, and I completely disagree with keeping yourself cold. Cold triggers the body to hold onto fat and crave calories.

YARNLADY's avatar

Walk more.

Paradox1's avatar

Be active. Do small sets of pushups or other exercise throughout the day if you can. Even sets of 10 here and there will help, or jumping jacks. Maintain good posture. Don’t be inactive for too long. Be sure to eat a complete breakfast, as eating signals your metabolism to rise. It may help to eat several smaller meals or snacks throughout the day. I aim for 5–6 “meals.” This means I eat smaller breakfasts but I eat two of them, a small lunch, then a snack, then another small dinner and maybe some fruit later an hour or two before bed.

Also I just read that if you drink water it helps. BUT if you can drink every glass of your 8 glasses of water iced, you will burn 10 more calories a day, and this equals a pound per year, just for putting ice in your water! Hey, you asked for small things! (Also try chugging 16+oz of ice water when you wakeup too, your body needs to boost to maintain temperature and this raises metobalism)

funkdaddy's avatar

- stand instead of sitting when doing something basic
– drink more water than you think you need
– eat small meals, often
– protein with every meal
– carbs early in the day (just meaning less in the evening/night)
– mild stimulants (small amount of caffeine for example, green tea has caffeine and other compounds which are said to raise your metabolism significantly)
– exercise (obvious)
– adequate rest (not so obvious)
– lower stress

woodcutter's avatar

Stop needing pain killers, or in my case now, pain reducers. Everything would move through soooo much faster. So I can deal with slow met, or deal with being an old miserable bastard with normal metabolism. Decisions, decisions :/

I give this a GQ ,Poison A

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