Social Question

Jude's avatar

Do you tell your friends that you love them?

Asked by Jude (32210points) September 16th, 2011

Or am I just a freak?

(I mean, when you really care).

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33 Answers

YoBob's avatar


lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I do and I mean it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yes, of course.

JLeslie's avatar

Some of them.

Kardamom's avatar

Absolutely, in both words and deeds!

Hibernate's avatar

Yes. Not on a daily basis but when I tell them I love them I mean it and they know it how much I appreciate their love/support/help/etc.

Blackberry's avatar

No way. I don’t even tell people that I love that I love them lol.

wundayatta's avatar

yes—depending on how close a friend they are

Ellis1919's avatar

Yes, but not often enough.

whitenoise's avatar

I do, if I do.

redfeather's avatar

Always. I always save drunk texts from my best friend because he’ll send 4 in a row, all describing how much he loves me. They’re sweet in an insane, drunk way. And they’re good for embarrassing him later.

tinyfaery's avatar

Not typically. I only real say I love you to my wife, my niece and nephew and my animals. I’ll say it to other family, rarely, and I’m not sure I always mean it.

I’m more of a person to do things to show my love. Love is just a word until it is proven.

beccagolling's avatar

Yes all the time. I make sure they know it too. >:D Lol.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes. I also show them with kindness and gifts.

tranquilsea's avatar

I rarely do. I try to show them instead.

GialloBubble's avatar

I always do! Because I will never know what will happen to them. And of course, a different kind of love and people like to know they’re being loved.

Londongirl's avatar

I don’t normally… a bit embrassing to say it…

AshLeigh's avatar

All the time:)

perspicacious's avatar

Yes, sometimes. Just my two best friends. My bestest friend hears it everyday.

Earthgirl's avatar

Not all the time, but especially when they are going through a hard time and I think they need to hear it. OTW it is mostly on the phone or texting, not in person. It’s something I say when I am saying goodbye, “I love you!!!” or “love you” (more casual)

DominicX's avatar

I do. It’s more of an “Aww, I love you guys!” kind of thing, though. It might seem a little “light”, but I do mean it.

Berserker's avatar

Not often, but sometimes. But only a few people, two particular friends. And I feel all weird when I do, but still feels nice letting them know lol.

shego's avatar

Of course I do, my bestfriend and I were practically raised together. So she’s basically my family. So I tell her I love her, because I do.

rooeytoo's avatar

Only my husband. I thought it was sort of an age thing. I see the younger ones on FB constantly saying “I luv u” or something similar. It amazes me. I don’t think I even considered whether or not I loved my friends and I absolutely cannot imagine saying it!

Interesting how things change. I don’t believe it was prevalent at all when I was younger, not that just I didn’t do it.

augustlan's avatar

Yes. Love freaks, unite!

sliceswiththings's avatar

Yeah, but it feels kind of weird. One friend lives overseas and we talk every couple weeks, so it’s easier at the end of those talks. Now she’s in the States for a visit and we’re talking every couple days, but she’s still saying it! I’m glad she is, because I’d worry it’d be overkill if it wasn’t after a long talk.

lonelydragon's avatar

As a teenager, I said it more often, but now I only say it to a few people. Even then, I keep it light (i.e. “Love ya!”). I just feel weird saying it. I would rather show it with my actions.

tranquilsea's avatar

Ok, perhaps for the first time ever I told my best friend that I loved her. We’ve been dealing with a manipulative and dramatic friend (soon to be ex-friend) who loved to try to play us off one another. We know one another too well to let that happen. Her issues have been draining on the both of us and we both realize just how much we appreciate our friendship.

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