What do you resent?
When forced to think about it, most people have something they resent. Even on a small level. Maybe parents that were not there for you, a sibling that wrecked something you cherished, etc. Sometimes people resent themselves, they should have taken that shot to work with that budding theater company instead of racking up a college debt being an engineer, which you now can’t stand. What do you resent, and why do you resent it?
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50 Answers
People who don’t proofread their questions after they write them.
Pregnant women.
Family court.
I don’t feel like I have to elaborate, the reasons seem pretty obvious.
@ANef_is_Enuf Why resent pregnant women if you can have children of your own?
Not sure why you assume that to be true.
Most women who do not like mothers, kids, or pregnant women is because it reminds them what they can’t have. Like the single person who recent couples.
Doctors who don’t take an interest in my health problems.
Drunk jellies on serious questions.
People who hold onto long grudges over things that are not life and death.
@Hypocrisy_Central yes, that is correct. I’m not sure what you’re questioning about my response.
@ANef_is_Enuf I do not often run into young women who hate pregnant women. Usually it is older women whose baby cave dried up before they could have one, or was barren from the start Curious because it seemed odd to what I am accustomed to running by.
Opinionated people who let their views twist their questions.
Unruly children…..
Immature Parents who are blind to wilful behaviour of said children….
I try not to be judgemental, which is under dispute on another question right now.
I think resenting others requires being a bit judgemental.
That said, I fail here, and admit being resentful of people who have obviously been blessed with great jobs, marriages, and riches, who still complain about life. They should recognize how amazingly blessed their lives are.
Also, Hackers.
I resent people who criticize my decisions without knowing what it’s like to be in my shoes.
Hypo, you need a lesson in reading comprehension I think.
Lets take a look at what was said:
@Nef: Pregnant women
@Hypo to Nef: Why resent pregnant women if you can have children of your own?
@Nef to Hypo: Not sure why you assume that.
Nef is saying that she’s not sure why you assume she can get pregnant.
Yes, she is relatively young. That doesn’t mean she’s automatically fertile, or necessarily in a position (economically, psychologicially, or otherwise) to have children at the moment.
Oh, @Mariah , I’d give you about 10 GAs for that one if I could.
OK, @Joker94 , I’ll take that one on the chin, but you gotta admit, HC is pretty typo prone…
There are people that make the occasional spelling/grammar mistake, and then there’s Hypo.
Tall men with great hair.
I resent whiners with a warped sense of entitlement….smarmy liars too.
Oh, thought of another. People who create computer viruses.
Coworkers assuming if they tell me they’re putting an object down that I’m supposed to 1) give a damn, 2) watch that item for them.
Coworkers who make 3–5 times as much money as I do asking me for spare change, gum, if I have any snacks or hovering when I have a lunch or dinner. (I’m forced to eat at my desk in front of anyone and everyone).
Customers who give me hateful attitude when I tell them our business doesn’t have free bottled water, a tow truck service or a shuttle driver on their beck and call.
Spouses and SO’s who call the business line when their partners don’t pick up on celly or text as if they don’t know the nature of our business and let their partners try to make a living.
People who for some stupid reason, once they get into public business they feel it’s safe to let their kids run around unattended, let the kids make messes and then don’t bother to pick up after their kids.
Shitty parents.
Men who play “the game” to exploit women.
Women who continually fall for it though they know better.
Bureaucratic, arbitrary clusterfucks.
Pissant blokes who hit women
Anyone who abuses a child in any way
Moaners/miserable bastards
People that claim they’re good and virtuous.
People that have no respect toward aesthetic beauty.
People that insult others with devious tricks and wouldn’t admit it.
Sentimentalism, narrow-mindedness, anti-pragmatism, anti-hedonism, and immaturity.
Sugar, anchovy, ginger, and chocolates.
Women who don’t want to be my sex slaves and live in my cage at the foot of my bed :-p
Now who gave me lurve on this answer above??? :-p
me i believed you truly honestly resent that a little :)
What! I resemble that remark!
I resent lazy people saying “It must be nice!” when you share some good fortune with them…good fortune that came about because you worked your ass off to get it.
I guess I resent going into a place of business, whether it’s a store or a restaurant, and getting treated as though I don’t exist or matter, or as if my mere presence is an intrusion or a problem for them.
I resent people who don’t want to work, even though they are able too, and just sit around living off of our taxes.
Oh, a lot of people. Actually only one in a big way. I resent anyone who honks at me. I resent people who have cars that work. Friends who think my life is easy just because I don’t talk about my problems. People who can’t hold their tempers. Anyone who ever dates any of my exes.
Oh, I’ve got one! People with bad texting etiquette. Drives me nuts.
Oh! Yeah @Joker94! People who text constantly when they’re supposed to be visiting you.
Wal Mart putting the bottles of Crown Royal behind one particular register where it usually seems someone with two carts of groceries is ahead of me.
….Walmart sells liquor? Oh…you’re not in Kansas Toto!
Isn’t there a difference between resentment and dislike for something?
I dislike a ton of stuff listed here, but some of it seems like the sort of thing that would be difficult to resent, but definitely easy to dislike. Am I wrong? Are the words more similar in definition than I understand?
Oh, people who think that ordering the same thing as them in a restaurant is just the worst thing ever. Seriously, is it that big of an issue?
This fucking Jennifer Aniston movie my wife is watching right now.
Students who walk into my classroom with a “you have nothing to teach me” attitude then proceed to disrupt class because my time and knowledge means nothing to them, and the parents that support that then still expect me to be accountable for their kids’ test scores.
yep. I’m SO much more appreciated in the jail, @linguaphile…they’re all HS dropouts who figured out what they’re missing.
@Dutchess_III That sounds like the true definition of “captive audience” on several levels! :D
Yes, it is! PLUS I can thrown a “kid” smooth outta class with no repercussions! Just say “Hey guards! Get him outta her and don’t ever bring him back!!” Although I’ve never had to do that yet, it’s nice to know I can.
I resent a lot of things. One of them has to do with people in my life. I won’t elaborate too much here and you’ll excuse me for it.
Kids who think it’s badass to play “the choking game” and then end up seriously hurting themselves, sticking their families with thousands of dollars in emergency hospital bills, parental guilt and fear the kids then capitalize on.
@Neizvestnaya I can’t even imagine being the parent of a kid that would do something so twisted. Yuck.
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