What would be a reason for you to leave Fluther?
Asked by
Jude (
September 17th, 2011
A disagreement with a fellow jelly, boredom, not enough time, or perhaps, your favorite people are leaving and the place just isn’t the same?
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50 Answers
I’ve left and come back a few times. The reasons I left are varied. Once, I got fed up with the censorship moderation. Another time, the flame wars (can’t express an opinion without the PC crowd calling you “ignorant”). I came back the last time when I started getting flooded with emails after reaching 10k lurve in my absence (who knew I was so popular? :-p
I’d probably leave only if other things came to the forefront. Kind of like they are now – hence my less-frequent presence.
@Seelix Yep, I feel the same. I’m thinking about jumping ship, too.
Wow, I guess the prior question from today has been removed.
I will leave when this site isn’t fun anymore.
Flame wars resulting from difficult questions do contribute to making this site less fun.
Losing valued contributers make this site much less fun.
When I pack my bags, I doubt I will say why on here. I will probably explain to anyone on Facebook, or whatever social site I am haunting.
I get bored when I see the same questions over and over, so I participate less and less.
Dunno. I sometimes feel that it’s time to leave so I just do it with no prior notice or anything. But if others try to contact me I explain but I prefer them not to share with others. Anyway I usually am the last one leaving so you are stuck with me for now ^^
A while back I left because of my numerous amount of classes. When it turned out that they weren’t so bad, I came back.
I think the only reason I’d leave now is if life got too busy for computer time. I do get really bored here sometimes, but I don’t see it as a reason to leave. There are always people looking for answers and I’d like to be around to give at least a little input.
Plus, there are a few jellies that I adore.
I can’t imagine anything making me want to leave, but if things in my life needed more of my attention, that would probably do it. As the manager, I’ve seen every drop of the good and the bad around here, the best and the worst. The pros still far outweigh the cons, by a mile, in my personal opinion.
FWIW, I know why the two most recent departures left, and it has nothing to do with the site itself. Obviously, I won’t break any confidences, but suffice it to say they had very specific personal reasons.
Well, I’m already two people down on my “I stay here because of him/her list”, so we’ll see. There are about 7 more people on that list and if they bail, I’m out.
I hate it when people that I like decide to leave! :*(
When I’m no longer amused; I’m easily amused.
If my job changes to where I’m not in front of a computer with time to kill.
I’d leave if my time on here encroached on my time with my loved ones and friends. I’m able to strike a pretty good balance which is why you don’t see me on here all the time.
I’d leave if it stopped being interesting here, if my circumstances changed (like how I no longer have internet at home, so I mostly check Fluther while working, which was where I did most of my Fluthering anyway), or if part of it was actually causing me stress.
If it affected my personal, non-internet life.
I like reading on here. So even when you don’t see me, I’m here.
There’s no reason not to read. If participating gets tiresome, I’ll stop.
As for others leaving…I realize for some, it’s better for them if they go…and maybe they won’t be so nice to others if they stay.
Honestly, at the moment, I can’t readily think of a significant reason why I’d leave Fluther. It’s one of my most favorite destinations on the Internet and the best Q&A site I’ve ever been a member of (and I’ve been a member of several other ones).
If I couldn’t get my hands on a computer!
If all my good jelly friends left. I’m down too many already.@Jude, please think it over.
My girlfriend: It is just the internet.
She’s right.
And, so are you, r.
Why would being busy be a reason to leave? Why not just visit/pop-in 10 mins once or twice a week?
Aggggh, I am sad about this. :(
I’m with @SpatzieLover in that if things got busier for me which would be a good thing, I’d still pop in now and then, still keep my acct. open. You never know when a bout of insomnia will arrive or your back go out for a week (me), you’re alone at home when you don’t want to be, etc.
If the moderation went to shit.
Members come and go. Being especially attached to any one member, or group of members is just silly to me. I’ve been here for 2 years and 3 months, yet some of my favorite people joined less than 6 months ago.
I think old timers need to be more open minded about befriending noobies.
I think about leaving every time I see a “How should I decorate my home” question. I don’t care about your home. None of us will ever be in your home.
Who left today?
I have had times of lesser involvement and times of greater involvement, mainly depending on how interesting the questions and the people have been. There are a number of people who left that I miss but many still remaining that I care about. During some of the periods of lesser involvement, I have been working on issues in real life. So far I have not felt the need for the drama of leaving.
I kind of like the decorating questions. Just sayin’.
I don’t think I’d ever really leave, but I have gone through long periods of inactivity in the past when I’ve just gotten bored with the site. Not that I’m the most active member to begin with, haha. :P
I think about leaving all the time, but the only times I did it semi-seriously were because I was very upset with the moderation. I hope to leave because I might actually do something productive if I did, although it will be very, very hard because a lot of my identity is tied up in the feedback I get here.
Sometimes it’s fun and sometimes not so much. But it is mostly fun. So if I did leave it would be because I finally got up whatever it takes to say this place doesn’t matter to me. I don’t see that happening soon, but it’s always worth putting the thought out there because then it might actually get nourished and grow and eventually grow strong enough to become real.
As it is now, I’d leave, or rather just ’‘not return’’ I guess, if I found it boring. That, or if I get too busy, which did happen before. I mean I checked in for like, a second every now and then, but didn’t participate much at all for a number of months.
Unless the entire collective decided they didn’t want me around anymore, I wouldn’t make it a conscious decision to leave. It would just happen, for the two reasons I listed. If other reasons exist, I am unaware of them.
I don’t think I’ll really leave unless something big happened with one of the other jellies. Other than that, I think I will probably reduce the amount of time I spend here because I’m getting busy with college.
When my species re-assignment surgery is complete, I might leave if my plan to transplant my brain into the body of a bowhead whale (I loves me longevity) renders me unable to relay my thoughts to a human friend.
I don’t think I would leave. If i got very busy I would cut back and check in less frequently. There are quite a few threads i care about and want to know how it all works out.
And I have met some truly nice people here by the way.
I lose a bit of respect for those who leave abruptly. For those who have been here for years, and have befriended others – in various degrees of friendship – there should be a certain code. Just as in “real life” one doesn’t up and leave without saying goodbye, without an explanation, so it should be expected here.
As Lisa said, quite correctly, the pros far outweigh the cons. Those who have come here from other sites know this to be especially true.
If someone leaves in a huff – for whatever reason – personal, life gets in the way, too much studies, or taking a “fight” here too seriously – then how much of a jelly were they to begin with? Not my kind of jelly.
We were all n00bies once. We should welcome them with open arms – or beware inbreeding and subsequent demise.
And guys – stop complaining about the quality of questions – and start asking some. Not everything has to be quantum physics and Shakespeare. If there are no questions – there are no discussions.
Finally, I am saddened by the departure – and I’ve seen a lot of them. But I stand by what I wrote. Maybe we should stop pining for the good old days and jellies who have left and have never even looked back – and start making some good old days of our own.
@breedmitch If you don’t like it, move along
The responses that I got to those questions were helpful. Isn’t that what this site is supposed be about?
I do move along.
But you asked, and I answered. And that, too is what this site is about.
If someone leaves, I don’t think they owe anyone an explanation over their reasoning, especially if it’s of a private or serious matter. Their close friends will know.
The member who I think is in question here, had a very good reason for leaving and her making a grand announcement about it, especially due to the circumstances, wouldn’t have been a good idea.
@breedmitch: Why do you say no one here will ever be inside of each other’s homes? As I’ve understood it in posts, many jellies have met up in groups across the states and also abroad so your response is not only false, it’s comes across deliberately mean spirited towards @Jude in particular. But hey, I could be wrong.
Events that just occurred in the past few minutes have prompted me to leave Fluther (again), at least for a short hiatus…
Friends: my email addy is in my profile…
@Neizvestnaya Yes you are wrong. I was not addressing Jude in particular in my first post, but if she feels I was, well I can’t control that. I said “I don’t care about your home”, “your” being the hypothetical question asker, not anyone in particular, so you’re wrong there.
Lastly, yes, many jellies have met up with each other (I myself have met four.) but from what my understanding is, all these meet ups have taken place in public places. If you have first hand knowledge of people meeting up in other people’s homes, let me know.
Jude is a big girl. She can defend herself.
@breedmitch tinyfaery and her partner came to my partner’s home.
Anyhow, no biggie. I get what you’re saying. Not everyone wants to read it.
@breedmitch: I have had several jellies into my home (Urban, CompassionateHeretic, RU2bz46, amoebic) or have been into theirs.
Also, glad I was wrong about you snarking on @Jude‘s decorative posts. It’s not often anyone gets my panties in a bunch.
I doubt I’ll leave for a long time— I do notice the ups and downs, but figure that’s the normal ebb and flow of things.
I’m just not on as much because of the mountains of obligations at my energy-sucking job. As a matter of fact, I should be grading papers right now but much prefer to be on Fluther!! :D
I will leave Fluther if Blondesjon continues to give me terrible decorating advice :P
The only reason I can think of to make me leave would be lack of interest and, even then, I probably wouldn’t delete my account just stop coming every day.
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