Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever known a woman who used pregnancy as an excuse to be downright lazy?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) September 17th, 2011

She says she can’t work outside the home because she’s pregnant. She can’t clean house because she’s pregnant. She can eat anything she wants, as much as she wants, because she’s pregnant. .... and on and on.

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68 Answers

thesparrow's avatar

Nah, I’m definitely gonna be lazy when I get pregnant. I think not being able to drink, smoke, do any drugs or even drink caffeine + holding something heavy in your belly / oh ya, raising a kid, gives us the license to be lazy for 9 months out of our entire lives.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not if you can’t live on just one income, and if you can, when you have two or more other children and a house to care for.

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III…and are working fulltime while also preparing move to another state because your spouse was promotted.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“promotted”? Did it hurt much?! :)

Yep, we are amazing, aren’t we!

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III ooopps…. promotted. promoted LOL

thesparrow's avatar

@dutchess_III That is the unfortunate fate of women

Dutchess_III's avatar

S’ok @EnchantingEla!
What is the “unfortunate fate” of some women @thesparrow?

thesparrow's avatar

I don’t know. Lol. Staying at home with kids.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah…my kids were the best thing that ever happened to me. Fortunately my husband made enough so that I was able to stay at home and raise them myself. Those were some of the best years of my life…I miss my babies. I’m just saying that pregnancy is not an excuse for being lazy!

Ela's avatar

It’s an unfortunate fate that we women are so absolutely amazing! @Dutchess_III I was also able to stay home with my children after the move.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yay! You know, I think that there are a lot of people who make enough for one parent to stay home…but they don’t want to move to a lower socio-economic level to do so.

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III I agree. You have to make certain sacrifices in order to obtain the priceless rewards. I was able to stay home with my three children until the youngest started kindergarten (then went back to work part-time). You learn to very creative. I had so much fun and the memories are irreplaceable. I’d do it again in an instant : )

Ela's avatar

Getting back to the original question… I have a best friend who is like this. She plays what I call “The Female Card”. I laugh at her when she does. I am very much a girly girl but I cannot tolerate the games some women play. To me, what you describes is exactly that.


I know there are many women who get pregnant and then get us to pay for their livelihood in the way of welfare——too lazy to earn a living for themselves and their children.


@woodcutter Careful? Just speaking the truth.

Ela's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES I stayed home with my children, and took care of everything. My husband worked (a management 40–45 hr a week job) took out the trash and bar-be-qued. When my youngest was in 4th grade we got divorced. My ‘livelihood” days were spent up long before then.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES That goes hand in hand with dead beat dads who refuse to pay support for the children they helped create. That’s something at least as bad as laziness, IMO.

woodcutter's avatar

@Dutchess_III That’s right. Men who father children and run away aren’t men…they’re boys. Take that Jesse

woodcutter's avatar

I have never known one personally but they probably exist. They are going to the same gals who crave a lot of attention, more than likely.

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III I personally think women are better off without a man like that. If my ex did not pay child support I would have more options in my life. But because he is not a deadbeat dad, he is still involved in my life via our children. Maybe it’s because I am older or it’s the people I incorporate into my life, but I don’t know women like that @MRSHINYSHOES I’m sure they exist, just not in my circle of friends and acquaintances.

thesparrow's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Yes, your example is accurate. There are women who do this.

woodcutter's avatar

If my ex did not pay child support I would have more options in my life” I’m not following that. You mean the state would have given more?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, @thesparrow. There are women who do that. And men who are just as bad.

Ela's avatar

@woodcutter No. I honestly have no idea what the state would or could do for me. I’ve never tried to find out. What I mean is that I would be able to be free of him to do/go where I choose. At the moment I am unable to because I won’t give up my children or take them away from him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I never got money from the state for my kids, and my ex wasn’t paying any support.

woodcutter's avatar

@EnchantingEla So many single parents never see a dime from the other half who is also responsible for their care. It’s a very decent and the right thing the ex is doing. You got lucky.

Ela's avatar

@woodcutter Did I? Probably yes. I got financially lucky. I didn’t feel very lucky getting belittled on a daily basis. But… that was then and this is now. My life is blessed. I got very lucky.


@Dutchess_III There is certainly no doubt that there are men who father children out of wedlock and do not pay for child support. But I’m strictly talking about the women here, because that’s the focus of the question. Lazy women who get pregnant and go on welfare.

@EnchantingEla Oh, they’re out there, believe me. A lot of them.

Ela's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES By ” here” you are referring to the women on thread answering the question?


@EnchantingEla No, no, no. Lol.

That’s merely a figurative term, referring to the lazy women who get pregnant and take advantage of welfare to support themselves and their kids.

Ela's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES I’m glad I asked : ) I was all fired up to duke it out. LOL


@EnchantingEla You’re too sensitive! Not every thing I say here is about you. Lol. ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES I’m also talking about women who are supported by their husbands/father of their children. This is certainly not limited to welfare mothers. And you can’t bring up a mother’s financial situation all by itself and totally disregard the role the fathers play.


@Yes, but again, this question is about the lazy Moms.

Ela's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES I am extremely sensitive… isn’t it great?! And everything is always about me!! Otherwise it is simply irrelevant ; )—teehee- (I am kidding, btw)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, but it wasn’t directed at the lazy deadbeat moms. Just lazy moms of all economic levels. Now, lets go to PM @MRSHINYSHOES and talk about the @EnchantingEla!

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III…...... What’d I do?! : (

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just playing on your “everything is about me!” comment! Heh! Welcome to Fluther! :)

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III well it is HaHa I’m going to make you my first jelly belly jelly bean buddy!! aka Jelly-Buddy : ) Thanks for the welcome : )

soon as i figure it out…

martianspringtime's avatar

I’ve never been pregnant so I have no firsthand experience behind my answer, but I would think that pregnancy is different for different people. Maybe some mothers-to-be truly don’t feel that they can go about their days as usual while pregnant. I guess some are just taking advantage of it as an excuse to chill out (like some people who get a cold hold onto it as an excuse to sit around and be waited on), but it doesn’t sound like an especially pleasant time to me laziness or not.

MrPORCUPINE's avatar

Yes, in the animal kingdom, she is known as Octomom.

jonsblond's avatar

Luckily I’ve only known one person like this. A coworker of my husband’s. She used her pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything in her site. She gained more weight than she needed to by her 4th month! My husband no longer works with her, but I’m sure she’s taking every opportunity to eat whatever she wants and have her husband do everything for her.

Unless your doctor orders you to bed rest, you need to stay active and eat healthy! It’s better for you and the baby. This is for those of you who haven’t had children yet. The more active you are, the easier the delivery. Trust me. Giving birth is much easier if you are healthy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can vouch for that @jonsblond! Of all my friends I had the “easiest” delivery. I was also playing volleyball (until the teams found out I was pg and wouldn’t let me play anymore!) and then tennis, clear up almost to delivery. The only thing I couldn’t do was sit ups after the 6th month. : (
After I had my first baby one of my friends asked about it. I said I was in labor about three hours, and accepted no drugs. She smacked me and said, “I knew it! I knew it would be easy for you!!”

Seek's avatar

Well, I couldn’t work outside the house because I had frequent fainting spells and hyperemesis (doctor speak for “puking my guts out all day long”). I couldn’t drive because of it. I couldn’t clean the house because I couldn’t reach the kitchen sink over my belly, and the fainting spells and hyperemesis didn’t help either. And I was damn well going to eat whatever the hell i felt like, as long as it stayed down. I think i went two weeks eating nothing but carrot cake and dr. Pepper.

Just saying, you never know what the preggo is actually going through.

thesparrow's avatar

Lol stay at home moms.. my grandma was a head nurse who worked a full-time job, made more money and was more educated than my grandpa and still almost single-handedly raised a family

Ela's avatar

@thesparrow Your grandmother was a wonderful woman and God bless her heart for all she did for her family. There is no equal comparison in my opinion, though. Totally different time and era.

jonsblond's avatar

@thesparrow So who watched the kids during the day when your Grandma was working? please don’t bash stay at home parents. you never know each individual’s circumstances.

thesparrow's avatar

@jonsblond The government daycare. This was communism. She picked them up from the daycare, too, made dinner, made breakfast the next morning for her husband and kids, got them TO daycare, brought them back, made dinner, laundry (no washing machines, either).. my grandma even painted the house on her own. And she’s one of the happiest people I know.

thesparrow's avatar

@EnchantingEla My grandma came from a country and a generation where, despite women working, there wasn’t much help from the husbands (not like nowadays when I see couples raising children and keeping homes). It was just that in communism, everyone had to work because it was actually illegal NOT to work (i.e. your ass would be drafted, or they’d find something for you to do). I’m not saying my grandpa didn’t do anything. He just didn’t come from THAT background, you know what I mean.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@thesparrow Where was Grandma from? No…I don’t know what you mean! Elaborate, please!

Ela's avatar

^^ Yes, yes!! Ela-borate please. ^^

i edited… way too much enthusiasm

thesparrow's avatar

Lol nobody knows what it means because y’all have been raised in a post-feminist society.

thesparrow's avatar

My grandmother is Polish

OpryLeigh's avatar

I believe that a pregnant woman I know is currently using her pregnancy to be lazy. However, whilst this causes resentment, I am trying to keep in mind that I have never been pregnant and so can’t know how she is feeling and, also, even if I did, every woman feels different during this time and so her “laziness” maybe justified.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Leanne1986 You’re probably spot on in your feelings…you can just tell.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Dutchess_III The woman in question has been a serial skiver for the three years that I have known her. She has days off work for a paper cut and very rarely manages to make it in to work for five days in a row like the rest of us fulltimers (even when she wasn’t pregnant). Because of this, I don’t think my feelings are completely unjustified!

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s it! You’re justified!

Ela's avatar

Sadly, it is her loss. Having a baby is truly a miracle some women simply don’t comprehend. I absolutely loved being pregnant. I had three babies in that many years and would have had more if I had been with the right man.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wish I had more babies. I didn’t slow down at all until the last week. When I happened across my OBGYN at a 4th of July fireworks show in downtown Wichita, I mentioned that I wasn’t having any more babies.
He said, “But you’re so good at it!” : ) I wish I’d had one more…but my marriage was on the rocks so….shit.

thesparrow's avatar

I want to find a man who would be willing to give me babies. You women just seem so happy. I mean, I’m 23 and still in school.. I don’t see that stuff until later on. I damn near despise the screaming things at this point. I have a few soft points and tender moments—all few and far between.

Ela's avatar

@thesparrow I think almost all mothers beam when they think of their children. I know I still do even though they are in middle and high school. My babies rarely screamed and didn’t cry much either. They slept 5 hrs right off the bat coming home from the hospital. I remember when my middle child was only a few weeks old his face would literally light up when he smiled. I’d love to have another baby but the older you get the more risks there are for birth for birth defects. If God blessed me with a handicapped child I would embrace the blessing. I don’t think I want to intentionally take the risk though. I plan to either adopt or foster children in the future so the man in my future will have to love children. That’s a dream I don’t want to give up.

thesparrow's avatar

@EnchantingEla My mom loves being a mother too (she told me) but I was apparently a very good baby, and I’m not so terrible now, either :) My mom and I are like best friends. I can only hope to have a girl.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK people! You have given me no choice but to brag, brag brag! (If you can’t open them let me know…I made my “kid” folder ‘private.’

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III Is this your daughter? She is so adorable!

Dutchess_III's avatar

: ) My grand daughter. She has a gramma who’s a shutterbug, and Brande loves the spot light. : ) We’re perfect for each other! : )

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