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mazingerz88's avatar

What songs or sayings would you like to hear from wild birds?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) September 17th, 2011

Apparently it’s a fact. Pet birds like Cockatoos in Australia, who for some reason got away from their owners, end up teaching human phrases to wild birds they socialized with. In turn, these now talking wild ones surprise people with their newly acquired skills.

Talking birds sound really human if you don’t know they’re birds. I had an encounter once with a Mynah who kept asking, “Who is it-?” from behind a door I was knocking on. Took a full 8 minutes of me answering this what I thought to be a deaf person, repeatedly.

So theoretically speaking, if you have a a talking pet bird, what words or phrases or songs would you teach it and then set it free to teach other birds-? Or what random phrases or songs would you like to hear from outside your window-?

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17 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

If the birds would learn some lines from “Annoying orange.”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Haha, I don’t know, but your story is very funny!

HungryGuy's avatar

I’d like to hear wild birds sing Praan instead of just squawking and chirping and warbling in the morning :-p

blueiiznh's avatar

I kind of like the way songbirds sing their unique tune currently. I would not want a change at all..

But on a comical sense, maybe birds doing opera would be kinda sorta funny

Blackberry's avatar

Leper Messiah by Metallica.

gailcalled's avatar

Anything from Carmina Burana or throat singing like the Tibetian monks do.

wundayatta's avatar

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

By a fruit eating wombacile.

MrPORCUPINE's avatar

To hear random birds proclaim, “Porcupines have big dicks!” would be apt and much favored.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’d like to hear a whole flock of birds – in Connecticut – mimicking G.W. Bush and annoying all of the ‘blues’ around here.

And I’d love to hear another flock doing Obama in Texas.

I’d want earplugs – or a shotgun, or both – in case any of those bastards (of either color!) got near me.

Berserker's avatar

Having no imagination, I’d just teach em a buncha swear words and Cannibal Corpse lyrics.

gailcalled's avatar

Here’s the same parrot singing a recognizable tune from Mozart’s Magic Flute

“Queen of the Nights aria- sort of

I sincerely hope that I never hear that outside my windows anytime soon.

ucme's avatar

I’d like it if gulls would say “mine, mine!” Like they do on Finding Nemo, that would be funny.
Maybe if ducks blew raspberries instead of that silly old quacking.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My sister had a bird that she’d taught to wolf whistle. I was visiting one week. Everyone was gone, house was empty. I was getting ready to take a shower, and had left the door open. Just as my last stitch of cloths hit the floor, that damn bird whistled at me! Yes, VERY human sounding! I slammed the door in his face!

@gailcalled Maybe I could train a bird to sing “Wipe out!” Would you mind that outside your bedroom window first thing in the morning? : )

gailcalled's avatar

@Dutchess_III: Sorry, I don’t understand.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You said you didn’t want to hear Queen of the Nights aria- outside your window. How about Wipe Out? : )

gailcalled's avatar

Aha. Perhaps teach our local woodpeckers, who could use a larger repertoire. At the moment, they simply hammer on my shingled roof.

I wouldn’t mind the parrot if he sounded like Kiri te Kanawa

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