Ethics gut check: Would you help a person who had committed a crime most find reprehensible, or allow them die?
Imagine it is after dark, you are heading back to your vehicle after stopping by the ATM, a short dash by the quickie mart, etc. You hear a scuffle and spy two men 25 yards away. One of the men screams and collapses. You see the first man rifle his pockets, take his watch, and dashes off. You check to see if the downed man needs help. He has been stabbed, and bleeding like a fountain. With no immediate assistance, he could bleed out in three to five minutes. You then realize he is the man on the flier authorities passed out around two weeks ago, as a released prisoner who did eight years for having sex with girls (11–13yr) he coach in swimming. What would you do? Walk away as if you seen nothing, help, and if so, how, and how much? Would your decision change if the girls were older or it was women over 18 that he sexually assaulted?
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27 Answers
I would have to save him. He was released, so he has paid (or is paying) his debt. It may be his twin brother or look-a-like cousin that is on the poster. I, myself have been confused with my Father, because we look so much alike.
There is no man-made law requiring you to save a life, but there is a moral one.
By the time I find a pay phone that works (I forgot my cell that night) he would probably be dead anyhow. Problem solved!
In the words of Dionne Warick… Walk on by
I’m going to trust in my karma bank to make up for not saving this scum.
I help him. It’s not my place to decide his fate.
FutureMemory: “Where does Hypo get these questions?”
XOIIO: “Maybe he’s actually going through these situations and needs advice.”
Yes, of course.
(besides, due to ยง 323c STGB, I would get a year in prison or a fine for not helping him)
I would help. In any case I can’t see well enough to identify a human face at 25 yards, odds are I wouldn’t have a clue who he was.
Most likely and realistically, seeing all that blood would confuse and cause me to question what already faulty memory I have of whether he truly was that guy who committed those crimes. I see myself dialing 911 right away. For me to do nothing, maybe if I knew him and he personally caused me greatly terrible, heinous inflictions in life?
I’d step on him to see how far he’ll squirt.
I’ve been a military policeman for 23 years now and I’m also a first responder. I would immediately render first-aid to the victim (former suspect) and alert EMS personnel by calling 9–1-1. Whatever misgivings or contrary feelings I might have had in helping this person would be something I’d face later on in my own way.
Rethinking my compliment on your main question. Ethics gut check makes no sense
I’d help him. In fact if I didn’t and the authorities found out, I might get in shit myself. At this point, the ethics part goes out the window lol.
I think I’d help him without considering his past. I just would.
I suppose if you save him you get to play hero for five minutes. That’s kind of attractive.
I don’t think that “hero” would factor into my thinking, either.
I’d call 911, do what I could to stop the bleeding and walk away as soon I knew the paramedics were there. I couldn’t live with the guilt of leaving any human being to die if there was something I could do to help.
I would never get close enough to a stabbed victim to recognize him, I would be calling 911 immediately.
I would imagine that was my daughter he molested and leave him to die. It was somebody’s daughter. He’s a sick animal and I don’t care if he lives.
Luckily, I’m not good with blood. :)
I would help but I’d be disgusted.
I’d help him. I would like to believe I would say something like, “Karma’s a bitch, hey?” as I was helping him but I don’t think I would.
It takes me a long time to work my phone and I can’t press like I used to.
I’d be a better human-being than him and help him.
I’d help the man. As irreprehensible as he may be, you never know. He may do the same for me if I were in that situation, out of his penance for having sex with young girls years before. Some people do change and make up for their past ills. The man may turn around and save a nice family with children in a burning car one day. If I just let him die, we would never know, right?
There’s the Talmudic saying, “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.” I like to believe that.
I would be like Yarnlady. Never get that close. I don’t know who started it. So I probably would call 911.
Now if I could clearly see from a distance who he was and there was absolutly no doubt that he was the perve who molested the 13 year old mentally challenged girl (I’m figuring this is following the same lines of all your other pedophile questions), then I would let him lay in the puddle of blood and take the long way to the police station to report it and claim I freaked out and got lost on the way to the police station. He made his own bed and now he has to lay in it.
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