Hair; how long is too long?
Asked by
Berserker (
September 18th, 2011
I always wanted hair that went down to my ankles. However, it doesn’t seem to wanna get that far. In fact it doesn’t really wanna get far at all lol.
How long do you think is too long? Either on you, or another person?
I was looking up pictures of people with really long hair, and some of what I saw was really pretty, but it seems to me that it must really be a pain to maintain. Especially long curly hair. But I would personally put up with my hair if it got that long, (I also wish mine was curly) as long as it wasn’t dragging on the floor behind me. What about you?
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55 Answers
As long as you want to bother with, I say. I am growing my hair out now and I want it to reach my butt when loose.
Mine is about to my waist right now, I would love to get it down to my butt… but it will so never happen. That would require that I quit colouring and heat styling, and that is not going to happen.
Of course, this is all a matter of personal preference. The only “rule” that I, personally, have about hair length.. is that I don’t date men with more than ½” of hair on their head.
I think anything longer than to your butt is too long. Mine is down to my hips, and I will probably be cutting it soon.
I love long hair, but I think anything longer than the butt is too long and not really attractive.
I would love to let my hair get as long as it was in high school but it just isn’t thick enough these days.
Mine hits the middle of my back. I’ve had it longer, where it hits the top of my ass, but then everyone says I look like Sissy Spacek. then I’m reminded of pig’s blood, so I cut my hair
I just got my hair all whacked-off. It is the shortest it has ever been in my entire life. Actually got it cut our around my ears. Big change for me, but I love it.
Anything past my bra strap is too long. I don’t sleep alone, so when my hair was long, I would sometimes get waken by my husband having rolled on my hair. Or my dog deciding my hair was a nice place to nuzzle in for the night or tug in the morning to try to get me up.
@jonsblond I hate to break it to you, but no matter how long your hair is, you still look like Sissy Spacek. It’s a compliment though!
Too long can look unsophisticated and white trashy. Very young girls can get away with very long. Long is back in, and practically everyone on TV has tons of extensions and hair pieces in their hair, but still, stay above midway down your back.
About having trouble getting it to grow. First, don’t cut it. That old wives tail about cutting to make it grow is ridiculous. Except that, if your hair gets very dry ends and splits, you may have to trim it. Second, I figure the hair on our heads has a standard length like eyelashes. Some people it is much longer than others.
I want mine to my legs…. That’d be cool:)
I love women with long, long hair, but I also recognize that takes a lot of time to maintain.
Honestly, that means less time to be together.
@JLeslie I trim my dead ends and splits when they appear, but it won’t get much longer. I guess my hair has reached its length limit, maybe?
@Symbeline That is just a theory of mine, I have no idea if that is really true for the hair on our heads? I can’t get my hair to grow very very long. My hair also grows very slowly. Maybe it has to do with the lifecycle of the hair, and the slower it grows the less likely it will grow to be very long? Not sure, just going by what I have observed with my hair compared to my mediteranean ancestry husband’s gorgeous hair on his head family.
It’s too long when you admit it’s a pain in the ass to keep up with. It’s sort of like having a really old and slow computer. You get to the point you hate it.
Really long hair pulls on the roots more possibly causing thinning. Depending on your life style it can be dangerous too.
I envision really long hair on naked women on horseback. Yeah. Got any horses?
@woodcutter No, but my computer is an old piece of shit lol. XD
Long hair really isn’t that hard to take care of. I’ve found it easier than when I had it shorter. You wash it, condition it, comb it out and air dry it in the summer or use a hair dryer in the winter. It never takes me longer than 10 minutes to comb it out and dry it.
thank you @chyna =)
It would be this long! Yes, 80“s hair!!
@AshLeigh okay longer than now! I added a picture of the long hair.
Longer hair is easier than short hair in my opinion, unless it is very very very short. Long hair can be pulled back in a ponytail on a lazy day. Short hair must always be styled.
I love long hair, personally. Any length below the shoulder and above the waist, though. It’s more difficult to maintain, yes, but there are much more possibilities as far as styling goes. It can be drawn up into a bun, curled, etc. and aside from taking extra time to style it, is not difficult to maintain. A bit of leave-in conditioner and serum and that’s about it. However, for guys, it depends on what type of hair they have. Straight-haired guys should leave it short, while thicker-haired guys should let it grow out. Me, I want my hair to grow to be about a third down my back, then decide where to go from there.
@Symbeline Crap, that’s what I have. Still better than windows 98 by a long way.
@JLeslie My SIL is native American and her hair is to her butt. Would you call that unsophisticated and white trashy? just curious. there’s something about that judgment that doesn’t sit well with me
@jonsblond I said it can be. It doesn’t have to be. It really depends. Depends on many things. Some women pull it off.
@JLeslie As sure as shit I am. My hair did get slightly lengthy at one point, but three quarters of it was dead and fucked up so I severed that shit lol.
@woodcutter W98 was pretty damn lifesaver back when XP didn’t exist though lol.
@ddude1116 Good luck with it, man. :)
@Symbeline Horse drawn wagons were a pretty damn lifesaver when automobiles didn’t exist, but jesum crow, man.
@Symbeline I don’t get wanting hair that long, but hey go for it.
@JLeslie I don’t know. I just don’t get judging someone as white trash due to their hair style. Not something I would do, but then I might judge women who get really prissy with their hair as uptight. ;)
@jonsblond And, I am not judging the person. I am not sure I can explain without sounding offensive or stereotyping. Well, it is somewhat stereotyping. Communities of people tend to dress alike, and have similar hair styles, similar mannerisms, similar cars. Wealthy people typically do not have hair to their butts, but being wealthy does not necessarily make someone sohpisticated and certainly there are people with very little money who have tons of class. But, hair does give away to some extent where someone might live, social class, etc. In Nashville there are wealthy country singers who have long big hair. Kate Gossilin had a lower class hair cut (there I go again) that reverse mullet she had for so long, and she was making pretty good money with her reality show at the time. Well, I see that cut a lot here in the midsouth even on middle class women.
I don’t judge a woman as white trash if she has long hair, I do however expect in general to find butt length hair more often on people who are lower income. Just talking statistics. Lower income does not mean white trash of course, I threw that term around too easily. I don’t think there are many rich women living on 5th avenue with butt length hair. But, not everyone wants to identify with 5th Avenue white women, that’s for sure. Haha.
Now, Native American, Latin American, Arab, they pull of long hair well, thick black long hair. Of course there are caucasian women who can do it too. I see white women with long hair, and very natural looks who I envy. Well, I envy anyone with long beautiful hair.
I think the redneck men in their lives will dictate what kind of hair style the woman has. So if it is a typical “white trashy” dynamic the man will prioritize what to spend the money on be it too much Keystone Light and pot or race car parts and the woman gets squat for her upkeep so she can’t get a decent trim or style or take care of the roots that are 8 months behind and will have to wear her man’s personality instead of hers.
@jonsblond I wanted to add that it is so much more than hair. It is the whole package someone presents. And, in the end who really cares what someone looks like? Someone’s haircut is not going to matter at all to me.
I find it interesting that a quick image search for “very long hair” brings up various photos of models and otherwise average looking women.
Anyhow, I think the tendency to jump to class is that I suspect that people in the “upper class” are more likely to closely follow fashion trends. Of course that is not true for all, and there are plenty of middle class and lower income people that love and closely follow fashion. However, very long hair has not been especially trendy in the last few years, so I doubt it would be as common to see at the country club as it is to see any random person that just so happens to not give a shit what is popular.
Just my guess.
As a person with a fiancée who had long hair, I think hair is more interesting if really short, Butch-like, or very long. My fiancee’s hair is hair hangs below the shoulders but not quite to the butt. I would love it if she went a few more inches and was at the verge of arse. Crystal Gail’s hair is cool, for me too long would be if it was hanging it hit her junk-in-the-trunk. If she walks before me to look in a window or something, I want to have an unobstructed view of the booty.
I guess if you lived with long hair from a good while, you develop tricks and shortcuts that make it quick and easy. She never has to fuss with it to maintain it. If you have a job or activity where the hair could get caught, catch fire, etc, then if it can’t be secured safely, it might be too long for that woman, but not in general.
Hmm, I think with pubic hair when it starts to intefere with your driving then it’s time for a trim.
The longest I’ve had mine was down to my butt. I got a lot of compliments on it, but it was really heavy (my hair is super thick). I did wear it in a pony tail or braid a lot, but that gave me some pretty bad headaches. I don’t think I’ll ever have it that long again. I saw Crystal Gayle in concert once, and hers was on the floor. She has fine, straight hair, so I guess it wasn’t too heavy for her, but damn. It hurt my head just thinking about it!
My hair is really thick like @augustlan‘s and occasionally the weight of it would bother me, but I had it long enough to sit on for years, and it was actually less of a hassle to care for as I would tend to wear it up most of the time.
When it starts to look alien, or like a wig, is when it has got sickeningly long.
Haaa! I thought this ask how long was long enough?! hu ha
Erm, hair and social status, never thought about that, but then I don’t care lol. And as I’m not wealthy, then long ass hair would suit me just fine. XD
@Hypocrisy_Central Yeah, that’s what I was told. Long hair seems hard to maintain, but during the years it takes to grow, you gradually develop techniques and all and it becomes natural, apparently.
I had a friend who has hair till her knees. She was spending like 4 hours pr day “nursing” the hair. Was lame but it’s what she wanted. She couldn’t do a lot of things just because she had to protect the hair.
If you feel up to it then go right ahead ^^
@Hibernate She sounds like she has some psychological issues. Avoiding something. Kind of like me fluthering too many hours of the day. LOL.
@JLeslie If she was obsessive about it then yes, otherwise I don’t think it would very different then someone reading 4 hours a day because they liked books ; )
For me, mid back is a perfect length. It can be worn both up and down easily. I find it flattering, sexy and it does not take an excessive amount of time to maintain.
@Symbeline I think long hair is awesome! And as long as its not in the way when you wipe your ass, then all is good. :) As far a long hair on the other end….short to none is good. ;)
@Only138 Haha yeah, getting crap all over hair would be pretty nasty. I assume one gets used to moving it out of the way and all…but if I woke up one morning and my hair was super long…well that would be awesome…but I’d probably be invalid for a while.
Too long is when it looks thin as cobwebs and has no shape.
If you have split ends, your hair is too long and it needs at least a trim. If you’re not willing to take care of your long hair, then it probably should be cut as well.
Yeah, it’s a regular thing I do. Trim it every now and then, otherwise it grows like crap lol.
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