What does one do with the irredeemable human?
Based on this Q, I am curious. Presupposing that we know the person is guilty of heinous acts, and should not be allowed contact with human society, what is to be done with them if capital punishment or other sure-fire killing methods, like General Population in prison, or putting them in any potentially fatal circumstance is off the table? A couple of people on that other Q stated that they strongly believe that killing such a person is wrong. So what’s to be done? Please, this is not a debate about the validity or moral value or not of capital punishment! This is about alternatives.
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24 Answers
Send them to mars to begin colonization… Or cryo sleep for a very very long time… Who knows? Maybe someone will “accidentally” play dominoes with them.
Antarctica is pretty void of humans.
We’d have to set up a base that scientists could work in a criminal free-zone, though…I’d bet that wouldn’t be too difficult.
As much as I appreciate the idea of absolute sending away, I really kinda wondered if anyone had any viable alternatives, and how they could be implemented to ensure that said awful persons could never again damage innocent humans.
How about putting them in the Greenbrier Bunker?
Form a penal legion and put them all in that.
OK, let me be more specific. I’m looking for not only locations, but methods of caring for, guarding, etc. Who feeds ‘em? Visiting rights or not? How does one implement absolute security?
@smilingheart1 : This Greenbrier Bunker ? A little posher than what I had envisioned.
I think all measure should be taken to examine why they are in such a non-social or society negative way? If it is mental, some physical or neurological situation then maybe some form of procedure is in order.
If the person had done something in the past, they can be a vastly different person once they have their freedom back. Then a lot of how they integrate back in to society will be a lot with how it is handled. If you hold a grudge and do not support the person newly released, what are they going to do, but end up committing more crimes? They have to work, have a way to make money. They have to have a place to live. That is only good business for the parolee, and society. If they are stable in homes you can not only help them integrate, you know where they are more than not, and they will have a base to build on, and not be wondering around just anywhere. The logical thing it to realize that they are among you and you will have to find away to live in the same space.
@Hypocrisy_Central : You’re missing the point of the Q. The person is irredeemable. There is no integrating him/her back into society and having them be a contributing member. This is about an alternative to capital punishment, not methods of rehab.
Entomb them underground like the miners in Chili
@JilltheTooth The person is irredeemable. There is no integrating him/her back into society and having them be a contributing member. They are irredeemable because of their attitude, or because they are mentally deficient? If they were just very mean, and nasty of attitude and the crime they committed did not warrant them a life sentence then the only option is to attempt to adjust their attitude. You can’t lock someone up for bad behavior, you either have to fine a way to exist in the same space or you trump up charges to have what looks like a way to send them back. You could agree to house them on 2 acres way out from people, but then, even though society finds that person so reprehensible I can hardly imagine them supporting that person, even if it is to get that person away from them. They want to have their cake, and eat it too.
This is a hypothetical Q, @Hypocrisy_Central , to deal with the concept that no one should be put to death no matter how heinous their crimes. Maybe you could ask another Q about why they’re irredeemable.
@JilltheTooth Maybe you could ask another Q about why they’re irredeemable. I guess I could ask what makes them irredeemable. I had to think hard on that and I am sure what I would say is a person that cannot be redeemed is far deeper than someone else. Knowing the question is hypothetical as to idea or theory, if they have the chance to be among society again then their crime did not raise to the bar of life in prison or the death penalty. If their crime raised to the bar of life in prison, but not the death penalty, then society has a construct for that, even if not perfect, that insolates them from society. If said person is already in lock up, short of some mind altering surgery, there is nothing any person can do.
Tattoo ‘murderer’ on his forehead?
@Hypocrisy_Central : But that’s exactly what I wanted to hear from the collective, the “better” way, as the system we have is imperfect, now. I was hoping for some creative thinking.
Short of feeding then to bears? I have no ideas. I know for sure I don’t believe non offenders should have to worry about them mixed into free society. Why are their lives worth more than the security, safety and means of others?
I’m thinking a special jail for only this type of criminal. Confined to cells for most of the day, let out only in small, closely supervised groups for an exercise period. They’d eat in their cells. Aside from the make-up of the prison population, it would be just like any other jail.
Alternatively, build a floating, anchored island in the middle of the ocean. Make food drops (from a helicopter) on a regular basis, and let them sort it out.
I think a penal colony would be the best notion. Just someplace to send them to govern themselves without contact of the outer world. The only issue would be where to place it. It’d have to be isolated, but able to maintain living without any means to construct a way of escape.
How about lobotomy? Seriously. If the death penalty is off the table, why not impair the hell out of them?
@cockswain Or human scientific guinea pigs? The problem I have with that is Nazi Germany…and determining who would qualify for “irredeemability”
Depending on my mood and the crime, I might approve or disapprove of that. I think it opens too many doors. Not to mention all the scientists that would need to be scary freaks in order to do that. I’m not looking to see Mengele-style torture done to most of these people. Maybe just the most terrible crimes. Even lobotomy seems a bit freakish, but if the death penalty is off the table for the sake of this question, it seems reasonable to me.
I think I’d waffle from being hard-assed to ever so slightly compassionate with regard to the experimentation angle, and sometimes wouldn’t want that to happen.
@augustlan They call that a Super Max prison, a literal Alcatraz on land. The Unibomber, the Shoe Bomber, The 9/11 hijacker who missed his plane, are all in there.
@ddude1116 I think a penal colony would be the best notion. Just someplace to send them to govern themselves without contact of the outer world. Seal off Manhattan like the movie? Lease out Easter Island, maybe take over the Galapagos island and kick off all the scientist? Would we just make more money putting then in the arena for a pay-per-view death match? Then the can kill each other, fill the government coffers, all to the thunderous applaud of a frenzied crowd.
@cockswain How about lobotomy? Seriously. If the death penalty is off the table, why not impair the hell out of them? Ummmm….first off, no one want to seem aligned with those heinous Nazis, even if they tacitly think along the same lines. If you make then mental defective, then society will have to pay these people they despise a monthly dole by way of the government. If there was some electro-neural shunt that could be placed in there to make better connection between the parts of the brain that is positive or disable those that are negative, perhaps. Who, or what governmental body will be in charge of deciding what that person should be like or behave as? If government can get into their heads, how long before they are in everyone’s?
Sure. If there was some technology that we could insert into their brains to make them never want to commit a crime, that is a better solution than a lobotomy. I’m not aware such technology exists though.
@cockswain Ahhh…I see now. Actually, they are testing magnet stimulation on some people with Asperger’s to essentially make neuron connections where their aren’t any. Supposedly, (according to a special I watched and author John Robison’s take on the process) it helps the person gain empathy and emotions he/she had no access to in the past.
It’s one of the reasons I mentioned “guinea pig” above. Who’d do this for a seriously deranged brain? I dunno. But maybe it’ll be a aprt of our future rulings/sentences?
Cool. Sign me up, I’d like to be optimized.
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