General Question

JMCSD's avatar

What type of guitar bridge should I choose?

Asked by JMCSD (243points) September 19th, 2011


My old Ibanez fell victim to the May 22nd Tornado in Joplin, Mo. I recovered her, but her body really isn’t up restringing, so she’ll be sitting pretty on my wall.

Question is:

Should I go with another floating Tremolo, or go with a more traditional bridge? I loved the ibanez (not a true floyd rose I know) bridge, but I don’t always play strictly in 1 tuning. While I got better at changing in less time, it was still a hassle.

To add another caveat into the picture, I really can’t stand playing on Tone pro’s and similar. The action (at least on my picking hand) seems unbearably far from the body. I know that they are a great system, and many amazing players do great, but I don’t want to try and conform to a different hand position after playing for as long as I have.

So….. what are my fellow guitar player’s thoughts?

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2 Answers

atch's avatar

If you are going for faster tuning, I would go ttaditional all the way. The lock mechanism on the Ibanez has its perks…but somes you have to work quick.

Cruiser's avatar

I have a Floyd Rose I love but whatever came on my 1983 Strat is amazing and stays in tune no matter how savage I attack that bad boy!

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