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mazingerz88's avatar

If you are the smartest human being in an Earth-like planet, how would that world differ from ours?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29285points) September 19th, 2011

Yes, you. You are the smartest person there. : )

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18 Answers

King_Pariah's avatar

If I use that smarts to obtain power, then either the world would be barren of sentient life or I would become an evil mastermind and force the world to unite against me.

YARNLADY's avatar

Smart is not enough, power is the necessary ingredient.


That world would be made up of geniuses. ;)

AshLeigh's avatar

I would make people feel dumb… That would be a first for me! :D
Also, assuming this were a scientific experiment, where they moved a small group of people to another planet, I assume genes would change, since there are good chances with the population decrease, on that planet, certain genes would die off, and genetic mutation (good or bad) would take over, and humans would change…
Sorry, I’m doing a project about this exact thing right now for Biology. XD

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atch's avatar

It wouldn’t.

ratboy's avatar

Everyone’s shoes would be untied.

augustlan's avatar

If I’m the smartest one, does that automatically put me in control of the world? If so, it’d be a lot different.

Londongirl's avatar

It will make up of intelligent and open minded people who can accept differences and different cultures.

Pandora's avatar

Naps and exercise would be mandatory. There will only be one culture. Mine. My biggest problem is that we will be thrown back in time. After all. I am the smartest person and I’m not an engineer, or doctor, or even an herbalist. So we are screwed as far as being a superior race. Horses and tepees is the best I could do.
Oh, hell. We would probably all die of hunger. I don’t even know how to properly fish or even make a bow and arrow to hunt with.
My world would be survivor. I just hope its tropical so I at least have fruit to eat.
Too much pressure. I quit!

marinelife's avatar

In any way it wants to. Being the smartest person on a planet does not guarantee anything.

smilingheart1's avatar

Everything would have immediate consequences so one could always see how the planet was unfolding.

wundayatta's avatar

Well, the biggest difference would be that I was smarter than anyone else. Other differences would depend on the ways in which that planet actually differed from earth. Like, if I was the only human on the planet, I would certainly be the smartest, but I would also be the loneliest, and I would soon be dead.

If I was the smartest human in a world of highly intelligent entities, I’d probably be the premier exhibit in the zoo. If I was the smartest human on a world overrun with bunny rabbits… I don’t know… king of Easter?

downtide's avatar

If everyone else on the planet was less intelligent than me, then the human race would never have evolved past the Neanderthal stage.

reijinni's avatar

The world would have moved into the dark ages.

martianspringtime's avatar

With the knowledge I have right now?
No technology. None.
No math except simple counting and addition, nor anything that requires math higher than that.
I guess I have the potential to garden, so I guess we could figure out a way of feeding ourselves (with some luck).
No medicine or vitamins.
No musicians that require actual musical instruments.

dreamwolf's avatar

Nothing would run on gas, and there’d have to be a national sized park in every city.

Berserker's avatar

If I’m the smartest person there, everyone else must be a fuckin retard. XD

It wouldn’t be much different, ecxept that pretty much everything would revolve around zombies.

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