Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How do you show love and friendship to someone who is on the other side of the globe?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37819points) September 20th, 2011

I have a dear friend who lives on the other side of the world from me in another country. We keep in touch daily via instant messaging and occasionally we use Skype to talk. Lately, she’s been going through major depression due to some awful health issues. Even though she rarely responds, I chatter away in IM. I believe it brightens her day somewhat just to know that someone somewhere is keeping her in their thoughts.

What lengths will you go to for a true friend? Can you give examples?

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14 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I send cards, letters or notes with personal, well thought out messages inside. Sometimes sending gifts, especially random gifts without an occasion. I try to visit, if at all possible, otherwise phone calls are great. IMs and emails are nice, and I think often the most effective way to show someone that you care. Much in the way that you describe, @Hawaii_Jake, in that you are able to have conversations and show that you care simply by letting them know that you’re there and want to spend time with them.

jsc3791's avatar

I agree with @ANef_is_Enuf , especially about the cards, letters or notes.

Handwritten notes seem like a lost art form. Think about how nice it is to get a card or note in the mail among all the junk mail and bills. It really brightens your day.

Plus, your friend could display the cards on her desk at work or on her fridge so that she will see them and be reminded of your friendship even when she can’t be online to talk to you.

zensky's avatar

You’re probably doing as much as you can Jakey. Not too long ago all you could do is send a letter that would take 10 days to arrive. Phone calls overseas were a luxury and subsequently done rarely, on special occasions.

Today, there are so many (free, and instant) possibilities to be in touch with people around the world that I always feel guily when I write here, and not to a family member. When I post a question, instead of skype a cousin.

I don’t have the formula. It’s very frustrating at many levels – whom to contact and for how long. But any time spent with someone who genuinely cares is time well spent. And caring can’t be faked. I’m sure she appreciates your time.

marinelife's avatar

Just keep talking to her. Don’t go away.

Seaofclouds's avatar

In addition to cards, letters, and notes, I also send care packages. I try to make themed care packages from time to time just for fun. Perhaps you could put together a care package of things that your friend enjoys as a bit of a pick me up for her. Definitely keep being there and talking to her.

snowberry's avatar

Agree with @Seaofclouds I think the IM’s are great, but I also vote for letters and care packages. She has to go through the physical act of opening the envelope, and she can smell it, keep it in her pocket, and re-read it even if she’s not on the computer. Doing these things can help to keep her focused on what’s important. Be sure to include some pictures of you, your dog, whatever is important to you. Maybe you have a picture you can send of the two of you. I’d space these pictures out, and send stuff like this regularly. Don’t stop.

Send her a hug from me too.

picante's avatar

You are clearly a dear friend . . . just keep doing what you’re doing. Hugs to you for your thoughtfulness—I’d love to see you chatter away in IM even if I didn’t have the strength to respond.

AshLeigh's avatar

My dearest friend moved to Arkansas two years ago.
I miss him. I never stop missing him. But phone calls, IM’s, real letters. Any form of contact can help to keep the friendship strong, and show that you love them no matter where they are. :)
I know it’s hard when they stop responding. Nick does that now… “Ash-Leigh, you always catch me at a bad time. I have to go.” I know when he’s lying. I know him better than that. But I understand. It’s sad to remember something you loved – a freindship you loved – when it’s over… But I’m not gonna give up. He was the first real best friend I ever had. I can’t just forget that, like he seems to.
It doesn’t all disappear. So you can’t give up on her. Stay strong for her. :)
Best of luck to you, and your friend. I think it’s sweet that you talk to her, even though she hardly responds. :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

You mentioned IM and Skype but not email. Email gives the person a chance to think about the message and prepare a response. Send photos occasionally.

Indiana_Bones's avatar

I have an on-again off-again lover who is living in Paris right now. I’m planning on sending her type-written (on my actual typewriter, not a computer) letters because I feel as though that has a certain charm to it.

Uniqueness is a good route to take. Why send a card when you can send one that you made yourself? And so on…

wundayatta's avatar

Is she pushing you away? If she’s actively pushing you away, then I would stick with her. It’s when they get apathetic, that I worry. That’s how I am, anyway. As long as I’m pushing someone away, I still care very much. The harder I push, the more I want to be loved.

This is how the internal dialog goes: I know it’s very dysfunctional. I know I keep on sabotaging myself. I’m not complaining. I don’t want any help. I don’t seek any help. I don’t want any comfort. I don’t deserve any comfort. So don’t worry about me. I don’t want to be worried about.

Then, when you have succeeded in pushing everyone away, you have a good reason to feel bad, and you can suffer all you want.

Maybe she is different from that. But in my opinion, if she is like that, she wants someone to love her, but probably someone different from you.

You can relate to her because of what you’ve been through. Think about what you wanted and then give that to her.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Keep on trying through IM. Send her some funny YouTube videos to watch. Share some uplifting tunes. Tell her about funny movies that have cheered you up.

I’m a gift giver. I’d probably send a little care package now & then, too.

Hibernate's avatar

Tell her… It’s one life to live so live it the best you can, the world won’t care about one less person. Sometimes people get offended by it but at a point they see this idea only tries to encourage ^^

dreamwolf's avatar

FaceTime or Skype.

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