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Jeruba's avatar

Did you ever go on a Google Streetview tour of a place where you used to live?

Asked by Jeruba (56256points) September 20th, 2011

I’ve just finished virtually roaming my old neighborhood, looking for Leslie’s grandmother’s house. It was a very odd experience, seeing the familiar contours of those streets and many of the houses, recognizing them despite drastic changes that have occurred over the decades—and seeing them in the limited view of an online street map rather than for real.

I drove through that neighborhood once about fifteen years ago, but it’s been more than 35 years since I left the area. Some memories are pretty powerful.

If you’ve ever made such a tour using Google Maps, what prompted it, and how did it feel?

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11 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes. My fiancee and I showed each other where we’ve lived over the years and it was a lot of fun to note the changes in comparison with memory. Before that, an overseas friend and I did the same to walk each other through some of our favorite local spots.

lillycoyote's avatar

Yes, I just did a few weeks ago. I was looking for my last apartment, the last one I lived in in Austin and I’m not sure if I actually found it. It was off the street, a garage apartment behind a house and it may have been obscured from street view. I loved that place. I’ve lived in the same place for 20 years now but after I first left home I moved about one every two years, and one year I lived in five different houses/apartments. That was a crazy year! I don’t remember all the addresses of all the places I lived though I could find them if I tried. It would take a while to find them all. Bit of a gypsy, I was, for a while. :-) But some of my life is defined, described and delineated by the places I lived. That was when you live at the house on Umatilla… remember that, was that when we were living on Frankin Street? Oh yeah, the Boulden Street house… I guess it’s like that for a lot of people

CWOTUS's avatar

I do it with a certain amount of regularity. Having made six coast-to-coast moves and several in-between, I have a wealth of old haunts to roam.

gailcalled's avatar

Yes. I find it irresistible.

I also checked out my grammar school and was able to see the expansion and additions.

SamIAm's avatar

I just did. There’s a pool there. I asked for a pool with every birthday wish from age 3–8. I got a pool – but we only because moved. To a really shitty neighborhood… an area that ruined my family. Be careful what you wish for….... it’s just one of those days

filmfann's avatar

I haven’t done this. After my Mom died, we sold the family home, and I still have nightmares about it. I miss that house terribly, and seeing it on StreetView wouldn’t help.

Bellatrix's avatar

Yes. I have done this a few times when I have felt homesick. I have visited many of my old haunts and places I remember but wasn’t able to visit because I live too far away.

wundayatta's avatar

I tour places I plan to go to or places where online friends live. It has never occurred to me to go back in time. Most of those past places wouldn’t show up in street view, or if they did, they would be too generic.

Prosb's avatar

I have, it was funny, because it must have been taken a while ago, as half the free landscaping we got wasn’t there yet. Also, when I used it to swing by a friend’s house who has moved out east, it showed his dad’s old minivan still parked in the driveway, indicating it was taken while he still lived there, which was around a year ago.

Seek's avatar

I did a few months back. Found my old house (I was 8 when we left), and tried to remember how to get to certain different places.

I toured Tottenville, Staten Island, New York, and remembered how to find the corner store, my favourite Chinese restaurant and the pizza place next door, the police station, my friend a few blocks away, and the train station. I was not able to find my school, the Conference House (a nearby historical site we visited regularly), or the grocery store. But everything was exactly the same, save they finally replaced the last of the cobblestone streets with asphalt.

It was really cool to see my old house still standing. It was a dentist’s office in the late 1800s, before it was converted into a duplex. There’s nothing that old where I live now, except the cigar factories in Ybor City.

Sunny2's avatar

Yes! I couldn’t figure out where the house was, until I realized it had been torn down along with the one next to it . It was now a college parking lot. I bet the cherry tree my mom planted was producing cherries until they chopped it down. Tsk. Such is the way of progress.

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