Social Question

zensky's avatar

Would you share with us something cool you've found while surfing the net recently?

Asked by zensky (13426points) September 21st, 2011

I recently discovered the 2Cellos

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12 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My fluther friends. I bummed about the ones that have left, but I still have some primo ones still here.

picante's avatar

I’m partial to the staple-less stapler! I struggle with making the links work here, so please google the bastard if you have any interest.

zensky's avatar

That stapler is pretty cool. Here it is

picante's avatar

I triple-lurve @zensky for ‘splainin’ the process to embed the links. I’m practicing here and providing a link to a political humorist’s column. Thanks again, friend!

zensky's avatar

You did it!

DrBill's avatar

A friend I have not seen in 38 years

YARNLADY's avatar

My story is not quite what you as, but I want to share it anyway. I recently discovered that my computer has a game section that I can play games without even being connected to the internet! We have had spotty service this past week, because our modem is broken, so I asked my adult Grandson what he was doing on his computer. He told me all about it.

Then, when I was playing Solitaire, my grandson saw me dragging the cards across the screen to the Aces pile and said all I have to is double click on it. OH NO, I had been wasting all the time dragging them.

I can even play outside while I am watching the preschoolers.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@YARNLADY I have lost countless hours to fine-tuning my solitaire skills. It’s something I’m both deeply ashamed and very proud of.

faye's avatar

The Youtube of the etremely smart crow and another of a smart octopus. Another Youtube of an albino dolphin. And the true story of Oprah and Tommy Hilfiger (sp), though I still wouldn’t buy his clothes. Toomany of Michele Bachmann- wow, she can talk a lot without any meat to her words.

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