Can we get a list of users from oldest to newest?
Asked by
September 21st, 2011
Is there any way to get a list of Fluther users, from oldest, to newest, excluding the ones that (sadly) left, or ones that aren’t a year old?
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25 Answers
Isn’t that a bit intrusive? (And I’m pretty sure there’s not any such list.)
There is something that one can use (although not 100% accurate), and it is called Lurve score.
@rebbel True, I’d just like to see a list of users like this, sort of as a comparison, or something XD
Nope. Even if it was easy to come up with such a list (and for all I know, it may be), I don’t think I’d want such information out in public. It would be too easy for someone to use it as a mail list for spam/scam purposes.
Lots of forums and message boards have user lists, where you can see everyone and when they joined. But this place doesn’t have that.
@rebbel I think lurve score is extremely inaccurate for figuring this out. Plus it would take too damn long. XD
@augustlan kudos and lurve! It might be worth pointing out that the date a user joined is on their profile.
@SuperMouse 5$ if yo make a list going through all the profiles.
@XOIIO Easy, start looking at every profile and create the list based on their join date. Let us know when you are done.
The list of users you follow that is listed on your profile is listed as newest to oldest.
Add every user. There’s your list. ;)
@jonsblond perfect!!! A mad system overload as everyone adds everyone!!!
You can’t even find out who the users are unless you see a post by them or do some other kinds of serious searching.
Why? Who the fuck cares!?!
I keep a copy of the site with nokigiri so this would be easy enough to do. But I don’t care enough to actually do it.
There is a way for the chat mods to check the user id of the user. I think I was around 400.
Well…lets see. You could start with Q#1, about salt, and make a list of the people who responded. Then go to Q#2 and update the list…...then Q#3 and so on. :) Do it!!
Well I figured there might be a way, maybe greasemonkey script, or mirroring the whole website, and then compiling a list of user profiles.
I joined in August 2009 if anyone cares.
Woops – I meant August 2007.
@jca Time flies when you’re having fun, eh?
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