Meta Question

XOIIO's avatar

Is there a way to see which users are maxed out on lurve for us?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) September 21st, 2011

I’m always wondering who is maxed out on lurve for me when I get a GA or something else, is there any way to see which users are maxed out?

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28 Answers

PhiNotPi's avatar

I don’t know if it is possible to find out who is maxed out on you, but simple experimentation can tell you who you are maxed out on.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I don’t think so. I look at the users score,give them a GA, exit the question and then go back in and look at their score. It doesn’t update until you exit the question.

Berserker's avatar

It isn’t recorded anywhere on the site for anyone to see. (although maybe the staff and perhaps the mods can see that stuff in the control panel)

Brian1946's avatar

I’m going to test @Adirondackwannabe‘s hypothesis on the above quips.

3318 18917 19887 respectively.

Okay, I reloaded this page, left it, and came back, and all of the above lurve totals are still the same.

syz's avatar

You do realize that this site has only one paid employee, right?

XOIIO's avatar

I get paid

In lurve

PhiNotPi's avatar

18917 19887 12151 25227 10409
Every lurve score went up five, so I am not maxed out on anyone, yet.

Jeruba's avatar

No, and I think it’s one of many things we’re better off not knowing. Suppose I thought you ought to be maxed out on me and I found out that you were far from it? Oh, woe! Don’t you like me? Why not? Well, maybe I won’t lurve you any more either. Besides, it must be the mods’ fault for all their censorship and favoritism and all that.

Ugh, we don’t want people to think like that, do we? Better just not to think about it.

XOIIO's avatar

@Jeruba FASHISM!


Jeruba's avatar

You mean “fascism,” right, @XOIIO?

XOIIO's avatar

@Jeruba Yeah, today is not one of my most awake days.

Jeruba's avatar

That’s ok. <pat pat> Good night. There’ll be more lurve tomorrow.

augustlan's avatar

Nope, and for good reasons. Much as @Jeruba said, it would only lead to bad things.

wundayatta's avatar

Actually, I keep a record of how much lurve everyone has given everyone else. I’ve got it on a data base that I hacked one night from fluther when I wasn’t trying to finish my unified field theory. In any case, I’ve got a quantum connection with both the fluther sub-server and the fluther meta-server, and I’ve got all the data I need to answer your question. Just submit a request in triplicate on gold leaf paper, sealed in a platinum box (for security purposes) and for only, $500 per name, I will tell you not only if they are maxed out on you, but for free, I will tell you if you are maxed out on them.

You are not going to find a deal like this anywhere else in the combined universes. But it is for a limited time only. So find that platinum box now because next week, the over will be null and void.

Under the Orange Tree.

chyna's avatar

Eventually, we are all maxed out on each other after a few months. It’s just lurve, and really, what’s lurve got to do with it?

XOIIO's avatar

@wundayatta How about a hand job?

lol couldnt help it

AstroChuck's avatar

Let’s see if I can max out on all of you.

FutureMemory's avatar

I love how Jeruba sent XOIIO to bed, haha.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Jeruba @XOIIO could have meant FASHIONISM… maybe? Ms. Blanchett’s new wine colored dress is rather flattering.

ucme's avatar

Don’t know, don’t care!

zensky's avatar

What’s lurve?

lillycoyote's avatar

@zensky What’s lurve? It’s that thing you perpetually go out of your way to avoid accruing too much of.

erichw1504's avatar

Can I turn in some of my lurve for a prize of my choice?

wundayatta's avatar

@XOIIO I’m not saying I’m uncorruptable, but you are talking the wrong gender and the wrong anatomic part if you are going to even get close to getting what you want out of me.

XOIIO's avatar

Well then, maybe we can work out some other kind or deal ;)


FutureMemory's avatar

If you’re an active poster, it really doesn’t take all that long for a fellow active member to max out on you. i pretty much only get lurve from the very new Jellies. Sometimes I can get 20 GA’s without my lurve going up a single point. If you’re trying to raise your lurve XO, I would suggest befriending new members.

XOIIO's avatar

@FutureMemory Not trying to raise it on purpose, just curious.

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