Social Question

Do women like those of Venezuela who see bigger breast and plastic surgery as the stalwart mark of beauty, rankle feminist?
To have a whole culture of women believing augmentations of the mammaries, and other nip/tuck procedures is the key to beauty, with a Eurocentric leaning no doubt.
”There are more beauty salons and spas than drugstores in Caracas.”
”A popular cosmetic surgery gift for “quinceanera” (a celebration when a girl reaches the age of 15) is a breast augmentation job.”
“It seems that Venezuela dominates the world in beauty pageant contestants. The country can claim to have as many as four Miss Universe, five Miss World and four Miss International titles. Plus, many contestants reach very close to winning the title. No surprise then that the most popular program on television is a beauty pageant.” [Source]
With as many beauty pageant wins, especially for a nation of its size, pound for pound isn’t that an indictment that it works? Doesn’t that somewhat indicates that for ”pageant worthy women” per million than the US, Canada, or Russia?
”While we think a trip to the spa does the trick, some Venezuelans see plastic surgery as a necessity.”
‘With the economy, one has to make sacrifices, because you don’t have the money. So, you get it from credit cards, from family and you pay for it’, said 57-year-old Iris Delgado, who borrowed about $3,250 for an eyelid tuck” [Source]
To crave beauty, even if bought, is so important as to go into deep debt to achieve or putting off other necessities, would feminist see that as male brainwashing, or women flexing their independence, even if by way of their wallets, to appear in more pleasing, even if the byproduct of that was more appealing to men standard of beauty?
Based on current exchange rates would you go under the knife and spend $13,000 to $22,050+/- you didn’t have for a bigger mammaries, the perfect butt, or a table flat middle because more than half of society deemed that a staple of being a woman?