If there was one day a week where you only had to work half a day, would you opt to sleep in and go in later in the morning, or get up early and leave work early in the afteroon?
I work 12 hour days on Monday; ergo, I get ½ days off on Friday. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I had the option to go in early and leave early, or go in late and leave late. I choose, without hesitation, on Fridays, to sleep in till 9:30 (or 10:30 if I’m pushing it!) and work to 4:30.
I love a casual, relaxed morning AND I love my job, so it all works. Fridays are more-better than usual for me. : )
Fine! Clock me on “ergo”! Don’t know if it was all correct or not, so have at it. : )
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25 Answers
I would personally choose to go in early and leave early. But it really depends on the job. If I really like the job, I might work the full day even if I didn’t have to.
I feel better having the whole weekend ahead of me. Definitely leave early.
Early risers club! Like to get up early and get the day started when the world seems fresh and renewed. The afternoon is a great time to knock off and just feel “free” for a few hours to get a few things done while energy is riding along.
Ummm….sleep! The wind blowing sweetly through window. Drifting in and out of sleep! Get up 3 hours later than normal! Savor the coffee….Watch the morning, think about things….no rush….leisurely get ready for work….
I’ve worked two full Fridays since this shift started 4 weeks ago @digitalimpression. Gotta love that overtime! Question…If you weren’t paid extra, would you still work it?
@Dutchess_III If I really loved the job, I would definitely work overtime with no extra compensation. I have no basis of reference though. I’ve never had a job that I liked.
I am a night owl and sometimes go tip one with workmates on Thursday night. Needless to say, I would sleep in and ergo enjoy the full casual of it.
I would sleep in so that I’m not as tired when I get home. If I went in early, I’d sleep as soon as I got home, so it wouldn’t make much of a difference.
When I sleep, I don;t get up, so go in early.
@mazingerz88 No doubt! : ].
Great answers all! This is another one of those…“What personality type are you” questions, I think.
Why you not get up @XOIIO?
OK, only one person used the word “ergo” in their answer! Ergo, only one person read every detail! Candy for @blueiiznh. Actually, I was wondering more about the use of the semi-colon..?
I think I’ll go watch Dave Letterman now….SINCE I DON’T HAVE TO GET UP AT 6:30 A.M. TOMORROW!!!
I not get up cause I sleep deep
The latter as I am an early bird.
@Blackberry Well, of course!
@zensky “The latter” always makes me double check, even though I’ve been reading the term since I was in 4th grade! I remember the first time I came across the term..in the “Black Stallion” series!
Early birds suck. Word. The End.
I’d rather take the early shift because I am a night owl. I would probably stay up all night, go to work, then come home and go to bed.
I’d much rather go early and leave early, and I’m not even a morning person! lol
Get up early, go in and leave early!
I’d choose same as you to get some extra sleep (assuming someone else could drive my daughter to school).
Sleeping in would be for me. Getting out early would, ultimately benefit the rest of my family as I’d be “free” to run errands for them.
Go in early and finish early.
Definitely sleep in. It lets you hang out late, and in my case go to sleep at 7AM, while still getting a full 8 hours of sleep. (I also more of a night person, I’d prefer to work at night than during the day)
Go in early and leave early. Gives me the rest of the day to do what I want.
Early in early out; I like being able to focus on and enjoy the rest of the day without interruption. I also find I get more done that way. This morning was actually a good example, I had two things I had committed to doing and the cats decided it was time to get up around 0430 so I just went to work after giving them some attention. Now (4 hours later) all I’m waiting for is a confirmation call and my weekend has begun!
I went in late, had to park far away, ergo I can leave early to get to my car.
works for me
Yawn, streeeeetch guys! I have three hours till I have to be at work. I’m so refreshed. Think of all the errands I can run and bills I can pay before I go to work! If…I want to!
If, and whenever, I can sleep, then dream my dreams of blood and fire I shall. Specifications be cursed!
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