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What are some ways one can change their image and physical presentation skills?
Couldn’t find any questions asked on this already..
I have always tended to “be myself” around my friends and in general, though sometimes I am more guarded than others. While I enjoy “being myself,” I also want to appear and interact in a certain way, by wanting to be more like the people I admire and the way they interact with others. It’s hard to explain, but I have an idea of how I want people to perceive me – successful, upright, together, etc. I don’t want to act like someone other than myself, but rather present myself to others in a different manner.
I am wondering if you might recommend any great books, articles, magazines, blogs, insights, or thoughts on public image, social interaction, presentation skills, etc. and how I might study and practice to change the lens which others view me. Thanks!
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