What is your current "must see" tv?
What shows do you plan your schedule around and refuse to miss? Right now I only have two, Chopped and The Great Food Truck Race both on the Food Network. Of course I do my best to see Stewart and Colbert every evening. There are some shows on the networks I try to catch including Modern Family – ABC, Raising Hope – Fox, Parks and Rec and Community on NBC.
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30 Answers
Eagles football games. Also Phillies games, once the playoffs start.
Modern Family
Two and Half Men
Blue Bloods
Big Bang Theory
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
Top Gear (U.K Of course)
All of the above can be found (Dexter had 2 seasons last I checked) on Netflix streaming if you’re interesting in catching up
Breaking Bad
Shameless (US version – haven’t seen the UK one it’s based on yet)
True Blood (guilty pleasure)
I don’t have TV or a steady internet connection at home… these get downloaded whenever possible :)
Nothing, really. I have certain shows I’ll tune in to if I happen to be in front of the tube at any particular time, but nothing I set my watch by.
I used to be really into House, but I didn’t have a TV for about a year, and I’m SO far behind I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to catch up. (last I saw, 13 still hadn’t come back from her sabbatical. If anyone tells me why she was gone, I’ll kill you.)
Big Bang Theory
Cake Boss
Disaster DIY
I have a bunch of cable shows that I like to DVR & watch when I take a coffee break..I like FOOD & HGTV & a few others to record from
World Championship Cycling.
I must have my sport!
Rugby World Cup
Upcoming basketball games, Lost season two and three (I know, I know – I’m quite behind – no spoilers please). Also Fox news – especially O’Reilly – occasionally Conan and
Jon Stewart.
I found out just today that The Shins are covering Pink Floyd on Jimmy Fallon this Monday night, so I’ll definitely be staying up to see that. Other than that, I’ll certainly be eager for new episodes of Modern Family, The Middle, and of course, the always impeccable Regular Show.
The Big Bang Theory
LA Ink
Sons of Anarchy
Mrs Brown’s Boys
I’m still hooked on Survivor, but I may kick the habit soon. I’m embarrassed by my choice.
Waiting for Fringe. Waiting.
@tinyfaery I’m dying, I can barely stand it. I am so excited! If they ever cancel that show I don’t know what I’ll do.
The Closer.
Waiting for the next sumo competition too ^^
A few other shows but I forgot the names.
Law & Order: SVU
Sons of Anarchy
We just got X factor. I’m liking Simon and the dynamic of the team of judges – the first auditions were memorable – I know it was edited and spliced to make it TV worthy and emotional – but I got teary eyed from some of the singing and stories. But that’s just me.
If you tell anyone I’ll deny it.
South Park
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
The Rachel Maddow Show
The Big C—Laura Linney is just incredible
NCIS—I just love these characters
Breaking Bad—the plot twists keep you on the edge of your seat. Totally unpredictable.
Dexter—you keep thinking he’s going to get caught. But he always squeaks by. Can’t help but root for him.
Modern Family—so hilarious. Great writing. Great physical comedy. Jesse terrified by the bird indoors. Priceless.
Clearly I like my Dramas with unexpected comedy. A well-written and superbly acted “Dramedy” is such a challenge to pull of successfully and consistently.
Rachel Maddow.
Keith Olbermann.
NFL football.
ML baseball.
Keeping Up with the Bundys
Lawn Odor: Criminally Intentional and SUV.
CSI: Hooterville.
From the producers of Ellen: Stump and Dump Trump. Contestants ask Trump whatever they want to. If he gets it wrong, he gets dumped into a tank of the day’s mystery liquid. It’s gonna be HUUUUUUUGE!
Mel Gibson’s Seinfeld, because who doesn’t love a train wreck?
@Buttonstc I loved The Big C! Is there a second series yet? Only one series has been shown on British TV.
Yes. We are nearing the end of Season 2 here in the US. It airs usually in the summer ending in the Fall. It has also been renewed for a 3rd season in 2012.
Do you get Showtime there or was it sold to another network. If you do subscribe to Showtime, you should likely be able to catch up on the Season 2 episodes you’ve missed thus far before the last few air in the next weeks.
Or is the scheduling just totally different over there ?
Anyhow, you’ll love this season even better than last. I had so many laugh out loud moments this season. You’ll love the new story arc for Gabby Sidebe. She really is a fantastic actress not just a flash in the pan from that one movie which made her famous.
You are going to love this season. Plenty of new plot twists and characters. Alan Alda has a cameo as an oncologist. And Kathy meets a fellow patient and they become (not soul mates but) Mole Mates :) Wonderful.
I don’t want to say any more or give too much away so you can enjoy the surprises for yourself.
@Buttonstc I’m looking forward to it! I imagine it will be shown on the same channel here that the first series was shown but I’m not sure how soon after a programme airs in the States we get it here!
Big Bang
Through the wormhole
Pawn Stars
Ocean and marine life anything (Especially octopus)
Auction or antique, or storage unit anything
Science anything
Astronomy anything (Beautiful Planet)
Robot Chicken
American Dad (Because I’m sick to death of Family Guy re-runs)
Aussie Rugby
Rangers and Redwings Hockey
Weeds (Although I think it’s gotten quite stupid lately)
Mad Men
Pan Am looks really cool, so does the Playboy but I haven’t seen either one yet.
The Playboy Club just got canceled after 3 episodes. I didn’t watch it, but it kind of peaked my interest.
I’ve been watching Pan Am. Not a must see necessarily, but I like it. The last episode had some seriousness to it, not all pretty girls and soap opera. I have a girlfriend who was a stewardess with Pan Am back in the day, and she says some of it is very accurate. She loves the show.
@emeraldisles Thanks for telling me, I would have gone crazy looking for it thinking I had lost my mind and imagined an entire show…. *Again.
I hate when I do that.
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