Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What kind of a person stays on Fluther?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) September 23rd, 2011

Curious as a cat here. : )

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54 Answers

saint's avatar

In my case, it remains to be seen.
A friend of mine used the site, told me about it, then dropped off right when I signed up.

mazingerz88's avatar

@saint Hmm, so is it you or is it Fluther? Lol. Btw, welcome. I love saints.

Seek's avatar

People who enjoy an energetic conversation with others who share their respect for thought, intelligence, grammar, and friendliness in the face of disagreement.

zensky's avatar

Someone like you, someone like me.

saint's avatar

@mazingerz88 That’s good. Hope you feel that way later on.

erichw1504's avatar

Only the greatest.

thorninmud's avatar

The “Plays well with others” kind.

Sunny2's avatar

Someone with time to spare and time to share with other flutherites.

tom_g's avatar

Someone who is clearly burned out at the their job and can’t resist keeping a fluther browser open on my their second monitor.

gailcalled's avatar

Those who feel comfortable with the diverse collective.

snowberry's avatar

Someone with a very thick skin…Like me!

Also someone who likes to have fun.

rebbel's avatar

Lurvers, not fighters.

FutureMemory's avatar

Those who possess:

a larger-than-average number of brain cells, at least compared to your average message board poster;

a flexible sense of humor;

a strong respect for something that at least resembles proper grammar;

good taste in friends.


saint's avatar

I have not been here for long, but I would not call it diverse. It seems fairly homogenous to me. Most people seem to be talking the same language.

harple's avatar

@saint Care to divulge further your thinking? (ps Croeso i Fluther!)

FutureMemory's avatar

@saint It is an English language site.

harple's avatar

@saint If you are genuinely talking about it being in the English language, then I doubt very much that is the diversity @gailcalled was referring to…

saint's avatar

@harple @FutureMemory

Talking the same language.
It’s a metaphor, and I bet you knew that.
I mean, in reading comments and questions on this site, it seems most people have a very similar point of view.
Diolch yn fawr

harple's avatar

@saint Stick around – you’ll soon see how differently two people can think about the same topic…

rebbel's avatar

@harple I don’t agree with that statement. ~

FutureMemory's avatar

I think that in some ways we know each other so well (those of us that have been around for awhile), and like each other enough, that we tend to get along and enjoy each other to the point that the site appears very homogenous…but believe me, there are frequently VERY heated threads about the usual topics (religion, politics).

harple's avatar

@rebbel Oh really? Right, you and me, outside, now! ;-)

laineybug's avatar

@saint I have to say, I disagree with you. People here tend to have very different opinions, we usually just say so respectfully.

mazingerz88's avatar

@rebbel Speak for yourself, dude. I’m a fighter! ( for lurve ) Lol.

Blueroses's avatar

@saint Civilized discourse between intelligent people can feel homogeneous, I suppose, until you read the actual words that are said. We don’t resort to bashing each other’s heads in or shouting “U r so ghey!” to end a disagreement.
Most of us don’t cause a scene in public. We self-moderate and try to realize that even when someone is dead wrong, s/he is still a human and deserves some respect. Many heated discussions and deepening friendships between people of opposing philosophies happen in the PMs.
welcome to Fluther

incendiary_dan's avatar

People who stay are usually the ones who don’t interpret someone disagreeing with them as an attack (and unfortunately, some people stay who do).

wundayatta's avatar

They are sick, I tell you! Sick! Totally warped, the lot of them! They have no friends. Ugly as sin. No jobs. No lives! Man, there’s that one… awholelotta or something he calls himself. That dude is sick! Proud of it, too. He acts like being bipolar is so cool. He’s here all the time. I don’t think he even sleeps. Must live on Red Bull.

Seriously! This “Under the Orange Tree” crap? What does he think he’s on about. And have you seen how much he writes? Either he types like a computer or he has nothing else to do in his life. Maybe both.

If you are finding yourself staying more and more on fluther, my advice is to RUN!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!! You do not want to turn into achapalaffalotta, I’m telling you!

chyna's avatar

<——- This kind.

Coloma's avatar


Funny! Hey, if you can laugh at yourself it’s not that bad. lol

I’m here until I am not.

My work will be ramping up in the new year, so, I may eventually fade away again. haha

marinelife's avatar

All kinds just like real life!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Weirdos like me. Bwuahahahahahahah :P

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma Give Marvyn access to the keyboard during your lull. : )

ucme's avatar

What 24/7? A demented amoeba brained nerdmuffin that’s who… know who you are ;¬}

Bluefreedom's avatar

<——- This kind of person. Fluther is groovy in a real happening kind of way.

filmfann's avatar

Zombies. (i have no life)

Berserker's avatar

@wundayatta Lmao. XD

@filmfann Bleeeeeaaaa….

@answer Just a buncha freaky muffuggas. Welcome to fluther, yah.

AshLeigh's avatar

<—That kind.

everephebe's avatar

That kind.—->

AshLeigh's avatar

@everephebe, The blank kind? O.o

Berserker's avatar

.>—dnik tahT

AshLeigh's avatar

@Symbeline, the backwards kind?!?!?
Man, this just makes Fluther sound weird, and boring…

Berserker's avatar

Man, I was just doing my best trying to sound like a Viking.

everephebe's avatar

Communal feed is to da right.
And ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Berserker's avatar

Can’t go wrong with right.

Not to hear D&D tell it…

Buttonstc's avatar

Only the most intelligent, discerning and groovy populate the Flutherverse. (with a few boorish nitwits stopping by from time to time only to get their noses out of joint by the moderation)

At least it keeps things interesting. Variety is the spice of life.


gailcalled's avatar

In my case, to relish and learn from a cadre of people who are, indeed, apparently similar to me in outlook, voice, moderation, humor, humors, civility, and experience.

I also love the younger generations who are different from me in outlook, voice, passion, humor, humors, eagerness to learn and share, and experience.

I am fascinated by the third group, who bring a diversity of outlook, voice, passion, interests and experience. Without fluther, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to get to know them.

And lastly, there are flutherers who enable me to work on my language and editing skills, reading comprehension, ability (often sorely tried) to remain simultaneously detached and perplexed without developing apoplexy.

PhiNotPi's avatar

It’s the Law of the Conservation of Intelligence. With the existence of Youtube comments and other places with similar IQ’s, all of the unused intelligence must end up somewhere else, such as here.

Buttonstc's avatar

That is so true. The first time I ever took time to read some of the comments on YT because I really liked that particular vid, I was flat out amazed that YT just left that dreck standing forever without any modding.

You’d think they would have a little pride or standards or something. Cured me forever from any further reading of YT comments. I didn’t want to risk further brain rot. Once was enough.


Blueroses's avatar

@Buttonstc I like reading YT comments. It’s such a nice little boost for my superiority complex. :)

Buttonstc's avatar

Ha ha. I can’t afford eroding my brain any further. Gotta keep all those cells active with more challenging fare :)

erichw1504's avatar

Ones who smell of cottage cheese.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Jelly Bellies!!

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