Why does FOX News dislike Ron Paul?
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Because he does not march with their political views.
The poll also shows how outre the beliefs of FOX news viewers are.
Paul is an isolationist who criticizes American military involvement in the middle east; Fox spent the entire Bush administration cheerleading the war in Iraq.
Murdoch and Ailes are also probably somewhat uncomfortable with Paul’s views on drug use (legalize) because that’s a turnoff to the religious conservatives that fund their media empire.
Okay, follow my thinking on this:
On July 4th, the Major League Eating competition held the Nathans Hot Dog Eating contest. Takeru Kobayashi, who has won the contest six times, was not allowed to compete because he has not signed an exclusive contract with MLE. He wants to be independant, and be able to participate in non-MLE sactioned events.
So the contest is held, and Joey Chestnut wins, eating 62 hot dogs. Across town, standing on a rooftop, non-MLE judges watched Kobayashi eat 69 hot dogs.
Major League Eating called Kobayashi’s accomplishment a sham, and would not recognize it.
Here are all the lurid details.
In this question, of course, MLE is FOX, Kobayashi is Ron Paul, and Romney is Joey Chestnut. FOX doesn’t recognize Paul because he isn’t one of their circus freaks.
Well, one important difference I think is that Fox is in the business of getting Republicans elected to office… and there’s no way Paul could win a national election. I don’t think the MLE has similarly grand motives. But it’s a good analogy. :)
I disagree. Ron Paul will appeal to more democrats than any other Republican candidate, and that will be necessary for a Republican win. FOX just doesn’t see Ron Paul as their standard bearer.
@CaptainHarley Here are just a few:
Belief in the theory of nullification.
The belief that the so-called and totally fictitious “death panels” are part of the health care bill.
There’s been more debt under President Obama than all other presidents combined.
Halting gulf oil drilling will cost billions in imports.
The Republicans are horrible to Ron Paul, they were last election and they are this time. I find it unprofessional and direspectful. They laugh at him openly, roll their eyes, they are just awful. I would guess Fox news simply doesn’t want Paul to win, either because they think he cannot win the national election, or most likely because they feel he will not tow the line or be controlled by the Republican party and the Christian Base. The Party wants someone they can control in my opinion. I think both parties want that to some extent.
Gosh, if it is true they are outright lying about their poll, what does that say for the lies they tell about people they really don’t like? Imagine.
I like that we are all so completely used to the fact that Fox strongly biases their reporting to support their political agenda that we don’t even bother to mention it anymore. But this case reveals that their political agenda is more specific than I originally thought, which is interesting to me.
I’m not sure FOX “News” is news, so much as a political soap opera of fictions designed to captivate and titillate the Right-leaning viewer much in the same way that pornography entertains the horny and romance novels entertain lonely matrons. We can hate on FOX for spreading fictions, but all they’re doing is catering to a willing audience in order to make a living: who among us with a job doesn’t do that? The problem comes in with how seriously their demographic takes them. The porn girl isn’t going to sleep with you. The virile Fabio stud shall not sweepeth away the housewife into a kilted, shirtless fantasy of flowers and caviar. And FOX ain’t real either. Can we get used to that already?
I want to put that link on my facebook, but I am trying to be less political on that site. It ain’t easy.
@laureth What’s so confounding is how difficult it is to get the masses to realize Fox is biased. It’s the most popular news channel, and people really think it is “fair and balanced.”
I don’t think it’s nearly as “fair and balanced” as it claims to be, it just “balances out” the other news services which lean so far to the left. The fact that they don’t like Ron Paul only makes ME like him even more. : )
There really isn’t a liberal equivalent to Fox News. In my opinion.
You’re correct… there are MANY liberal-leaning news organizations, but none is as effective at presenting their case as Fox is at presenting theirs.
That’s not what I’m implying. I don’t think even MSNBC lies as far to the left as Fox lies to the right. Not in my opinion.
runs out and buys lottery ticket
@filmfann, Paul might appeal to some more Democrats… he is more honest and in general less repulsive personally than Romney and Perry. And he’s anti-war, pro-drug.
But he’s a social conservative. He’s anti abortion rights. He is far, far right on economic issues, and those issues are going to be very important this election.
I would be pissed if Paul actually got the nomination and ran against Obama because the Dems would probably tack even more right re: drugs and foreign policy… but I don’t think Paul has a serious chance of winning.
Imagine if by some bizarre confluence of events Paul actually wins the nomination and the election. It would be a disaster. There is no rank-and-file he could count on to support him in the House and Senate as he is an isolated iconoclast within the GOP. The other wings of the GOP would take the opportunity to run riot even moreso than today.
I’m a bit puzzled as to why his supporters cannot see or acknowledge this. I think they should be more concerned with building up a viable base within the GOP (though I can see how this run could actually be more about this process than a serious shot at the nomination) or abandoning it altogether to strengthen the Libertarian Party, which is afterall the natural home for this brand of political views.
I did send the link to a friend on Facebook who voted for Ron Paul back in the 80’s. He kind of let Fox off the hook by saying that Ron Paul followers are more likely to vote in Polls like that. I don’t really buy that excuse.
I just hope he’s safe. The Secret Service doesn’t begin protecting a candidate until he’s actually been nominated by a political party. The “powers that be” could decide that he’s too much of a threat and have him taken out. : ((
Most people haven’t. I thought about volunteering as his bodyguard, but this damned old body doesn’t remember how to move very quickly anymore. I believe that JFK was taken out by the powers-that-be for daring to want to challenge the Federal Reserve.
@CaptainHarley Well, I honestly can’t see Ron Paul getting the nomination, so hopefully he is safe.
I would love to see @CaptainHarley reprise Clint Eastwood’s role in “In the Line of Fire”, but in real life.
I just found this on a Wikipedia page. This really did stun me:
A straw poll was held at the September 12 Republican debate, to find out who the debate audience thought were the front runners, both before and after the debate. Before the debate, Ron Paul came first, Rick Perry came second, and Michele Bachmann came third. After the debate, Ron Paul was still first, Michele Bachmann came second, and Herman Cain came third.[22] CNN have not released the full results of this poll, instead holding an online poll which omitted Ron Paul from the choices.
Not Clint Eastwood. That’s cops and robbers stuff. : )
Paul is about as threatening to the status quo as Ross Perot. Arguably less because Perot sealed the deal for the Democratic candidate whereas Paul hasn’t split up the Republicans to that extent yet.
“But he’s a social conservative. He’s anti abortion rights.”
@Qingu Although this is true, his true libertarian thought will prove its loyalty in that he ultimately wants to give the state’s the right to choose on such issues.
Fox News has a political agenda that they seem to push on their ‘fair and balanced’ news network. I’m not so sure that Fox dislike Paul on the grounds that he is unelectable but I think they burn Paul because of his libertarian views. Let’s face it, Paul’s agenda (like him or not) is much more different in many aspects than most mainstream prowar social conservative Republicans. Gary Johnson seemed to have gotten a screwing from every major network as well despite being a brilliant governor.
Fox News is not about pushing Ron Paul or Gary Johnson libertarian philosophies but rather is about pushing Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly neoconservative propaganda.
Ironically almost every nonunion place that I’ve worked at had their breakroom tv’s set to, you guessed it! Faux News. Coincidence?
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