Good luck card to congratulate me with my wedding? Is this an insult?
Asked by
Bart19 (
September 24th, 2011
My wife and I married a few weeks ago and this one card we received is bugging me slightly. I have no clue how to interpretate it.
It has a ladybug with clovers on the front and says: Good luck! Now I swear this card is meant for people that are about to enter competitions, start a new job or something similair. But maybe my card etiquette is not up to date. So can any of you enlighten me how to see this card?
Yes very random question lol
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28 Answers
Does the sender have bad luck with relationships? It’s crass regardless, but probably has more to do with the sender’s personal issues than with your compatibility.
I wouldn’t take it to personal. Some people are not good at picking out cards, or they may have just taken one from their stash. Remember it’s the thought that counts.
BTW Congratulations. Sorry I don’t have a card.:-)
It’s someone with an odd sense of humor, the kind of person that sends you a card with a smashed up car on it when you are going for your drivers license, or a card of some guy puking his guts out on the toilet for a birthday card.
EDIT: a get well soon card would have been funnier
I am very anti-card. When I was younger and could hardly articulate what I hated about cards so much, I would purposely get “wrong” cards for people. Happy Easter cards for birthdays, birthday cards for xmas, get well soon for birthdays, the “from both of us” cards from just me, etc. Maybe the card came from some jerk like the old me, who thought he was witty and being funny.??
My ex had once given me a birthday card that was for “mom”. I’m not a mom. He hadn’t read it, just liked the picture on the front. Meh, who cares.
Maybe it was the only card they could find around the house…I’ve done it before….my brother got a “Happy 4th Birthday” care bear card for his 24th birthday : )
Considering the divorce rate these days, I’d take it as a compliment…
I’ve read the question twice and all of the responses and I’m still… “Huh? WTF?”
What in the world is wrong with any of this? You got a “Good Luck” card from someone regarding your upcoming wedding. You don’t seem to like the design on the card? or the fact that someone is wishing you ‘good luck’?
I don’t see a problem with any of this, unless ladybugs on clover represent something in your culture that they certainly don’t in mine, ladybugs being a non-pest insect as far as I know, and clover being pretty ubiquitous and benign as well – and ‘lucky’, if it’s a 4-leaf clover.
It might or might not be an insult.
You need to look at the sender. Do they have an axe to grind?
It was in poor taste, but could have been done by someone clueless.
I don’t get it. Why was the “Good Luck” card in poor taste? @XD also said “crass”. What am I missing? I guess I realize that “Congratulations” are the order of the day for grooms and “Good luck” is the customary accolade to a bride, but still… this hardly seems like a huge faux pas.
The card was given to me on my wedding day after the official ceremony and during the very small reception. It is from my parents (Congrats was the only thing written inside).
Now this is how I would intrepret this card: ( it’s jmo, a thought) I would think that one of my parents, probably mother, did not agree with my choice of spouse. Would I care? not one iota.
Was there money in the card? :-)
It sounds like they just didn’t get out to get a card and this was one they have in a box of cards that was the most appropriate one they could find.
@CWOTUS the card implies that the couple will need good luck to make their marriage work.
But “Good luck” is the customary greeting (granted, to a bride) after a wedding. It’s custom!
Is this a bad time for me to go on a rant about the evils of cards and the greeting card industry?
Oh, go for it, @tom_g. I can’t wait.
I was just kidding. There are only 2 or 3 other people in the world who want to hear my tirade against greeting cards.
There is nothing wrong with it. The humour goes that marriage is hell, so they wish you good luck.
I think she probably had all good intentions. I cannot tell you how many times I have written good luck on fluther, and then erased it. Once in a blue moon I leave it, if I think it will be taken the right way. Wishing luck is basically a positive thing, you want the person to have good fortune. But, it can be taken as an insult, implying the person needs luck, or that the cards might be stacked against them. Then there is the superstitious who believe wishing luck is very bad, you might know the expression, “break a leg,” used by actors. Probably it is a Jewish thing I’m thinking. Traditionally Jews don’t say that things are going well out loud, cause it can destroy the good thing. Kind of likemyou need to knock wood when you do it to keep away the bad, And, they see it as bad to celebrate something to soon, because something might go wrong. Just another reason we are probably seen as negative andnpessimistic. LOL. Maybe other people think the same way. But, I am sort of off track.
I think just dismiss it as ignorance. The person didn’t realize the card she sent was a little off.
If they have the same sense of humor that I do, they were probably just trying to be funny. I was 20 when I married my husband, and a few people thought I was too young. I heard a few “Hahaha good luck“s from people as a joke. It didn’t offend me; I just replied that I didn’t need luck because fate was on my side.
Two of the family members who wished us “luck” have jokingly said “Well, my good luck wishes must’ve worked, eh?” over the past several years.
You shouldn’t be offended by it, really. They probably just meant it as a harmless wish for you to have good luck in your marriage. =0)
In Holland it is very normal to wish a couple “Veel Geluk! (Much Luck!)”, so, like @CWOTUS , I don’t see why this should be proof of bad taste.
The only thing that could make it that, is when the giver (when it is given, rather then posted) expresses body language that suggests that they think it will be much needed because they have no trust in the outcome.
Judge it face value, these things, would be my advice.
Actually, @rebbel makes a good point; any chance the card giver isn’t American?
With a shiteload of wedding cards to choose from, that seems like an odd/poor choice. Personally, I don’t know anyone in my circle of friends or family that would send a card like that to where I’d have to question their motive. Friends who are creatively sarcastic or whatever, you’d know what they meant right off. If you’re questioning this sender’s motives, that’s not good. My opinion.
I think wishing you good luck is a very nice thought indeed. Would you have rather had them wish you bad luck. Weddings represent the beginning of something. One never knows what kinds of challenges they will face in the years ahead. The card sender is wishing you to have a good life. I have no idea why you would interpret that in any other way.
@Bart19 do your parents normally give you warmer greeting cards?
@Bart19: Oh wow, that was from your parents? Were they supportive of who you married?
My mom was going blind and was known to send sympathy cards for birthdays. It could have been worse.
Good luck only means Good fortune. So I don’t see why it would be considered a bad thing to say. Unless, you know that they don’t consider you a good match and meant it with sarcasm. But I’ve even wished couples good luck that I didn’t think would work out. All I meant was that I sincerely hope good fortune blesses their union. It would be the same as God Bless. All you would be saying is that you pray the union is blessed.
Now if they said Good luck because your are really going to need it. Then they are being sarcastic.
But they may think you have the sense of humor for it.
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