Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 25?
Asked by
creative1 (
September 25th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
496 Answers
TJBM is having a big Sunday Breakfast today
I wanted one but the rest said NO! I can’t have it [yet ^^].
The Jelly Bellow Me washes the dishes daily.
No, I don’t generate enough dirty dishes to justify doing it daily. I usually do them every third day.
TJBM is having a lazy day.
So true!
TJBM is having a wonderful day!
False (partly).
My team has lost, where they were 1–0 up round half-time.
TJBM will respond to this statement within two minutes.
False, 15 minutes late.
Sorry about your team.
TJBM Is planning on having a really delicious meal!
Maybe… I need to go food shopping…
TJBM is outrageously tall.
I am about 5 foot 9 so “outrageously tall” would be a matter of opinion.
TJBM is not a morning person.
I am not. I get over thing really easy.
The Jelly Bellow Me lost someone dear to them in the last few weeks [two months top].
I had to put my 15 month old cat to sleep in June after a short illness, he was dear to me. :-(
TJBM has lost a pet this year
Yes, my dog Rico.
I am so sorry for your loss.
TJBM has a really cute pet :)
Yes! (at least, I think my hedgehog is pretty cute, though kind of emo)
TBJM is getting dressed up today.
Nope no where special to go today, just hanging at home
TJBM is going to have a relaxing day at home
True! Football day baby!!!!
TJBM has dyed their hair blue at some point in their life.
False. I had them done in red and green!
TJBM Had a beautiful wedding!
True. But, divorced 8 years ago. The wedding was great, not so much the husband. lol
TJBM wants to have a Halloween party
Make it a Purim party and I’m there in drag.
TJBM is Gay.
The jelly below me will tell us what he/she is having for dinner. Can you tell I’m looking for ideas?
A dish of quinoa with walnuts, dried cranberries, diced zuccinni and a mild vinaigrette and a large green salad.
TJBM had his first dream about his pet last night.
TJBM is amazing at playing the piano.
False, my piano playing abilities are limited to “Chopsticks” and that’s pretty much it.
TJBM watched a great movie last night.
True, I think. I play the piano well but I am not amazed. Practicing over 40 years is the key
True; Defiance is the true story of Jewish brothers in Nazi-occupied Eastern Russia who decide to fight and rescue as many Jews as possible. The best part, for me, was the filming on location in rural Lithuania, where my Jewish grandfather came from.
TJBM is going to pick the last batch of fresh raspberries now.
False. I am going to make a couple of eggs from my neighbors chickens for breakfast though. :-)
TJBM is excited to have some help coming to do stuff for them today
True if you are on your way @Coloma!! Come on over! Lots and lots to do!
TJBM drinks milk from the carton while standing infront of the fridge ; )
False. My kids do though.
TJBM can recite the alphabet backwards.
True. It’s not too difficult when you practice it!
TJBM can stand on their head.
TJBM can speak three different languages.
False, I’ve only got English and some French in my repertoire :-(
TJBM loves really loud music.
Yes I do. To cover up the noise of really loud sex.~
TJBM has a sour opinion of politics and all politicians in general.
True-ish. I try to be a realist when it comes to politics.
TJBM has a dog.
used to.
TJBM sleeps with their pets.
False, my cat is not usually the cuddly type. She comes over and hangs out for a bit sometimes though. And it wouldn’t really be smart to let my guinea pig roam free while I sleep.
TJBM is lazy.
False, although I wish I had time to be…..when I am dead maybe :-)
TJBM Has a secret obsession with Bonsai trees.
No but I do love my plants
TJBM enjoys visiting a nice tropical greenhouse in the middle of winter
False, I prefer to romp in wintertime snow.
TJBM enjoyed a glass of scotch on the rocks for their birthday yesterday.
Bleh! No! Only wine, beer and bloody marys over here.
TJBM is wanting to make something really good for dinner but doesn’t know what yet
False, I don’t cook. I’m too lazy for that! :-)
TJBM has a cold right now.
True. I woke up with one. (I’m feeling somewhat jinxed and conspired against) : (
TJBM loves watching football in their pjs
As long as you mean the “soccer” football then yes.
TJBM is a “soccer” fan.
eh, somewhat. not a die hard – but I’m down to watch a game.
TJBM is never getting married.
False but it will take an absolutely amazing man to get me down the aisle. ; )
TJBM told someone they love them via text today.
I don’t text and I don’t have a lover.
TJBM has too much junk and wants to sell some of it to Sanford and Son.
True! I am in the process of throwing a bunch of things out right now. (I’m definitely feeling conspired against and peeked on!)
TJBM is planning a trip to someplace they’ve never been before.
This is true. My honeymoon coming up is a cruise through some Eastern Caribbean spots.
TJBM went looking for their childhood teddbear in the past few months.
False. I didn’t have a teddy bear.
hope your cruise is wonderful : )
TJBM has washed their washer.
Ran it empty because they forgot to load it
(just like I almost did because I got sidetracked reading this thread!)
False, though I did once put all my dolls in the washer so they could have a bath.
TJBM loves nerds. Candy or type of person.
Too true- both!
TJBM is savoring autumn treats. (Caramel apples for me!)
Do chocolate cupcakes count?
TJBM believes they don’t.
True, chocolate cupcakes are an anytime treat, not just an Autumn treat.
TJBM wishes they had a chocolate cupcake now.
No actually in the mood for potato chips for some reason
TJBM is getting ready to cook dinner
False, it’s 3:30ish right now and I don’t cook.
TJBM is going to eat a microwave dinner because they don’t want to cook.
I hate microwave food, just something about the texture.
TJBM wonders where MilkyWay is at.
No but I know @Paul has a big big crush on @milkyway and is missing her
TJBM is going to tell us what they are going to be for Halloween
At home not celebrating.
@creative1 I DO NOT!
TJBM doesn’t celebrate Halloween.
False. We love halloween here.
TJBM has blond/blonde hair.
I tried once and it was awkward so i stopped.
The Jelly Below Me likes stuffed animals.
You guys have messed up.
@tranquilsea I did, now it’s more brown (naturally, not dyed).
@Hibernate True, they’re cute and fluffy.
One of TJBM’s main reasons for Fluthering is TJBM game.
We replied at the same time it seems ^^
And no it’s not about the game itself ^^
The Jelly Below Me wants to travel worldwide.
TJBM lives in America. God knows I want to.
TJBM lives in Ireland.
Maybe, but probably not.
TJBM has visited France.
True, I disliked it.
TJBM loves France.
Oh so true can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to appreciate it to take her
TJBM has heard of the island of Montserrat
True. Also Montserrat Caballe the soprano as well as a monastery with that name.
TJBM will go an Octoberfest event.
TJBM is having pancakes for dinner.
Oh no; pasta with marinara and spinach.
TJBM never, I mean, never eats pancakes.
False. But got to pick my spots: fattening you know!
TJBM, like the Irish Rovers, drinks buttermilk through the week and whiskey on a Sunday!
She drinks neither on any day.
TJBM made a cake from scratch last week.
False, but I wish I had a cake.
TJBM had steak for breakfast today. (the opposite of my above post)
False but that does sound like a good breakfast.
TJBM has at least one exotic pet or did have one sometime in the past.
False, only dogs, a cat, fish, and turtles.
TJBM likes to move it move it. (yes I just watched Madagascar)
True. I love to dance!
TJBM wants to tell us a funny story
True. (But I’m not going to)
TJBM uses a large toothed comb.
What does that even mean?
TJBM is an Islamophobe.
Islamophobic, and no I am not (are you?) so therefore – False.
(unless of course they are wielding a large toothed comb… )
TJBM is going trick-or-treating and will share their Baby Ruths with me ; )
I am taking my 2 & 3 yr olds trick or treating and I am sure since my 3 yr old don’t like chocolate she will let you have her baby ruths as long as my neice don’t want them.
TJBM needs a hair cut
True! Luckily it’s only a week away. Along with a new color. :)
TJBM is watching football while fluthering.
True (american football), how did you know? Seriously, how did you know?
TJBM is bilingual.
False. I only speak English, and American Sign Language… Which is English. XD
TJBM hates the name Scarelette.
never heard of the name.
TJBM wants to live in Quebec.
TJBM is planning a trip to Ireland and England.
I wish!!!
TJBM loves to travel when they can
True, but I’ve never been off the east coast. (Unless West Virginia counts)
TJBM wants to learn another language.
I’ve been talking in ‘Farside’ lingo all afternoon. Part of Farside lingo is re-naming kids Skippy & Biff. Larsonesque names, you know, for goofy kids. Skippy shoved the blower in my outdoor fireplace and created Mt. St. Helens. Way ta go Skippers! LOL
TJBM knows a farside kid
Surely… O.o
TJBM hates high pitched beeping noises. >:(
No. I learned to get used with all the sounds.
The Jelly Below Me needs to see a doctor soon.
True! I need to get my last Gardisil shot. I am not looking forward to it :-(
TJBM needs to see the eye doctor soon.
Oh don’t remind me…
The Jelly Below Me likes spinach.
TJBM thinks their sister is pregnant. :)
False! That would not be good.
TJBM really needs to see a dentist soon.
True. XD
TJBM thinks my sister is pregnant. ;)
TJBM is the one who got AshLeigh’s sister pregnant.
Falcon Punch! Not anymore. :P
TJBM would like to go see a movie in theaters.
not quite as much.
TJBM wants to go to the movies with TJAM.
True! We could do it MST3K style.
TJBM loves strawberry jelly/preserves/jam more than any other jelly.
TJBM also thinks I’m funny.
False. :-)
TJBM is scared of my mom.
one of the reasons I stopped playing this game about 10 or 12 incantations ago was the fact that as I would start typing and would be typing for a few seconds when someone else would start typing and not wait for me to post. I’d have to either delete my post or wait for that person to post or there’d be a double answer
@tranquilsea Sorry!! You can have the next one, promise! :-)
@mangeons that wasn’t aimed at you, honestly. But it was a little ironic that you posted as I was halfway through.
It’s just frustrating and when frustration enters a game I exit.
Now @mangeons is doing it to me! D:
TJBM thinks this game is getting rude!
@tranquilsea Whether it was directed at me or not, I’m still sorry!! :-) Double posts aren’t the end of the world either, it’s always fine to get two different answers to a question!
@AshLeigh I wasn’t playing, I was responding to a comment directed at me!!
… Now we’re at a standstill.
TJBM thinks this is the saddest song ever.
Nahhhh the saddest by far is Friday. Lol
The jelly blow me doesn’t like weather that can’t make up it’s mind whether or not to be sunny, cloudy and raining, or thundershowering.
true. I liked it better when it was cold and crisp, now it’s hot and humid again.
TJBM likes pop tarts.
True. Strawberry frosted are the bomb.
TJBM is afraid of my mom. No one ever answered this before we got off track :-(
True. ;)
TJBM is afraid of my dog.
False? I don’t know what your dog is like so how can I be afraid?? :-(
TJBM has never had a pet.
False I have had too many in my lifetime to keep count
TJBM would like a glass of wine before bed
TJBM Would like to come over Wednesday night to play a Dune drinking game take a shot every time someone says Spice
Not if you’re looking like that avie : (
Not enough booze in North America…
TJBM Looooves Monday mornings and can’t wait for it.
TJBM is in pain. :/
True my lower back is not happy with me.
TJBM is having computer problems.
I was this morning. They have now been fixed and I am just having focus problems.
TJBM has their own blog.
False although I do have my own pair of fur lined handcuffs.
TJBM believes in the existence of secret societies.
TRUE! But they don’t want me to know that.
TJBM wants to lose weight.
False, the opposite actually.
TJBM is wearing a blue t-shirt.
False. Just woke up, wearing jammies and sweat jacket. lol
TJBM has cold feet I need socks..woo hoo, fall is here!
False. This jelly had cold feets and is now wearing socks!
TJBM car is running on fumes and needs to stop for petro.
TJBM has more than 20,000 miles on their car.
True and I am thrilled because I have owned the car since late 2006. We’ll be celebrating our 25,000 mile anniversary together.
TJBM has lower back problems.
TJBM has a lot to do this week.
TJBM has schweddy balls.
Uh no…maybe schweddy breasts after a workout. lol
TJBM has manboobs
Don’t call my pecs that! They’re sensitive, you know.
The Jelly Below Me wonders where the hell summer went.
(seriously, it was over 90 two days ago and now I’m freezing!)
not really
TJBM has breastfed a baby (male).
TJBM turned their heat on this morning for the 1st time in months
False, last week we turned it back on.
TJBM is cold.
True. But I refuse to turn on the heat just yet.
TJBM anticipates raking leaves in the next 2-weeks.
not really
TJBM accepts Netflix’s apology.
For what? I don’t use Netflix
TJBM loves Blackberry cobbler
TJBM just ate lunch.
still working on it.
TJBM wants to BBQ next to a volcano and use volcanic rock to cook his meal.
TJBM plays Minecraft.
TJBM is on the server.
TJBM is craving BBQ now after @reijinni TJBM above
TJBM has played QWOP before.
True, and failed.
TJBm has finished QWOP.
TJBM is about to qwop somebody in the face!
No doubt!
TJBM is QWOPing… all night and day.
TJBM wears contacts.
False, but they would be helpful for guiding in band, my glasses frames are right in the way.
TJBM knows what guiding in band is.
TJBM will educate me.
True, guiding is when you use your peripheral vision, because you can’t turn your head, to stay in line or in the right place while marching, relative to a certain person.
TJBM thinks I’m a geek for knowing that.
False. Knowledge leads to enlightenment and not to geekdom (whatever that is).
TJBM has seen The Help and will share his or her opinion of it with us.
I haven’t seen it. I might watch it sometime.
The Jelly Below Me talks too much on the phone.
False, but I talk too much in real life.
TJBM is extremely hungry.
Yes yes. And I’m eating ^^
The Jelly Below Me spills things often enough. [and gets stains a lot]
Ponders on how you know that @Hibernate? I don’t spill things as in knock over cups and the like. I do seem to manage to drop food on my boobs and so have a lot of tops with stains on the front of them which I never seem to be able to get rid of.
TJBM got to work very early this morning.
Well I didn’t knew it but I hoped someone who spills/knocks things off will answer ^^
Today I stayed home ^^
The Jelly Below Me goes to the Zoo as often as they can.
False, I’ve been to the zoo once in my life I think, in third grade on a field trip.
TJBM is cold.
False. Perfect afternoon..4:20 and 81 degrees!
TJBM likes french bread and spinach dip OMG! I’m in trouble now
The AND logic operator makes the output a FALSE. (An XOR would have been TRUE)
TJBM knows how to count in the binary number system.
TJBM is lazy.
TJBM has read Candide before.
I prefer on top. :P
The jelly below me thinks that Voltaire would have made a kick ass comedian.
TJBM has to look at the keyboard while typing.
true : (
I am an excellent and highly proficient hunt-n-pecker, though! ; )
TJBM needs to clean their microwave.
True. haha. sometimes I forget to cover things when I put them in there.
TJBM loves Wu-tang
Can’t love something if I don’t know what it is.
TJBM has some IKEA furniture.
No but I do have a few IKEA kitchen items
TJBM could use a romantic french kiss
Noooo! I just got back from a volleyball game, I’m sweaty!
TJBM plays team sports.
True if it’s the “team sport” @creative1 was referring to ; )
False (atm) : (
TJBM is hopelessly romantic <3
half hopless romantic, half sole-less .ha.
TJBM thinks it’s important to learn every day.
True. I insist.:-)
TJBM plays an instrument.
yep, about 5 or so
TJBM is still enjoying their pool
Nope. This is Alaska. It’s getting cold. :P
TJBM is grateful for hoodies.
No. Don’t really need them in Queensland.
TJBM has a headache today.
False. My allergies were better with the cooler weather but I did have a sinus headache for about a week straight. Bah!
TJBM is going to bed in exactly 17 minutes
TJBM never gets enough sleep.
Meh, sleep is overrated
TJBM would like the power to stop time every now and then
God yes. I would love to have that power.
TJBM knows who Chrissy Amphlett is.
Not until I googled her name
TJBM is getting ready for work
Already there.
The Jelly Below Me visits fosters homes once in a while to help the kids.
TJBM wishes they were a cat.
False. If I had my ‘druthers… I’d be a dog.
TJBM makes their bed every morning.
Tralse… sometimes.
False. I like my environment to be in order, but, I have no problem letting things go in favor of fun. lol
TJBM is a serial killer
True! I eat cereal all the time!
I love the (sugar) rush and can’t seem to help myself : (
TJBM loves to take naps and often does.
TJBM is confused that @EnchantingEla is answering to his/her own response…
doh! my bad… @Coloma said Serial… with a S
retracting…...... carry on ; )
i did read it correctly though and should have left it open. my apologies
TJBM intends to carry on. :)
True. lol
TJBM has a pet rabbit
Not that I’m aware of. No foaming at the mouth or tremors.
TJBM has been bitten by a wild animal
TJBM has had stitches before.
True. A dog I had years ago bit my hand and ripped open my finger. Ouch! He was evil.
TJBM has had an evil dog
TJBM has more than one computer monitor at work.
TJBM has, or has had in the past, an evil cat.
no cats, all strays
TJBM has given a mouse some soda.
No, but I have gotten a squirrel to drink some Monster.
TJBM thinks that giving a squirrel an energy drink is just asking for trouble
True. The squirrels around my house are already squirrley to the 10th power.
TJBM needs to get a move on
True in many more ways then one : )
TJBM needs to was their dirty filthy car!
TJBM has noticed the leaves changing color where they live.
The certainly are. Peak in 2 weeks.
TJBM wants the leaf peepers to stop by their house and take a bag home with them.
Yes! True…take 3 or 4. There’s plenty to go around.
TJBM hibernates during the winter months. (Rarely goes out).
False. Why stay in when you can build snow forts and go skiing!
TJBM has at least one cup of coffee per week.
False. I rarely drink coffee.
TJBM loves the smell of coffee but rarely drinks it.
Mostly True. I absolutely love the smell but never drink it.
TJBM tried a new food today and loved it!
TJBM has seen the first two episodes of the new Two and a Half Men.
The Jelly Below Me hires help for cleaning/cooking.
Yes for cleaning one day every two weeks; no for cooking.
TJBM just drove 50 miles in order to purchase Milo’s ultra-deluxe cat food.
Not recent but I did that a few years ago several times. [not Milo cat food but something else].
The Jelly Below Me likes online games.
True, true, true. (Some days I use to play a lot between Fluthering).
TJBM Is on Fluther waaaayyyy to much (some days).
True. Like today. :-) my favor, I am all caught up on the important stuff, so, doesn’t take much for me to rationalize doing what I want. lol
TJBM likes french onion soup in a bread bowl
Oh yes and I think I may make some this weekend mmmmm
TJBM Loves homemade soups in the fall and winter months
False, I’m not really a soup person! (Except for matzo ball soup as of last year, mmm)
TJBM loves animals.
TRUE! If I can pet ‘em I love ‘em : )
TJBM has 5 different breeds of animals for pets.
False, at this time only 2.
Cat and geese.
But, IF I count the neighbors horses, donkeys, sheep and llamas, and their dogs, and the deer, rabbits, possums, skunks, raccoons, mountain lions, tree frogs, lizards, squirrels, foxes, coyotes, I LIVE around about 20 different species I see almost every day.
TJBM has deer in their yard
No. That would be very cool though if I did.
TJBM takes their own lunch to work.
Depends I live close enough and come home for lunch most days
TJBM would love to have a glass of wine with me
I would. That would be very nice. I left a glass of red on the coffee table untouched last night because I fell asleep.
TJBM will tell us what is for lunch today?
I forgot my lunch today. D:
TJBM is really hungry. :)
False. Just finished eating. Now I’m enjoying a glass of wine like @creative1.
TJBM will tell us what is/was for dinner tonight.
Had a pasta, veggie and hamburger dish I made up this weekend, then once the kids are in bed I will joining @AmWiser with that merlot only 12 minutes till bed time
TJBM is in the mood for a nice crip salad
True! I love lettuce, mmmm. :-)
TJBM wishes it was Friday already.
I wish it was tonight. I can work from home tomorrow and Friday. I really do feel the need to be at home.
TJBM has big plans for the weekend.
False. I have no plans. :(
TJBM got a shot today. D:
I’m having a shot right now!
A shot of local Meritage wine, tis harvest time in these hills, the big crush is coming. :-D
TJBM likes to go wine tasting
when I am able yes but if not I try different ones by asking at a bar whats good and try a glass
TJBM likes Ruffles potato chipsā¦.
Mmm…not so much, but, I am a tortilla chip addict. haha
TJBM makes a killer mexican dish like Enchiladas or Tamales
I wish.
TJBM can’t cook. O.o
TJBM knows a good recipe for autumn leaves
True. Burn to crispy ashes.
TJBM has had a long day and can’t wait to go to bed.
TJBM is wide awake.
True. Making every last minute count in the two remaining days of my vacation.
TJBM owns a smart phone or plans to get one before the year is out.
I usually have really really outdated phones .. I mean I only use them to call people [I need to be able to hear the other person really good so I don’t really care how the phone is like].
For now I use this
The Jelly Below Me owns several phones.
True. 5 counting my kid’s. (1 landline and 4 cells)
TJBM exercises every morning ; )
False but I wish I could get my ass in gear and make it true
TJBM is in love
One day… :)
TJBM molested the snooze button this morning. :D
Haha…false. Woke up on my own around 7. I rarely use my alarm as my work is not until 11am.
TJBM has red hair
TJBM is nearing 40 and still single.
False. Turning 52, divorced 9 years ago after 22 years of marriage. Never been happier! :-D
TJBM likes horror movies
False. This jelly really, really dislikes horror movies.
TJBM is overdue on completing chores around the household.
Always, always overdue on doing chores. I am not a domestic goddess.
TJBM is really into crime shows on television.
TJBM likes homemade rice krispies treats.
True, my dad’s fiancee has made them for us before and they were great!
TJBM feels like watching a romantic comedy.
TJBM feels like watching a sci-fi space odyssey.
TJBM is texting someone right now.
TJBM loves to browse imgur.
No comment.
TJBM is going to have a shower soon.
False, I always have mine in the morning.
Good to see you @MilkyWay
TJBM loves a steaming bowl of Pea & Ham Tomato Soup when they are cold.
No. I prefer your first option, Pea and Ham.
TJBM is interested in the work conditions under which their technology is produced.
False. >.<
TJBM isn’t interested in anything. ;)
False. I am interested in everything!
TJBM has taken part in office chair racing.
Yup and started when I was real young when we would go with my mom to her office
TJBM like to walk around their house naked
True, and my yard and deck and patio. Haha
TJBM can’t go naked around their house because the visibility factor is too high
TJBM doesn’t like to wear clothes. ;)
Well I don’t mind clothes and especially outside. Quite happy to be naked though.
TJBM often wears pyjamas around the house.
True! Especially during the summer, I live in my pajamas.
TJBM likes their job.
TJBM hates Biology. >:(
False. I liked biology, but, dissecting dead cats wasn’t a happy experience.
TJBM has dissected an animal
I have. A rat and a toad.
TJBM is a member of a union.
TJBM can sing, without making peoples ears bleed.
It depends who you ask, my husband says I have a lovely voice. My kids throw pillows at me…
TJBM has or used to fantasise about playing a key role in a musical.
TJBM wants to redo “Cool Rider” from Greece Two soooooooooooo bad. :)
False, never seen G2
TJBM does their laundry in a laundrette/laundromat
I do them at home.
The Jelly Below Me has been to a real war.
Only the ones in my house.
TJBM is allergic to shell fish.
TJBM is allergic to life.
I am only allergic to Oak pollen, dust, and jerky people. lol
TJBM has gone deep sea fishing
False, but that’d beneat. I havent fished at all since I was a little girl.
TJBM loves camping.
Mmm…not so much anymore, I like my bed or a hotel room or a moterhome. Sleeping in the dirt doesn’t appeal to you as much anymore once you are 50. lol
TJBM likes rocks
True? I love crystals and gemstones and believe in their spiritual values.
Does that count? ; )
TJBM often does Tom Cruise’s sock slide from Risky Business…
Not on purpose, but, it happens, slippery sock sliding.
TJBM keeps their special rocks in a bowl of water to accent their colors
False. I never thought of that ; ) I carry mine with me in a small sachet and always wear one around my neck.
TJBM Favorite colors are pink and purple.
Half true, purple has been my favorite color forever! Pink is just alright.
TJBM loves Sprite.
I live in a house full of boys so if it’s pink or purple it’s basically mine. LOL
I love them both but neither is my favorite.
False. I love Root Beer ; )
TJBM uses their shower for a water pic. hehe
Haha..actually TRUE! I brush my teeth in the shower and thoroughly shower them too!
TJBM is going to the dentist soon
HaHa! So glad I’m not the only one @Coloma !
False, I hope! I need to but he is not my friend atm : (
TJBM loves to visit the dentist.
O.M.G. So true guys!
TJBM loves to visit the gynecologist.
Not really, but..I’m always in good humor, even when my feet are in the stirrups, last check up I was cracking my doc up. He said he couldn’t find my cervix, I said, well…keep looking, it was there last time! lol
TJBM has a good sense of humor
LOL Hopefully he found it and it didn’t just fall out somewhere!
Damn… that’d be embarrassing…
True! I can find the funny in almost anything ; )
TJBM often laughs at their own jokes
LMAO now you have me imagining walking along and… plop… buddy beside you looks and says… “you may wanna pick that up”
True, the cornier the better! The other day I was making homemade pretzels and I said to my wife, “Wow, this dough is really kneady!”
TJBM loves to make corny jokes.
True. And because we have young kids we also have lots of potty humor. Poop and Boobs are the height of funny. ...Which reminds me..I got an email from someone named Shaik Maboobs yesterday and giggled all afternoon.
TJBM thinks Shaik Maboobs is friends with Amanda Reckonwith and I.P. Freely.
I don’t know who they are so I couldn’t say. [ I hope they are ]
The Jelly Below Me likes lions.
depends on the pie
TJBM thinks that Rick Perry was given John Kerry’s flip flops.
I don;t even know who Rick Perry and John Kerry are. I don’t follow Hollywood or politics.
TJBM wants to bet that @EnchantingEla would type out on the enneagram personality profiling as a number #7 ante up, take the test Ela :-D
False. #7 came in third (if I took the correct test)
send me a link and i’ll take the one you’re referring to : )
TJBM has no idea what enneagram personality profiling is.
You are correct and since I don’t want to profile not sure I want to know
TJBM is enjoying a glass of merlot like me!!
TJBM thinks I should not take my Biology final tomorrow… :D
Just google any free enneagram testing
The Enneagram is a typology for the 9 personality styles, it is very enlightening for personal growth pursuits.
False. Just do it! Study before bed and your retention will be best.
TJBM likes learning about themselves
True. I love to learn about myself and others.
googled and taken @Coloma ; ) #2 & #4 tied for first place with 82% each. not sure what that means but i am going to look further into it : )
TJBM has composed a song and performed it before an audience.
Cool! The Helper/Artist type ey?
Yes, read up on your type and wing, good stuff! :-D
TJBM has played hockey in the buff.
No pictures, no proof @reijinni?
False. I’d frostbite my derriere. I can’t even ice skate : (
TJBM likes to play strip poker.
@Coloma it pretty much nailed me lol
True, but a mini one.
TJBM likes going to the beach.
Yes. This is a nice time to go where I am. :-)
TJBM likes going to the mountains
Hahaha. I live in a Valley. I have no other option, but to like them. >.<
TJBM falls asleep at the strangest times. O.o
Only when I have had wine
TJBM has joined the mile high club
False. I rarely fly.
TJBM likes getting that fluff out from between their toes
False. Fluff…what fluff!?
TJBM is preparing for weekend company.
TJBM has a loogie.
[not any more ; ) ] False.
TJBM has been to an Oktoberfest, and had a smashing good time!
False. O.o
TJBM will never go to Blue Grass. (Is that just an Alaska thing?)
TJBM likes Simon Cowell.
True, plus we have the same birthday!
TJBM loves cold weather more than hot weather.
TJBM goes to the gym.
False. I like walking on the nature trails by my local river, doing yardwork and hiking.
Gyms are too regimented and boring for me. Why the hell would I want to walk 5 miles on a treadmill and not actually GET anywhere? lol
TJBM likes to go hiking and exploring
True, am currently exploring my new area
TJBM LIKES kittens
True. Anyone that does not like kittens is a sociopath. haha
TJBM has a special artistic talent
True. I have a couple of them ; )
TJBM is a kleptomaniac sociopath
Uh, sure. Why Not?
TJBM has held a tarantula before.
The Jelly Below me wants to held a real scorpion.
Sure I wouldn’t mind holding a scorpion, especially if it’s in a container of some sort.
TJBM was trying to beat me, but they didn’t make it.
not really. I let you finish.
TJBM wants to kick Dr. Oz in the nuts.
False. I think he’s pretty cool.
TJBM is grouchy today
False, today’s been overall pretty good!
TJBM is so glad it’s the weekend.
True. I work Saturdays, but I’m still a happy, happy girl ‘cuz it’s Friday ā
TJBM likes to Fluther in the buff : P
Haven’t tried it yet but who knows I may try it now ;)
TJBM eats naked
Not normally. If I spill on myself, it can be messy at the least and painful at the worst.
TJBM is terrified of spiders
Not exactly. I think it would be cool to hold a tarantula. On the other hand, Black Widows and Brown Recluse spiders are seriously bad news and I hate em’.
TJBM was traumatized, by a clown no less, at some point in their life.
@creative1 omg… my mind veered totally off the road and took a header straight into the gutter on that one!!
depends on what you’re munching on @snowberry ; )
@EnchantingEla Now that you mention it, I have a package of Bear Naked Granola in the pantry right now….
Not that I can remember. I do know I wasn’t terribly fond of them, but no trauma.
TJBM bathed an animal today.
TJBM wants to run a radio station.
@EnchantingEla Well that is where mine is all the time so welcome to the gutter
TJBM hates perfume.
False. I think a nice smelling perfume on a woman can be very appealing. I just don’t like wearing perfume myself…..unless I’m cross-dressing that day.
TJBM has a crush or did have a crush, at some point, on someone here at Fluther.
False. I am addicted to several body sprays. I spray my car, myself, the curtains, my sheets and I dump them in my hot tub too. lol
TJBM HATES flies! Gah..I have two in my house right now that are all over me, die fly, die!
Oops, cross posting
False. No crushes, but I like a lot of you guys—
False. We currently have a pet fly named Francis. Though we haven’t seen him since this morning : ( gives @Coloma the hairy eyeball…
TJBM owns an exotic pet.
LOL, the hairy eye
Not really, but I have a pet goose! :-)
TJBM has a pet bird
False… XD
TJBM has big plans for the weekend. :)
True ; )
TJAM did awesome on their biology final today?
TJBM likes extra butter on their popcorn at the movies.
Ohhhhhhh Yessssssssss Please!!!
TJBM wants to congratulate @AshLeigh on doing Awesome on her Biology Final today!!!! I know I do!!!
Mmmmmmm….. Maybe. I think I knew most of the answers. :D
TJBM will find out when I get my test back on Monday…
True, if you tell us!
TJBM had Outback tonight. And it was delicious.
False beef stew and it was still delicious
TJBM is going out to dinner tomorrow night
False, after going out to Outback tonight I don’t think I’ll be able to eat for another week!
TJBM has homework to do this weekend.
TJBM is procrastinating. ;)
Is it true if I’m just procrastinating about procrastinating?
TJBM picked a pumpkin and made a pie from it today.
TJBM can’t cook. O.o
Falsish. I can cook… I just don’t wanna ; )
TJBM is a certified chef.
No, but I did take a cooking course once.
TJBM thinks it’s fun to mow.
False! I have someone do that for me, my yard is huge and it’s on a hill.
TJBM sees that EnchantingEla has gone poof just now
LOL EnchantingEla was gonna chirp in but seen Coloma was composing… blah blah blah whatever it says and I didn’t want to bounce ya ; )
Hmmmm, It seems EnchantingEla is here after all.
TJBM has a contract with a pest service.
LmaO Coloma is crafting a response…
True. It’s called a flyswatter and it sits near me now as I try to kill the evil last spawn of summer.
TJBM is @EnchantingEla !!!!!!! :-P
TJBM is going to help me find Francis before Coloma does!
False! Francis is toast if he lands on my face. haha
TJBM thinks Francis is a good name for a fly
True! (that’d be funny to see you smack yourself in the face heehee)
TJBM wants to Congrat @keobooks for making 5k! w00t w00t!!
<- feels like jbm hog lol
Congrats to @keobooks!
TJBM haunts antique stores, and sometimes Army Surplus stores.
True on the antique stores (but I troll them, not haunt them) ; )
i love junk stores too
TJBM gets to work tomorrow.
Update: I found Francis <3
Sort of true. I can work anytime I want – the drawback of a home office. If I do work tomorrow it will, however, be brief.
TJBM loves Friday best of all days of the week.
I love any day that I can do what I want without any obligations. haha
TJBM is a free spirited type that does not like to be fenced in
Sure am.
The Jelly Below Me likes more to give gifts than to receive them.
True! I love to give gifts and surprises to people I care for : )
TJBM has a birthday coming up soon and will share with everyone!
will share cake with everyone lol i think it’s bedtime for ela : (
False. My birthday is in April. But in April, I will be sure to share. :)
TJBM loves cake.
Of course (not keen on fruitcake though!)
TJBM has one a large amount of money on a lottery or scratchcard.
I wish but I guess if you don’t play you can’t win
TJBM is a early riser
False, so very false.
TJBM has been known to sleep till 2pm
false, only till 7am.
TJBM thinks that eating fruitcake should be considered to be cannibalism.
False. I am a human, not a grape
TJBM is sweating
False, it’s chilly!
TJBM has never been to a football game.
False. I’ve been to a couple but not really a football fan
TJBM has been to a rodeo
TJBM prefers writing in pen.
Well I prefer writing by hand but I don’t look what sort of instrument i use be it pen/pencil/etc.
The Jelly Below Me like calligraphy,
I suppose, although I don’t like commas instead of full stops (I know it was a mistake).
TJBM makes mistakes,
I do, like going to a church.
TJBM is on Google+.
TJBM likes watching golf on TV.
Maybe if it was full body contact golf, otherwise nope. False
TJBM plays a mean game of putt-putt!
False. I don’t play any sports that involve balls, including men at this time. lol
TJBM throws like a girl
True. I am a girl @Coloma!! LOL
TJBM likes cardboard pizza.
ballless sports?!
No! Home made is much better.
The Jelly Below Me has at least two pets.
Nope, one is enough for me.
TJBM has seven cats.
No… I have one cat, but he ran away, and probably won’t ever come back, so I guess I don’t have any cats. :’(
TJBM misses their pet that they lost.
True.One of my cats got sick and had to be put to sleep in June. I miss him a lot. :-(
TJBM has seen a UFO
False. O.o
TJBM is having a bad day. :/
True : (
TJBM is having a great day.
False. :/
TJBM wants to give @EnchantingEla a big hug, and make her feel better. :D
… False. >.<
TJBM is straight edge. :)
(in Alaskan teenager language that means you don’t drink, or do drugs.)
Thanks guys : )
False. Missed it by a few years and a couple of beers ; )
TJBM Needs to clean the leftovers out of their fridge!
False. Did that a few days ago.
TJBM is excited about getting some rain Yay! The 1st rain Tues & Weds.
False. I love rain but there is notta dop in the forecast to get excited over here : (
The sprinklers are turned on every morning, though.
TJBM has a squirrel in their avie!!
TJBM is very angry at me for dropping my cell phone in some water. >:(
put it in a bowl of rice. the rice is suppose to absorb the moisture.i’ve never tried it but i’m told it works
@EnchantingEla won’t help. Usually the circuits won’t work but some people ar elucky and their phones work even after staying in water.
Not really. A friend did just that yesterday ^^
The Jelly Below Me needs to start eating according to a schedule.
Already do, for the most part.
TJBM enjoys jam on toast for breakfast.
Nope only when I am sick
TJBM wishes it was a sunny day today
False, I’m glad fall weather is starting to appear!
TJBM has a headache.
False. I rarely get headaches, unless it’s allergies.
TJBM just woke up in the last 30 minutes
False, I’ve been up for about two hours.
TJBM has plans today.
I have plans every day. It’s called “living.” Today I am about to go for a walk, admire the foliage and look for the bald eagle that was spotted near my pond. Or perhaps the blue heron will show up, or the dozens of fledgling wild turkeys, or the deer or the red-tailed hawk.
TJBM has learned one new thing today, or hopes to.
Not yet, but, most likely.
TJBM likes tasking nature walks
Sure, not many near me though.
TJBM likes to wear socks.
True. During the fall and my tootsies get cold!
TJBM is watching the Chiefs/Vikings game ; )
false. Titans/ Browns
TJBM mixes hot sauce into their pet’s food.
MIlo here: I would but am pretty sure that Gail would be too sick to clean up her own mess.
TJBM is eating well and losing a little weight.
False. Not today! Today it is Tostitos cheesy bean dip and chips into front of the Vikings game with a little Fluthering going on during commercials ; )
TJBM Loves Tostitos cheesy bean dip with chipies!
Never tried it, BUT..I am a chip and salsa addict, mexican restaurants had better be prepared to give me multiple bowls of salsa. lol
TJBM is thinking of going to some yard sales on craigslist this morning
don’t do craigslist
TJBM would feed spices to mice.
Craigs list is a little clandestine no? I have never done business on there and everything else is slightly creepy. Anyone have any good experiences?
Yes. I have bought and sold a lot of things on C’List…no issues. I also like their section for local garage sales every weekend, and I have gotten 2 pets off of C’sList too!
TJBM has a lamp fetish
LOL False? What would one do with a lamp fetish? I do love lots of light (unless I’m feeling romantic, then it’s low light, candle light or fire light) and I need to have lots of windows. Guess I have a window fetish heehee
TJBM has a foot fetish.
Have you people never heard of the Craig’s List killer?! I’ve heard they have everything even dating profiles. My sister would kill me if she caught me on Craig’s List!
MIlo here; Only if the object of my adoration has four feet.Then, yeah, bring it on.
TJBM can recommend a good book that s/he is reading now.
New York to Dallas by J.D. Robb is one of my current reads. Love the series and Roarke is to die for! Only in books do they make men like this…. heavy sigh
TJBM reads up to 3 books at one time ; )
(MIlo is the top cat and the alter ego in my house He has first dibs at the keyboard and occasionally will graciously feed me my best lines. Here
LOL I love the “Mllo not…” (hope you don’t mind I snooped) You have beautiful flowers. The scenery is breath taking. I want some pink lily-of-the-valley now : )
Not at all.They are available to the public for a reason. It is gorgeous around here.
TJBM already knew the rice trick. And it does work. It’s worked for me five times. :P
YAY! It works!
TJBM knows something everyone else needs to know too, and wants to share that…
Probably true. Give me a hint. Animal, vegetable or mineral?
TJBM is about to get on the tread mill and find the fountain of youth.
false I prefer real pavement instead of a treadmill
TJBM just cooked dinner
Nope, dinner’s not for another hour. And when the time comes, the wiffy will do it. ;)
TJBM owns more than 5 pairs of shoes.
Yes, How did you know?
TJBM has friends from all over the world.
True. A few.
TJBM knows what time it is in California right now
Sure do its 5:19
TJBM would like a puppy
False, I’d rather have a kitten.
TJBM has school/work tomorrow.
Yeah, work, and really early in the morning too. Yeech.
TJBM lives in a place where there’s 4 distinct seasons.
I sure do, the northeast we’re in Fall right now leaves are turning
TJBM enjoys spring and fall the best for seasons
True. Today was magnificent…77, breezy, a few clouds and I was rockin’ down the highway with the windows down lovin’ every second of it! :-D
TJBM gets snow where they live
True, we’ve had some pretty bad blizzards here too!
TJBM hates cold weather.
Somewhat true. I hate hot weather more than cold weather. I used to love the snow and cold when I was a kid, but now I don’t like it because I got so much shovelling to do in the winter! Also, warming up the car early in the morning, going to work and coming back home in the dark, etc. It sucks.
TJBM is a combination of two or more ethnic backgrounds like me.
Mmm not really…all european, Welsh, Scottish, a dash of german, some french. My ancestors got around. Sluts! lol
TJBM loves asian culture
True, not because I’m Asian (Japanese/Chinese) of course, but because I just find things in Asian culture fascinating and applicable to everyday human life and problems. I grew up here in America, so I’m pretty “white” as far as my other interests go. Lol.
TJBM loves to swim.
True @MRSHINYSHOES I traveled in asia last year..I loved it!
TJBM likes to travel
@Coloma I like to travel, but I don’t like the “business” of travelling——you know, going through airports, driving long distances, booking hotels, etc. But I love going to different places. It’s funny——when I said I was composed of two different ethnicities, I meant nationalities! I suppose being both Chinese and Japanese is not two ethnicities. Lol!
TJBM is at a place where it’s starting to get dark.
Sunset almost. 6:22 and it will be dark by 7:10 or so.
TJBM likes winter but misses the extra light
True. So True. @Coloma Happy to hear about the progress of your rescue kitty.:-)
TJBM wouldn’t mind being rescued by @Coloma. Just think happy brownies.:D
Hahaha….yes, just think! brownies in the frizzer
True. I’d like to be rescued, by myself. Well..I guess I already have been, I am rather self indulgent, hedonism is my vice. ;-)
TJBM can bake a cherry pie, and your name is Billy
I can bake a cherry pie, but Billy? No.
TJBM is not happy with this week’s USA Today NCAA football poll.
<—Didn’t watch it.
TJBM is in a band.
Oh no!!
TJBM does not use deodorant due to rash.
If I can be in a band, Ashleigh can surely sing in it.
TJBM refuses to wear Tshirts that have any polyester content.
TJBM likes Mondays.
True.. I like my work. I also tend to start slowly on Mondays.. I work a bit on Sunday night to allow myself a late start on Sunday.
TJBM has a very flexible work schedule.
False. Haha.
TJBM laughs when they read this thread. :D
TJBM has drank Cherry Coke recently.
False. Diet Pepsi :-)
TJBM loves Tapioca pudding
it’s ok
TJBM misses Andy Rooney.
Never heard of him.
TJBM misses F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
hated that piece of garbage.
TJBM wants a boot to the head.
TJBM misses The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Nope, I’ve never really been a sitcom type.
TJBM is under siege with preying mantises all over the place crazy…there was a giant one in my shower last night and I put it outside on my deck rail, and…it caught a tiny frog and ate it all except for it’s head! haha
False, but that is awesome!
TJBM likes hummus.
True! I used to pack my saddle bags with hummus, french bread and beer for long trail rides when I had my horse. He was great about getting me home after a little party in the woods. lol
TJBM has owned a horse
TJBM works with computers.
Tjbm loves twinkies!
False, have yet to try one.
TJBM has a costume ready for Halloween.
TJBM no longer bothers with trick or treating.
Never did.
@reijinni :O what do you have against F.R.I.E.N.D.S!
TJBM loves Halloween.
True. But I don’t get any trick or treaters up here on my mountain. Sometimes I go to the city and hand out candy at a friends house.
TJBM dresses up their pet for halloween
Not while I have small children. Perhaps when the kids are grown the pets will be forced into this…
TJBM already has started eating the candy in the house meant for Trick or Treaters..
@Paul, Friends is a lame show with lame casting. @geeky_mama, again, what trick-or-treaters?
TJBM would want to send Bieber on a one-way trip to Sudan, Iran, or North Korea.
As long as I don’t have to hear or see the little toad, I don’t care.
TJBM hates conversations about Halloween costumes.
I like costumes and costume parties! :-)
TJBM has a big DVD collection
I have a ton of videos and DVDs. I left about half behind when I moved.
TJBM loves tuna casserole. I remembered!
False, I think tuna is vile.
TJBM is cold right now.
“vile”...hahaha, well, now we know something you feel very strongly about. lol
True-ish…..just about to put on a long sleeved shirt, yep…in & out while I’m having some work done in my yard and storms a’comin!
TJBM is expecting stormy weather
I wouldn’t be surprised, it’s rained for about a month straight here. :-(
TJBM has a birthday coming up!
Well, don’t we all!?!
TJBM is not shocked by the Amanda Knox verdict. (I’m not)
We’re at a standstill again, dangit!
TJBM is glad that I passed my Biology Final with an 81%! :D
TRUE! Congratulations Super Jelly!
TJBM has amazing psychic abilities and already knows what the jelly below them will answer?
True. Absolutely true. ;)
TJBM loves Nice Peters Picture Songs on Youtube. :D
Never heard of him, will have to investigateā¦
TJBM will follow me to Part 26 of the TJBM
oh goodie goodie gumdrops!!!!!!
:D:D:D Why am I doing any convincing here? You’re already there!
I thought you would never notice… :D :D :D
I noticed a while ago… I just continued to try to convince you. >.<
persistence is a good characteristic to have
<jumps up and down in joy>
<Rolls eyes whilst sighing>
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