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filmfann's avatar

Which Republicans should drop out of the race?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) September 25th, 2011

Looking at the results of the many Straw Polls (there have been more than 10) that have been done so far, some candidates haven’t performed nearly well enough to continue.
Newt Gingrich hasn’t done better than 4th in any straw poll, and has only shown once in double digits.
John Huntsman placed 2nd in Louisiana, but otherwise hasn’t gotten more than 3% of the vote.
Rick Santorum and Michele Bachman have had bright moments, but have tanked since.
How long do they try to persevere, and when should they throw in the towel?
And who should jump in? Chris Christie? Sarah Palin?

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13 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I was especially thrown by this statement, on the same link:

A straw poll was held at the September 12 Republican debate, to find out who the debate audience thought were the front runners, both before and after the debate. Before the debate, Ron Paul came first, Rick Perry came second, and Michele Bachmann came third. After the debate, Ron Paul was still first, Michele Bachmann came second, and Herman Cain came third.[22] CNN have not released the full results of this poll, instead holding an online poll which omitted Ron Paul from the choices.

wundayatta's avatar

It would be too much to hope for, but I would be happy if they all dropped out!

MagsRags's avatar

Almost all of them scare me deeply.

Jon Huntsman seems more more balanced than most, but I don’t think he has a remote chance of twisting himself into something that will appeal to the radical right, and I think it’s unlikely any candidate will succeed without either embracing those folks or at least pandering to them.

bkcunningham's avatar

I’ve heard rumors that Christie is going to jump in. I hope he doesn’t. I like Christie, but it is too late now to come into the race. IMO

Bluefreedom's avatar

All of them?

filmfann's avatar

All of them seems like a legitimate answer. It would be easier for someone to drop out, if someone was doing well, but so far the two doing the best are Ron Paul and Herman Cain, and neither of them are going to be acceptable to the Republican masses.
I think if Christy was smart, he would do what Palin is doing. Stay out of it, and hope to be drafted from a deadlocked convention.

gondwanalon's avatar

All of them except Herman Cain.

jerv's avatar

The only two that don’t strike me as total extremists are Ron Paul and Buddy Roemer.

Sadly, it seems the only way to get the votes of many Conservatives (at least the vocal ones) these days is to be a homophobic bigot who wants to turn the Middle East into a bomb crater. If you are pro-choice, tolerate Mexicans and/or Muslims, and/or feel that the non-rich have the same right to survive as the rich, you can’t win the GOP nomination.

For the good of the party, I think it best if we lose just about the entire GOP. Let the extremists form their own damn party!

jrpowell's avatar

Never stick your dick in crazy.

King_Pariah's avatar

No no, not a bomb crater, but a sea of [molten] glass.

Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul, and Newt Gringrich especially. Simply put, none of them seem to be presidential material.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

As long as there is still a race, all the news outlets will be giving much more airtime to the GOP since there is no news story on the other side of the fence. Therefore, having the gimps stick around to the bitter end makes sense from the broader view of dominating the political discussion in the mainstream media.

filmfann's avatar

@King_Pariah By my count, Ron Paul is the real front-runner, plus people are really excited about him. I don’t see too many people really jumping up and down to vote for any of the others.

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