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john65pennington's avatar

Do pregnant women seem to have a healthy glow?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) September 26th, 2011

During the pregnancies of our two children, my wife appeared to be the healthiest woman on earth. Her skin was super soft and her whole body seemed to “glow”. Question: was this just me or do all women appear to super healthy, when pregnant?

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12 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Nah, that’s just them sweating from lugging a kid and cart around while pregnant and grocery shopping lol.

ucme's avatar

My missus certainly did, although there was one small downside. Her mood swings made her as unpredictable as a gorilla with a rubiks cube….what the hell’s gonna happen next?

Cruiser's avatar

My wife had the same response and it was very noticeable.

TexasDude's avatar

A lot of pregnant women look hotter. I’m sure there’s some evolutionary explanation for this.

Ela's avatar

I think it all depends on if they are happy about being pregnant, get enough sleep, eat right and take care of themselves. I personally had no more sicknesses, no mood swings and only started feeling more tired during my third trimesters. I was a very happy pregnant woman : )

An unhappy pregnant woman looks like death warmed over : ( (it’s so sad to that)

janbb's avatar

Some do and some don’t. It depends how the pregnancy affects them; whether they have nausea or pain.

Cupcake's avatar

The “glow” is typically associated with the increased blood flow in maternal circulation (⅓ extra).

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. Especially if they tend to have dry skin and are very thin, pregnancy gives them a more youthful healthy appearance.

nikipedia's avatar

Some pregnant women get terrible acne and feel like shit for 9 months.

wundayatta's avatar

Thanks for that note of optimism, @nikipedia ;-)

SpatzieLover's avatar

I felt like shit and I glowed.

I think it’s a combination of the hormones, the blood flow & the weight gain. I had almost no wrinkles ;) during my entire pregnancy.

My hair was thicker and fuller, as was my face.

Hibernate's avatar

The glow comes to most women [read the above blood flow answer].

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