Have you ever discovered your supposed treasure turned out to be "fool's gold?"?
The British author/editor/academic/television host, Malcolm Muggeridge, after a life of considerable experience without personal peace wrote a two volume set entitled “Chronicles of Wasted Time.” While Malcolm had not seen his life pursuits as “fool’s gold” in that verbage, he did come to have new eyes for life and its purpose and this redefinition though later in his years meant everything to him, providing him satisfaction that he long had sought.
I suspect many of us have looked for fulfillment in ways that have turned out to be unfullfilling fool’s gold. Examples might be loyalty that was misdirected, investments that were unwise, relationships that were never properly reciprocated, educational degrees that weren’t really “us” anymore by the time we earned certification, thrill seeking that went wrong, even cults that we were encompassed by.
I have found that “fool’s gold” doesn’t always show its counterfeit properties right away, sometime the lustre doesn’t leave for awhile. An example for me would be a particular loyalty that was misdirected.
Would you have anything to contribute pertaining your life prospecting paths and whether you believe you have ever been deceived by “fool’s gold?”
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8 Answers
Oh, certainly. Buyer’s Remorse accompanies many major purchases.
I am fortunate in that my life’s pursuit, aside from an ex-wife that turned out to be “foolsgold”, my life is going pretty much as planned.
I have had four major relationships. Each taught me a lot even though they didn’t last forever (at least, not so far). I do not consider a relationship a failure because it ends. I have always lived by the idea that I am doing what I would be doing if this was my last day on earth. I am doing what I most want to do, and that includes my responsibilities.
If it was my last day, and I knew it, I would certainly take the day off to be with the people I care most about in my life. Other than that, I’m doing what I want to be doing. So my treasure is my life, and the fact that I am still alive is treasure enough. Just ask anyone who has been close to death. They’ll tell you the same.
Sure. Several years back I met a man that on all fronts seemed the ultimate long awaited partner for me. We seemed to share a similar history of behavior, values system, regard for friendships, yadda yadda. I was so absolutely thrilled to feel I’d met my match and believed everything this man told me. Sadly it turns out he probably says that to every woman he meets on each leg of his ongoing adventures.
@GabrielsLamb at least you gave it a try after the first and another after the second. I’m sure you’ll try again ^^
The Fraggles discovered that their long lost treasure turned out to be a music box hidden away in the Gorg’s castle…
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