What item should be tossed onto your coffin (details inside)?
The creator of Doritos has died, and his family plans to toss Doritos onto his coffin before it is covered over.
I think it would be funny to have chocolates (of course) tossed onto my coffin upon my death! The worms that inhabit my dead body could feast upon my favorite snack!
What is your own personal “hallmark” (or whatever) that should be tossed onto your coffin? Or into your ash urn if that’s what you intend?
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41 Answers
I used to do military funerals, and this one veteran had a bunch of his favorite stuff in his coffin: a DVD, a Bud Light, and other various trinkets.
So I think that’d be a cool idea for me. I would have a video game console, women’s underwear, some of my favorite beers, and some of my favorite books. Lol.
The creator of doritos died?! NOOOOOOO
Right-wing conservatives? ~
I am not sure whether I will have a coffin or be buried in the ground.
An extra pair of Vans shoes for my journey =D.
I want to be stuffed and set in the corner (beer in hand) to enjoy a very large party to celebrate. I also would like several attractive women to perform a “lap dance” throughout the course of the evening just to confirm that I am, in fact deceased.
After that, the surviving relatives can dispose of my body in whatever manner they see fit. I figure I’m pretty much done with it at that point.
A big bottle of burn cream.
Farside cartoon books, happy brownies and goose feathers. :-)
We have a tradition of tucking a peppermint in.
Nice thought, but I seriously doubt if it will help! LMAO!
A match, and some Kerosine preferably. *And uhhh, maybe a viking looking to hitch a ride?
I just want my military funeral. I honestly don’t care what is buried with me or what is tossed onto my coffin. I want to be buried in uniform and the flag from my coffin given to my beloved wife. After the funeral, I want all the guests who so desire to meet at a local restaurant and tell funny stories about me. : )
Since I plan on being cremated I should probably just be set on fire in the goose barn with the other accoutrements. lol
The people who throw the stuff on the coffin…..., are they tossers?
A can of wurms for me.
I think a pound of ground coffee added to my ashes would be appropriate and fragrant.
Pictures of my children.
Also a completely fake and misleading faded pirate treasure map. Just in case anybody opens the lid, I want to mess with them.
The guys who dug my grave, just like and Egyptian faro. ... no particular reason
Fill ‘er up with Mountain Dew.
Penguins – hundreds of them!
I plan on being cremated but if they burry my body in a coffin then I’d very much like people to toss in: my old running shoes; jogging shorts and tights; jogging hats; jogging gloves; jogging wind breakers; jogging lights; jogging safety vests; my age group awards; also my disassembled triathlon bike. Oh and a pint of Irish whisky.
Zombie fertiliser, so I may once again walk the earth. Although this time i’d need a shit load of moisturiser & a course in anger management.
Well..the inventor of Doritos should be dead…some contribution to humanity!
Doritos are as bad as cigarettes, and every bit as addictive. lol Yeah, she who is a chip and salsa junkie
My iPhone. I hear eternity in hell can get monotonous.
Part of hell is having no reception. lol
@Coloma If I remember correctly, I never had service in your neck of the woods. ;)
An envelope that hold some locks of my grandfather’s hair.
Something precious of my husband.
A few of my little doggie’s teeth.
@Neiz awww… I still have all my kids baby teeth too. I didn’t know puppies lost baby teeth, that’s awesome!
@GabrielsLamb: I’m assuming my doggie will pass before me so I can save a few of his teeth and have the rest of him cremated along with some of my and my husband’s hair.
A few cans of beer. Although given that I intend to be cremated maybe cans aren’t such a good idea they may explode in the oven…
I’m boring, but, I just want a sword laid on me. Or a really rusty axe. Or like, a fuckin chainsaw, man.
@WillWorkForChocolate Yeah. I don’t want no wussy flowers or any shitty shit like that, I want implements of death! And a big pillow, too. :D
I think it would be cool if everyone wrote me a letter and tossed it in my grave. Since letters are my favorite. :D
A really hot guy would be nice. ;)
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