Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part XIV?
Asked by
janbb (
September 26th, 2011
This is a continuation of an ongoing thread. whose thirteenth incarnation was here . It was taking too long to load. Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!
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571 Answers
I just looked, and realized that It will be over in about 11 more hours? *Thanks for that.
The staff at the hotel I work at saved a guys life today. He had a lot to drink then decided to go swimming, bad idea.
Me and another worker pulled him from the pool, he had stopped breathing. As I run to call the ambulance my co-worker gave him mouth to mouth and got him breathing again. He remained unconscious in the fetal position until paramedics arrived and revived him.
He was awake and making jokes as they took him away.
I started the process of getting my Brit Lit students a trip to London and so far it looks good! With our current admin it’s going to be a Sisyphean task, but hope the boulder will eventually roll down the other side!!!
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear John Powell,
Happy Birthday to you.
(But please don’t fuck your mother!)
I found out it was @johnpowell‘s birthday. I like him because we’re both from Oregon. Lol.
No sales Tax.. Oregon wins!
I talked the parking ticket officer into a warning instead of a ticket. I had no idea you had to be 5 feet from a driveway!
@Supacase Points for being the lucky person who the universe used to teach the rest of us… *I had no idea either??? Thanks!
One of my favorite co-workers came back from maternity leave today
In honor of her return, I ordered sticky buns to pick up and bring to work tomorrow
they will be fresh hot out of the oven when I get them, so they’ll still be warm by the time I get them to work
I bought a new guitar today, but yesterday I bought a brand new car. So it’s all been quite great.
@johnpowell happy birthday!
As for me, I feel like I recently gained 10,000 XP, leveled up, and got an extra point to put into Charisma, thanks to recent personal developments.
Two NYS Department of Labor employees went out of their way to make my life easier and greatly exceeded my expectations with their service.
And Happy Birthday John!
Just got home from bed shopping with my mom. That is a good b-day gift.
It’s a good day today. Because I see @janbb listened to my suggestion ^^
Did they give you a Caribbean vacation? lo
Yay…I feel so GOOD today! Good nights sleep, perfect weather, feelin’ groovy! :-D
Happy Birthday @johnpowell…go for the memory foam!
@Coloma No, but they detailed my car while I was picking up my information! :)
And it was a gorgeous day here. 80 degrees and sunny.
@Hibernate it’s been on the list for some time, but you were the final push!
The results of my MRI show a bulging disc but no tears, no rupture, no weirdnesses that can’t be alleviated. Yay, I’m not crippled yet!
Happy birthday, dude!
I’m still alive!
Also, I finished Alice the Madness Returns. Although I’m not entirely sure how…I see why that game only has one boss.
I moved into a new flat. I’m still living out of my suitcase, and it feels good to be unburdened with stuff. This morning I lay on the rooftop on my yoga mat. It was marvelous.
Didn’t think I could do it but I did. I spent 2 days with a very ill friend. We talked, we laughed, I cleaned, I cooked, I gave her a manicure. I held her hand while she dozed. When I left my friend I could see in her eyes that she appreciated every minute we spent together. So did I.
Awww…the world needs more genuine people like you, that sort of selflessness is getting rarer in our culture of narcissism.
I went for my first run in 10 months. I had to wait for surgery and then for my freaking kneecaps to heal. I took it very easy and I had no pain, yay! It was a beautiful day today. My 11 year old son came running with me and he and I chatted about astronomy as we ran.
Happy Birthday @johnpowell :-)
This morning, I stopped traffic. Literally!
There was a turtle crossing the street and cars were swerving around it.
I stopped my car and put on the four way flashers and picked the guy up and walked him across the street.
Someone rolled down their window and I thought they were about to yell an obscenity at me for stopping traffic, instead they told me I was a good person
(today is an awesome day… and I have sticky buns fresh from the oven!)
Awww…you’ve got my vote as a good person. I rescued as turtle in the road once too. We have pond turtles that migrate around here in spring.
thanks @Coloma that’s nice of you to say
I have a new yoga student. She came to the studio with her friend last week for her first yoga ever. She weighs over 300 pounds, but she has lost over 200 recently. Moving around in the power vinyasa style I teach is a struggle for her, but she is benefitting in more ways than just physical. She signed up for a regular membership today and is making yoga a part of her life. :-)
@ru2bz46 That is quite inspirational. Keep us posted on her journey, please.
We left for a trip! So I probably won’t be fluthering much for the next week or so.
Also, I’m thinking about trying to sell some of the jewelry I make online. I researched that possibility a few months ago but didn’t have the motivation. But I do now, and it’d be so exciting to me if I could actually profit off this hobby, as it’s pretty much what I love to do best anyway!
I wrote out letters to two significant people in my life who went out of their way to help me when I was at rock bottom. I moved and lost contact with them. I’m doing so much better now. In fact I am in the process of winding down therapy. A large part of why I’m here now is because of these two people. I wrote them to let them know how impactful their help was and to thank them.
That’s lovely @tranquilsea. Good that you have kept in touch with them and recognise the role they played in helping you through a hard time. I am sure they will appreciate your letter.
@Bellatrix thanks :-) I think it is very important for people to know that their kindnesses and actions do have an impact even if it is years later.
I met a boy tonight! I was out at the bar with a friend we got stood up by another friend of ours who kept telling us he was going to be late and then never showed up :P and one guy came up and started chatting with us and then two of his friends started chatting with us and one of these other friends likes Farscape and Stargate and is so cuuuuuuuuute!
Today was my first day on campus as an graduate student. I ran into some friends in the hallway after class. We ranted and giggled like children :)
@KatawaGrey : So that’s why you never texted me back!! ;-)
I’m 23 weeks pregnant… feeling good… glowing… and (not that it matters) it’s a boy!
I think having a boy makes this huge family transition a little easier on my teenage son.
Aaaaaaand… my hubby will be painting the baby’s room soon and then we can bring in the baby furniture that my mom got for my teenager when he was a baby! :)
@Cupcake : Yahoo! I wish you bunches of nesting energy and an easy an quick labor and that your teenage son realizes that a baby brother is a super cool thing to have…
@Cupcake Thanks for sharing the baby’s sex with us. I recall how excited I was to find out. We went immediately to Kohl’s and I bought an entire collection of Carter’s in a cute puppy theme to admire & hang in the nursery. Is your teen excited?
@SpatzieLover He said for a few months “I don’t care… I’m moving out in a couple of years anyway”, but now he’s rubbing my belly, getting me water and asking about my doctor visits. He cuddles with me a LOT (he even wants to hold my hand while we watch TV. I’ve been trying to be very considerate of his feelings and experience… and I think he appreciates it. I’d say for a 15 year old (in a couple of weeks) that he’s excited. But don’t tell him that!!
Thanks @JilltheTooth! I think my manic nesting energy freaked my husband out a bit this weekend! :)
It was my oldest child’s birthday. She is so beautiful in all ways. I love her to bits.
So dude. With the PlayStation 3 and a PSN account, (PlayStation Network) you get trophies when you achieve certain things in games. They have percentages, and when you get all trophies, you have 100% done, and sometimes a platinum trophy for getting all the others. Out of bronze, silver and gold, platinum is the most hunted for in games that include it.
It’s actually really pointless, but so highly addicting. I’m a trophy whore.
In my game Alice the Madness Returns, I got one trophy which I was sure I would never get. It requires you to finish a very annoying and tough minigame (which needs to be completed to proceed in the actual game) that is complete hell. The first time I tried it, I swore like mad and ripped my hair out. I completed it…after 7438921075921 tries and by the skin of my ass. Little did I know that you get a trophy for finishing that part in under six minutes though…
When I learned that I was like, oh, fuck. I was so discouraged. Been working at it for the past two days, trying to study the minigame, learn and win…but I just suck too much. Most of my tries were practice tries, trying to get the hang of it and learn what to do properly to go through it fast.
My last try, I died so many times, fucked up all over the place, but I got to the end. And then…bling! My trophy popped up! I actually completed the whole thing under six minutes. It seemed like hours, but it really wasn’t and I did it! All the other trophies that I didn’t get yet will be easy, they’ll just take a long time to get. But they’re nothing crazy insane like this trophy was. This means my platinum trophy for this game is secured.
I’m happy.
I have no life, but I’m happy.
My future MIL and her husband put their foot down on other in-laws taking it upon themselves to invite people to what’s supposed to be a very small and intimate wedding. I’m beginning to see how some bride’s crack up and become “Bridezillas”.
Visited a church I haven’t visited in a really long time.
Was really great.
Finally starting to get over my sinus infection. Had it all week!
I started working on a Christmas gift for my significant other. It’s probably too early to be troubling myself with this stuff, but I had a great idea for what I wanted to do and didn’t want to wait to get started. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon, but I will have to redo parts of it.
Can’t reveal what it is here since they joined Fluther a few weeks ago, but it involves recording sessions :) It’s my first time doing anything like this even though I have always wanted to try. (I even bought a microphone almost a year ago!)
So, I attended my first Folsom St. Fair and it was awesome. One of the highlights was crossing paths with this hot pin-up/Suicide Girls-looking girl who swung by our corner and started talking to us. The next thing I knew, she and I shared several long, intense, hot, and rather intimate moments. I was so flustered that I didn’t even think to ask her name before she wandered off.
I was kicking myself afterwards and I thought, I could post a Craigslist ‘missed connection’, but what are the chances she’ll see it or actually respond? But, after a few days of thinking about it, I took a chance and posted one.
Guess who emailed me tonight.
The power of Craigslist…
I wish I could bump into hot pinups more often… *hangs head
I got interviewed at Planned Parenthood a week or two ago about their preventative health care and I just found the story on the nbc site!
A great, magnificent, fall day!
It’s finally showing up!
We are expecting the 1st west coast storm Tues. and Weds. and..snow levels dropping to just 15–20 miles above me! Woo Hoo!
Dropped by my daughters, haven’t been over there and seen the rescue kitty for a month since I shipped her off to them a 2nd time. haha
She is one and a half times the size she was a month ago!
She had her 2nd tapeworm shot 2 weeks ago and has gained over a lb. in one month!
Amazing what 2 months of good care can do!
I was blown away! I picked her up and she is a TANK!
Makes me so happy that it’s all working out and she gets to stay in the “family”. :-D
Good morning! Evening? haha
My life, you mean like last night when a giant preying mantis jumped on me in the shower?
Yeah, now that it is getting cooler the wild life is moving indoors. lol
@Coloma That’s the one. Can I have it?
I found out the book I was reading for my course was actually only 125 pages and not 300 so I finished it today!
I went to the post office and paid 87 cents to receive a letter from a friend. It made me think of the price we put to words. Are the books on my shelves worth the price on the back? Are my overdue library books worth the late fees?
I would have been willing to pay far more than 87 cents to read her words.
The Brit Lit trip to London… our first and biggest obstacle was breached today! Door #2 of 1000 doors opened… onward to door #3!
It was a beautiful day outside. I took a nap laying down without coughing my head off. I walked the dogs without coughing. Progress.
Rain here!
Rain, more rain, hail, rain…all night long, all day long!
Yay rain!
Send me some. We have a really bad autumn .. no rain and it’s not gonna happen very soon by how things are going.
My manuscript was accepted for publication! I got awesome shoes for $9.99! I’m spending a week with my best friend in Boston!
I enjoyed a minor celebrity status at my friend’s 40th birthday party because his dad quit smoking after he read the book I recommended. We sat together being very smug. It probably wasn’t very attractive, but everyone is just so glad that he quit.
BTW, I’m over 3 months out…
Sent a link to my LBGT resource page to the head of the Ally program and she thought it was great and wants to have it written up in the newsletter. Also, spoke to some of the other librarians about my making a display in the library about our LGBT resources, the Ally program and gay rights history; they all approved.
I have felt positive today (apart from the brief time that I lost my car keys and went into a panic but I went back to positive when I found the buggers!). I’m glad it is friday.
Start of a three-day weekend with my sweetie. All is not right with the world, but it could be a lot worse. The weather is supposed to be spectacular, and I actually feel like going outside!
It took lots of wiggling today, but I finally pulled a tooth out of my sheltie pups mouth.
My son is drawing a picture for the dog tooth fairy so she knows what to bring him.
Our pup has a cute gummy smile now ;0)
My fiancee and I are celebrating our back-to-back bday’s by going to see the Misfits tonight.
Took my daughter and her boyfriend to an early dinner and yay!....
A cool 64 degrees and I actually wore boots with a skirt and a jacket. Feels great to wear warm clothes again! Yes, I left my duck mask at home lol
Had a big, big storm so we all (husband, me, cat and dogs) snuggled up in bed (furry children on the bed) until it passed over. Lots of lovely rain for the garden.
It is Saturday. I completed half my tax paperwork. We are going out to dinner tonight. All-in-all, a wonderful day.
I have been feeling really lowsy about what kind of chance I have at becoming a professor one day (whether it is the right career for me, whether I can get into a good school, and whether anybody in their right mind would even hire me..) During the graduate orientation today, one of my favourite professors gave us some tips about finding a job after getting an MA (including going on to get a Phd) and I felt so much better. Next week, I’ll swing by his office hours and thank him for the pep talk.
So I went for a jog this morning, just around the block. I still had to walk half of it, but hell I had surgery seven weeks ago and I’ve never had any endurance anyway, so I’m just glad I had the ability and motivation to go at all. Then I went roller blading this afternoon, which was also exhausting but more fun, so I think I’m going to try and do that for a bit every day until the weather turns nasty. I’d love to have better endurance and maybe a little tiny bit of muscle before going back to school. xD
And I made a rage comic that made it to the front page of f7u12.
Getting a start on the holidays…I made enough cranberry sauce today for a couple of years! (The stuff freezes really well…)
I have an email for a writing gig that I am afraid to open, yet.
Hope it’s GREAT news! If I don’t share, it means I was rejected. lol
@coloma… hope you have opened it now. Big breath…....... open. Read… SMILE! (Power of positive thinking).
They like my style! Requested more samples! :-D
It’s a humor and satire gig, I took serious liberties addressing the editor as ” your royal Steviness” and he liked my line claiming that I can ” take the driest of sows ears and transform them into plump and poetic purses of literary levity…” haha
Was feeling really blue this morning and after work took a fall foliage drive with an afternoon tea stop and hike with my husband. It was lovely to be out in the woods.
I’ve been been having some low, emotional PMS times this week. I try to keep it to myself, but it sometimes bleeds over. I got to cry and kvetch a bit today and though I’m embarrassed, I walked away feeling like I’m not as crazy as I fear, that I’m accepted and loved as I am, and that I have managed to meet some really wonderful, supportive, and accepting people.
I ran my harder run today, crossing my fingers that my knees would be ok and they were. I think I’m fine for aiming for 5k in the next couple of weeks.
This is a HUGE relief for me.
Cool new ink in honor of my Dad. ouch
I’m reading this book called Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry. I’ve read a few new books lately that I’ve really gotten into, but it’s been a long time since I’ve read a new book that stimulated me this much on so many levels. It’s a young adult zombie book. I know that lots of people wouldn’t even pick up a book about zombies but it’s an interesting exploration of both humanity and society when faced with a terrible disaster, the results of which are literally walk around in front of you. So far, it’s an amazing book. I haven’t been this interested in something new since I read The Hunger Games which was also a YA book about a dystopian future.
I’ve discovered that I can sleep straight through the night if I don’t eat anything for at least 4 hours before bed, and I’ve rollerbladed 10 miles this week. Yay for being kind of normal!
How great is that! :-D
Well..I just had a great adventure in my own living room, the indoor safari is always underway over here.
Cat going nuts by a big red silk pillow I have propped against the wall next to a chinese wooden screen. Thinking it’s the usual tree frog or lizard that find the comforts of my home irresistible.
Grab flashlight and start poking around and find….
Granted it was a Sharptail snake which are small insect eaters, primarily slugs, but, never the less. :-/
Welcome winter visitors.
I stood up for myself, even when told not to do so. And finished a gigantic task!
There are 4 trees in my neighbor’s yard and 1 in my other neighbor’s yard. All 5 trees are leafless right now. I have 2 trees—both still fully leafy and green. Where were my neighbors’ leaves? In MY yard!!!
I raked ¼ of my backyard before I got fed up and marched over to the 4-Trees neighbors, who happen to be 5 very able-bodied college boys renting a house. 10 minutes later, I had 4 college boys helping me rake up my yard along with theirs! I have 4 blisters on my hands, but THIRTY THREE 30 gallon bags of their leaves have been disposed of.
I’m fuckin freezing. And that’s a good thing. Goddamn Summer is finally gone. ’‘kicks Summer’’
Sends @Symbeline a big furry blanket to snuggle up in.
Lol at the leaf predicament. @linguaphile good on you! Hope you will compost those leaves :D
Indeed. Summer is over here too. And I can finally enjoy the cold weather. Been waiting for like 8 months. And someone said last week it was snowing while I was sleeping ..
Made hot artichoke dip to enjoy while watching football this Sunday (Eagles-Redskins).
I watched Despicable Me for the first time. That film is cute!
@Bellatrix Already did. Took them to the compost site!
One of my co workers just got back from her wedding/honeymoon and reports everything turned out “perfect”. She and I have been planning our weddings/honeymoons together since the beginning of the year, we even got engaged close together so her news is wonderful to me. Like me, she’s waited a long long time to get married a 2nd time and I’m happy she made it all she wanted.
It’s my husband’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Auggie’s Snoggy!
Happy Birthday Mr Auggie. Have a good one!! Tonights the night :D…
Finally got to do my laundry. They were painting the basement floor on the weekend, and I couldn’t go down there. Had to wash some stuff in the damn sink and go to work wearing a potato bag. Aaah, nice fresh clothes.
Happy Birthday to Mr. Augustlan!
A beautiful day in the hills, driving along with the leaves twinkling down all over the highway.
Oh, woe is Coloma, she is car shopping, and nothing is really turning me on.
What I really want is a classic Jaguar. Silly, impractical goose that I am. lol
@Coloma My dad wanted one of those too. Was nuts about em. They are cool cars. I’d prefer a Porsche Turbo though, or a Packard Hearse.
I JUST saw someone driving a Hearse the other day with a monster Great Dane hanging out of it! LOL
Even though it was my husband’s birthday, I got a present! @Jeruba sent me a t-shirt covered in jelly fish! Totally unexpected, and it really made my day. <3
It is officially what would have been my three-year-anniversary with my ex-boyfriend. I feel weird, not sad or angry, just weird, like I should know what to do and I just don’t. I talked to my cousin earlier and he made me feel better about it and I’ve been talking to other friends who have also made me feel better. Also, I keep getting hit on by cute guys who also happen to be smart, score! so I know that, even though my last boyfriend didn’t want me, I’ve still got it. :)
I had dinner with @Fly (my oldest daughter) this evening, and we spent time going over her college applications and essays. It was very rewarding!
That’s beautiful @Auggie. How very exciting for her. She seems like such a bright girl.
It is my wedding anniversary today. We just went for a lovely meal and now we are back at the hotel and… uurm the footy is on… (I don’t really mind at all).
Thank you Auggie! I have to say, I am still here and nobody is running around plague ridden or zombified. I suspect therefore that The Rapture is a non-event again. Sorry to any who were waiting for some excitement.
In Australia, all is as usual.
I’m visiting in SF with my younger son this weekend.
Have a wonderful anniversary celebration!
Had a great 2.5 hour conversation with a close male friend last night ex lover from about 8 years ago.
We have such a great meeting of the minds and he reveres me for my candor, humor and honesty.
He told me that I am in the top 3 of the great relationships of his life.
I know he’s sincere, I also know he’d jump back into my fire in a heartbeat. lol
Alas, whats in the past is in the past, and I have no desire to rekindle anything, but, it warmed my heart never the less. :-)
Today I made 3 new friends. Might seem a bit strange but I wasn’t looking for any, somehow I made them.
I am sure it did @Coloma. Lovely feeling.
We had a wonderful evening together. It was special.
Now we are home and as much as it is nice to be away, it is fantastic to come home. Our dogs are so happy to see us.
Boyfriend and I had a nice Friday night dinner out. But even when we don’t do anything special, I just love hanging out with him.
It’s Friday night but I’m not drinking. Trying to stop, or at least, tone it down some. It’s too hard and I feel all bored, but now it’s too late to go buy beer so I gotta tough with it. I do have this kinda cool feeling about it though. Something like, being proud or something. As long as it lasts. XD
Good for you, @Symbeline! We’ll be here for you, however it goes. <3
I made my friend Ben a boobs cake (maybe NSFW?) for his birthday. A devil’s food cake with chocolate sour cream frosting, from scratch, of course!
In addition to being hysterical (possibly only to myself), this cake promises to be super decadent and delicious, like, sinfully good quality chocolate yumminess! I have not heard from the birthday boy yet, but I imagine he’ll get a kick out of it. Hee hee.
Baking makes me happy!
Someone kept to their word which means I won’t have to spend the rest of the day waiting.
@Leanne1986 That’s always refreshing to be in the company of those that walk in their integrity. :-)
Aaah, Coloma sits, staring out the window flat lined from 4 days of extreme car shopping. It’s all a blur, Jeeps, Infinitis, Audis, Mustangs, Altimas….gah! lol
Today is going to be great, a break from car shopping and kicked ass on my house and yard yesterday afternoon.
That perfect moment of convergence, for a little while. lol
Ooh, Infiniti’s M sedan is a lot of fun!
Yes! I really, really like the Infinity M and they have good reviews! :-D
Had a great time touring and hiking in Marin County with my son and husband and even better, a very nice visit with my mother.
Bittersweet… I said goodbye today to the visiting nurse who’s been coming to our home once a week for the last nine months. Sad because she was a friend, but happy because the reason we said goodbye is that we don’t need her help anymore; my surgical wound is nothing but a scab now. Been trying to heal that sucker up for six months!
I’m keeping happily busy these days, mainly with running my Etsy shop. I’m starting to really enjoy doing that. I sold my first necklace yesterday, and today I have made another necklace (actually made two – one for me!), a ring, and half finished a pair of earrings. Woo hoo!
My Halloween costume is awesome. I’m a zombie killer. The outfit itself is basic enough, light sweater, light jeans, fake leather vest, black hat. To make it zombie-killer-ish, I bought some fingerless leather gloves and fake blood and put bloody hand prints all over myself. I have two plastic guns and a plastic katana and I’m wearing my bullet belt. I LOOK SO COOL.
Edit to add: Fun fact: I bought the vest today and I found three expired condoms and two packets of lube in the pocket.
@KatawaGrey: The vest of a person who specialized in wishful thinking….
My tenants finally paid their October rent (which was due on the first). As a little bonus, they also paid for November’s! Huge relief, let me tell you.
Also, took my new kitten to the vet. Confirmed she is a healthy female, 6 to 7 weeks old, and got her first shots & de-wormer. She was great the whole time. Brave little kitty!
My dog and I will be walking in the local carnival tonight to promote the animal behaviour company that I work for. I hope it doesn’t rain!!!
I slept in after a week of bad nights. It was lovely. (Still in my PJs.)
Awesome morning up here in my hills.
Shaping up to be another beautiful fall day!
I tied all of my giant Myscanthus and Zebra grasses that flank my hot tub into bundles last night and they look so cool!
Like sheaves of wheat with maroon tassles on top.
The effect is very fallish, and helps when it comes time to cut them back in spring.
Mostly the visual is just really cool! :-)
@augustlan We just got paid September’s rent from our tenants. Thank God.
I got a lot of support for a long and personal answer I posted. I haven’t posted much for a long time (a year?) because I felt like too many people were here to argue and prove their points… but today I was really happy I’ve quietly lingered around. :)
I made up with someone you know who you are! and I feel much better, now…
The clocks changed last night so it will get dark just after 4pm here for the next few months. I love that.
I also woke up with my favourite man this morning and today I plan on a lazy, chilled out day.
A female cardinal landed on a branch of the tree right outside my window and stayed for a long time just looking at me.
Hey! Dr J is sporting his vampire costume! Yay!
I celebrated Halloween, my favoritest holiday, last night (and into this morning, so it counts for this thread!). Epic evening for many reasons. :)
I love dressing up, but am usually really bad with coming up with ideas and putting it all together. With a good deal of help, I decided to go as a girl (which, if you knew me, you would understand just how much of a costume it is, hee), which morphed into my being sort of a punk-y, goth-y girl. I wore a black bob wig, short skirt, fishnets with a garter belt, boots, a revealing black top, the most beautiful black and red brocade corset with red laces, topped off with shiny black bat wings on my back. Makeup, too, of course.
I admit that part of me kind of felt like a man in drag, but I got into it after a while and tapped into my girl side. It’s so fun to do something incredibly different like that, and I love doing things people don’t expect of me.
All day yesterday BabyLingua and I prepared the house for her Halloween party—I found a box of long neglected Halloween decorations and it was like Christmas opening that box. The party went awesome then today… to relax, we spent the whole day doing painting and art projects.
I’ve been tripping up with my plans to quit drinking, but I’m still keeping at it. I wasn’t expecting to be able to stop cold turkey.
But one awesome thing I realized about not drinking so much that I’d like to share…I mean I already knew this, but it’s different when it’s actually happening…I save so much fuckin money lol. It’s almost crazy lol.
@Symbeline : Good on yer! Amazing about the money, same with quitting smoking. I’ve more than paid for my phone and fancy plan, with a bunch left over…definitely a positive aspect!
lol@symb. Have to save up for a visit to Oz then! Good on you for sticking with it.
I had just about the best day ever yesterday. Saw a whole bunch of friends from high school and went on my first motorcycle ride. I liked it a lot, but I have to work up to letting my friend do crazier stuff like going on the highway. :P
I feel a bit happier today than I did yesterday. I am still feeling very low but I am hoping this funk will lift soon.
@Leanne1986 Why the funk? I had it earlier but a friend pulled me out of it.
A step back to the old days… I hired a couple of young men from the neighborhood to do a bunch of yard work for me. They’re working hard, they tell me stories about their moms, I’m paying them and giving them cookies. I feel like the Waltons, here.
Great kayaking trip down a crystal clear stream yesterday. Weather here is gorgeous.
@Adirondackwannabe I’m feeling a lot of anxiety at the moment which isn’t helped by the fact that my boyfriend is away for a few weeks. Feeling a bit lost.
@Leanne1986 Understandable then. I hate being alone. My 1 pound fifteen ounce nephew made it through his first week with no complications. How’s that for good news?
@JilltheTooth haha, love it!
I am having so much fun playing with a couple of Preying mantises this morning.
Yes, I am easily amused. ;-)
My favorite insect! It is breeding season for them over here and I have been playing matchmaker with a big female the cat found in my kitchen last night and a male I found on top of my car this morning.
I set them up in a romantic setting on a bamboo plant on my deck and they are in in process of courtship now.
Of course, after the copulation the male will have his head eaten, but, alas, another generation of little Mantises will grace my garden. :-D
@Coloma Somehow, I think you take a bit of extra glee in seeing the male get offed in the end.
What my awesome mom failed to mention is the reason why she hired these boys instead of professionals is because they’re hungry and need the money. She’s kind of the best person ever.
@KatawaGrey Now you make me feel bad about my crack to Coloma. It was just a bad joke. And you be careful on motorcycles. There is a good reason the Dr’s call them that.
I figured it was what you ladies wanted when you ask for a little head.
Hey, it’s going down now, she’s decapitated him and is eating his head like a melon! LOL
I give you my head now to avoid years of alimony in the future. Smart bug. lololol
A squad of boxes arrived from our gift registry containing kitchen appliances the like of I’ve never allowed myself before! I figure I spent the first leg of life roughing it and this time around I’d like to have a gigantic electric griddle, fancy food chop chop thingie and so on. My bridesmaids are seeing to it I have all I need to enter domesticity!
My love had a job interview today with Toys ‘R’ Us and got the job! :) We’re so happy. I need to plan some kind of surprise. This was his second time interviewing for a job and he was incredibly nervous. It was adorable
Today was freaking awesome. I got called at 3am this morning because my best friend had gone into labour. A few hours later Phoenix was born: 8lbs 1oz. He is such an alert, calm and beautiful boy.
This is the first time I’ve been to someone esle’s birth and it was a transcending experience.
Talked to a friend. I lost contact with him for several years. Was nice to socialize like in the good ol’ days. Sad part was when we had to say good night.
Great week in Florida capped by a last walk on the Causeway this morning and a soak in the hot tub.
@Fly will be inducted into the National Honor Society on Tuesday, @mangeons has straight As at the end of this term, and @laineybug performed with her marching band Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. All three of them looked beautiful for the homecoming dance on Saturday night. They’ve grown into such lovely young women. So proud of all of them!
After a busy (and sometimes stressful) week and weekend, I slept for 15 hours. It was glorious.
I saw a bald eagle this morning on the drive in to work. Magnificent bird.
@augustlan You have awesome daughters.
@Adirondackwannabe Holy crap, that’s wicked. Here I’m excited over the hairy woodpecker and cedar waxwings in my backyard this morning, haha.
I’ve been sweating it out because the woman from my college’s residential services department had told me there will probably only be space available in a triple when I go back to school in January. After having my guts rearranged, having no privacy was a scary thought. This morning though, I found out that there’ll be space in a double, and in upperclass housing no less. I’ll probably be living in the same building most of my friends are living in! This is such a huge relief; I’m sooo happy.
@Mariah He/she wasn’t all that happy, he was getting harrassed by two crows. And it was close too.Right over the river as I went over the bridge.
I paid my dues for the Children’s Literature Association and received all four issues of their journal for 2011 :) It was exciting to come home to find!
I also bought too many groceries, but now that Fresh and Easy have a point reward system I feel less guilty about my spending.
I started my new exercise regimen with a walk this morning. I feel great afterward!
@marinelife : Too bad we can’t do this together. I take Zuppy out for 2–3 miles everyday that weather permits because I can’t stand him if he’s not tired, not really for my own health! and I can’t tell you how much better I feel doing that. On the days I can’t, I feel like a slug all day. If your knees start to hurt, the Ace-type braces from any drugstore will help a lot. I have bad knees…
I just voted for the first time.
Congratulations, @Mariah ! You are now, officially, a wielder of awesome power!
@Mariah That’s so excited! I haven’t missed an election yet (whether its a small local thing or one of a big nation-wise thing.) My brother and I are going to make the trip before my class this evening.
My wedding day is rained out which means I’m not getting married in my in-laws backyard. What’s so great about that?
* I lurve rainy weather.
* I wanted the reception in our house to begin with before my in-laws kinda sorta took over.
* The money I’m saving by cancelling a bunch of rental stuff means we can have more goodies on our wedding cruise. Wee hee!
@Neizvestnaya : Too much fun! It’s good luck if it rains on your wedding day…
@JilltheTooth: You know, as many times as I’ve been told that, I’ve not believed it. Some disgruntled rained out wedding party must’ve purported that myth so others wouldn’t feel bad or un lucky. I’m so type A though, I made sure to have several plans in place for all this stuff. It’s going to smell so good through cracked windows and we’ll have a great contrast to a room full of candlelight!
A few of my friends got married on rainy days…30 years and counting for all of them! Not saying that’s why, but….
I’ve been angsting about a big project for work I have to do and today finally got a bit of a handle on it. It’s a display for the library on LBGTQ history and resources.
A friend I haven’t seen face-to-face since 2007 is on the road right now to my house for the weekend!
My step-son announced that he and his long-time fiancee are getting married at home this Friday, 11/11/11. :D
Oh my goodness! That is a huge surprise. Do you have a nice dress to wear? They won’t ever forget that day will they for more than one reason.
@Bellatrix We just found out about 2 hours ago, so I don’t really know all the particulars. It’s very spur of the moment! :)
@augustlan Congratulations you’re going to be a MIL haha
Just finished canning 15 pints of cranberry apple relish for the holiday scene with my daughter.
A great tradition, 7 hours of sorting berries and peeling, coring and dicing bucket fulls of apples to bubble away in the witches cauldron along with lots of talk and family gossip. lol
She had a recent pic of her dad, my ex, I haven’t seen him in about 5 years..OMG!
He’s a real tubby and near bald as a grape these days. Cracked me up. WHO IS that guy? ;-D
Tonight I got to be in the audience for a 2 hour Q&A session with Dan Savage, whose column I’ve read nearly every week for ten years. He was every bit as insightful and funny as I’d hoped, and then some.
My nephew is no longer fighting in the one pound division. He’s into the two pound division and two weeks without complications.
Thanks Guys. Every one of those GA’s means a ton to me. It’s been a rough two weeks of hell for his parents. Thank you.
@Adirondackwannabe That’s such great news. Hope the little guy keeps doing better and better and his family can get some relief.
I’m having a fantastic week. Mom and I went to a local craft fair the other day to look and get inspired. I had a conversation with some women who make dichroic glass pendants, which I’m trying to learn how to do, and they gave me some tips. They also looked at the necklace I was wearing and said, “you didn’t make that, did you?” which was super flattering because I did in fact make that. :)
I’ve been talking with a lot of people from various departments at my school, getting everything squared away for my return.
I had the best night’s sleep in quite a long time last night, and yesterday and today I’ve felt great, so much better than I’ve felt in so long. I’m putting on weight too. It’s fantastic.
I’m still keeping busy and having a lot of fun with my Etsy shop. I added a bunch of items today so hopefully I’ll make some Christmas season sales soon.
I’d be happy to donate about 15 lbs. of fat to you. lol ;-)
I made an important purchase online.
Not so great, but not devastating either… the 11/11/11 wedding has been postponed. They couldn’t get the paperwork together quickly enough. Oh well… they’re still engaged. :)
We made apple cup pies today! :) At first we were nervous about whether they would turn out okay because we had trouble with the tops, but we ended up with flaky, warm, delicious treats. They were devoured at dinner before I could snag any pictures but more will be made tomorrow.
OK, I know this matters not at all to the guys, but you girls out there with an abundance of boobage should appreciate this… I was able to find new bras that fit, are comfy and have all the features I wanted! Sounds silly to crow about it, but it’s hard to do that!
And now I want some of @muppetish‘s apple cup pies to celebrate!
I had two great meetings this week to do with my LBGTQ work. One I led and was a meeting of the Ally group at which I presented. I am feeling very fulfilled with my participation in this work and I really enjoy the group.
Last night coming home just before dark and getting off on the gorgeous sunset, glowing pink and gold over the mountains as a storm was rolling in.
The leaves were swirling around as I came down my little road and just as I turned to wind down to the bottom of my little canyon the most magnificent, huge, Whitetail buck was herding a small group of does into the woods.
Tis the fall rut and this guy was STUNNING!
Hope he escapes any hunters and lives to sire many fawns.
Run Bambi run!
Nature makes me so happy! :-)
I had a lovely and fun evening with a new kinky lady friend, capped off with a scoop of Earl Grey ice cream with chocolate chips, made to order with liquid nitrogen. So cool! Not to mention creamy, tasty perfection.
Tonight I am accompanying my 90 year old great grandmother to see her favourite singer in concert. She is suffering from lung cancer and so this may be the last real quality time I get with her.
@Leanne1986 : Have a great time with her! If it is, indeed, your last “active” memory of her, what a lovely one!
I had a lovely, hour-long conversation with my mother yesterday. That’s so unusual as to be noted.
@Leanne1986 That’s just beautiful, what a great grand daughter you are! ;-)
Well I’m on my wild life/nature jag over here, just finished my new Amazon order of ” Bear attacks of the century” and today I received ” Cougar attacks…Encounters of the worst kind.”
I have come face to face with a cougar behind my barn about 8 years ago, and have seen another slinking across my rugged lower pasture following deer, 2 summers ago. I also live 10 miles from a fatal attack on a jogger in 1994 on a local wilderness trail.
Sooo…what could be more FUN than packing a few Coronas and snacks and tromping down to my pasture to sit under a 400 year old Oak tree in the rugged ravine and read my new Cougar book! lol
It was great!
My cat Mia tagged along and, of course Marwyn, the all terrain goose.
His wife prefers to lounge near the barn and have her salad bar. haha
She’s a girly goose she is.
We were quite the decoys, goose, cat and woman, but alas, I spotted no sign of lions.
Carefully looking for markings, debris piles of leaves marked with urine and no caches of deer, although I have, inadvertently, run across a couple deer caches in my years in these hills.
A splendid afternoon, and ya know that old saying..” Do you want to die on this hill?”
Yes I DO! ;-D
I’m going through a rough patch right now and managed to get through the day much better than I had thought I would. Took a walk on the boardwalk and had breakfast with a friend, baked some cookies and then went by myself to Anonymous which I heartily recommend.
@bob_ Yes, tell her!!!!!!
Where is the “something great today” thread where we were talking about my grandbaby who I thought would be born on the 19th but who showed up at 9:00 tonight? ??? I’m supposed to let folks know….
OK…it’s not my birthday @bob_ but thanks! What was it you bought??
@Dutchess_III Just a small token of appreciation for a certain someone.
We want all the details @Dutchess_III. How big, how long, hair colour… :-) Piccies to follow I hope.
Six pounds even, 18”, hair black. Foot prints show she was done! Hang on for the pics! She looked like ET….well, all 30 minute old babies do! But I can swear she focused on me, my eyes, for a few second while I was talking. : ) So, while she was paying attention I told her that she had magic cinnamon sugar toast at Grammas to look forward to, and told her she needed to learn to swim ASAP since we now have a pond. She seemed to lose interest that point. Guess she doesn’t know what a pond is. : )
Yesterday, the Seahawks won, and I got to see it. I never get to see their games on the East Coast, but they were playing the Baltimore Ravens so it was on in this market. I loved it!
I got to see my best friend get married. She looked beautiful. He’s a lucky guy to have her, and I wish them both the best. :-)
I dropped off my last visiting bridesmaid to the airport and though we cried to have to say goodbye, we also were in agreement we are lucky to have the circle of friends we do.
Saw Immortals with my friend just now and we both were blown away. We had a great talk about visuals in the movie and a great talk about mythology. He even lent me a book about the Mayans which I shall read and report back on it’s full of beautiful pictures and I plan on lending him some of the books I have on mythology. He also suggested that instead of buying a knife for protection, I buy either pepper spray or a low-level taser. I don’t particularly like the idea of pepper spray you have to keep buying more and it doesn’t actually take anyone down, just causes them a lot of pain so he seriously suggested I invest in a taser, which I think I will. All in all, a fun and informative evening. :)
Wow, @KatawaGrey , was that G? Interesting conversations!
My new resolution to set a timetable to get things done in preparation for the holidays seems to be working. As long as I set myself to time limits on the tasks that I hate doing read “housework” I get a lot done. Amazing what one can accomplish with 15 minutes here and 30 minutes there.
Maybe this would be better suited to a “some progress” thread…
@JilltheTooth, I don’t know what your situation is, but if you hate housework that much (I do too) have you ever thought of hiring someone to help out?
I have thought of it, @nikipedia , but it’s not the actual cleaning that bothers me, it’s the sorting through and dealing with papers and stuff that bugs me. You know, the things you have to do yourself. Believe me, if it were just the cleaning I would cheerfully employ people, nay, I would employ and bake cookies for people!!! I’m a bit of a pack-rat and a procrastinator. Deadly combo
i had a nice dinner and visit with friends and got through another day.
My photographer just gave me two disks of photos from our wedding so I’ve been sharing with friends and family all day. Just added one to the fluther_photobucket
Thank you all for your well wishes, everything was outstanding!
Wow, you look a lot like my friend Gail! Congrats on your beautiful day, thanks for sharing the pic!
Congrats @Neizvestnaya !!! :-)
Well….tis the season, waiting on the gang to show up for my daughters B-Day party tonight. 6:22 pm on the west coast, everyone showing up at 7ish.
OMG! Let the fat wars begin, I have SO MUCH FOOD, I can’t even fit it all on the table. lol
Party party!
Congratulations, @Neizvestnaya! You look beautiful, and he is a handsome dude!
The rubber mat slipped this morning as I was getting out of the shower, and I fell (hitting my shoulder on the toilet—Oww!). I fell onto my knee, which was hurting so I had to flip over onto my bottom. Then I couldn’t figure out how to get out.
My hubby stood there helplessly making suggestions while I just said why it wouldn’t work. We took out the mat, dried the floor of the tub with towels. My adrenaline levels went down.
Finally, after about 15 minutes, he said he was going to call the Fire Department. The idea of young, buff firefighters looking at my wrinkly, saggy, naked body was all the impetus I needed. I turned onto my knees and climbed out.
It’s a good day.
Amazing what provides the impetus sometimes, isn’t it? I hope you’re OK, those knee smacks are painful!
Thanks all! I am now quite sore, but happy. Happy that I hit my shoulder and not my head. Happy that I am not seriously hurt. Happy to be out of the bathtub!
@marinelife Wow!
Well ya know, a lot of fatal accidents happen in the home…double up on those bathmats and maybe get one of those shower chairs or a bath nurse. lol
I plummeted down my garage stairs one night in the dark and bounced off the dryer. :-/ Glad you’re okay.
Had a great Birthday party celebration last night, and now, double flossing to get the cake outta my teeth before a dentist appt. in one hour. haha
Congrats @Neizvestnaya! @marinelife, I’m glad you’re okay! Way to look on the bright side.
My something great is that this gave me a much needed laugh.
Ouchy @marinelife! Glad you are okay. That sounds like a nasty fall. Lucky it was your shoulder and not your head!
I could relate to the firemen. When I was 9 months pregnant, the doors in our shower got stuck. I was in there and couldn’t get them open. The towel was on the other side of the room. I could open the doors about 6 inches. My choice was, call my father-in-law and have him see me naked or squeeze through that gap. Amazing how much body you can fit through 6 inches of gap.
@Bellatrix Holy christ! Nine months pregnant and you fit through that much space? Definately deserves a fluther award of some kind.
EEK! @marinelife, you are going to be so bruised up.
Thank you jellies for your congratulations, it thrilled me to see my groom stride gallantly with a big smile to his place in the wedding party line while I peeked out from a window at my dearest friends assembled and waiting.
I have effected at least a temporary fix on the kitchen sink drain. It needs a little more…something…(Teflon tape?) but at the moment I can at least use the sink, with a basin underneath. For now.
I have tweaked the repair, and I’m hoping it makes it through the holidays…
I had scratches across my belly @Adirondackwannabe. A sensible person would have just called in the old father-in-law… or sat in the shower for a few hours :D
On a positive note, I am in a little cabin in the Dandenong ranges and it I am looking out on trees and the sun is going down. It is a pretty spot.
@Bellatrix I just looked up Dandenong Ranges and saw the pictures. It looks beautiful.
My dad agreed to come with me to see Barry Manilow in London next year :)
I’m leaving on a trip to visit my best friend at her college for a few days! Sooo excited.
Got a wonderfully loving e-mail from my DIL inviting me to come visit them in Paris whenever I want. It means the world to me right now.
No – it isn’t. My husband wants to move out; he told me last Friday night. (Wasn’t a “something great” day.)
@janbb Oh crap. I’m sorry. I’m here if you want to chat. send me a PM.
Thanks guys – I’ve been talking the ears off friends all week but I will keep it in mind. The reality of it goes and comes.
@janbb I’m sorry. Glad you have supportive friends to listen, and remember, this too shall pass. Best wishes to you.
Thinking a meet-up at M&M World in NYC might be in order for a welcome distraction!
As I watched tv with my new husband this morning, we held hands and just relaxed for the first time in a few weeks. He mumbled something about, “I want to always feel this loved” and that made me feel great. There was a time when we first met when he wondered if he’d ever be able to feel love or even happiness in regular things like a nap, a good meal or lying around in bed watching movies so this was so good to hear.
@janbb I’m so sorry that you are having a hard time at the moment :(
I bought my Barry Manilow tickets today (on my dad’s credit card!!!)
Aw @janbb…... :( I am so sorry….
Taught a great class this morning on Madame Bovary. Last one for the Fall; I love teaching!
I saw janbb on here with an upbeat attitude. Made me smile big time.
One of my best friends got her ankle cast off (horrific break and ligament shred) and will be able to be up and about better.
My publication came out today, and someone bought me a very thoughtful gift, and one of my favorite people is visiting :)
I am singing in a charity concert tonight. I will be glad when it’s over but it’s for a good cause so I’m happy to be doing it!
I had a wonderful dinner last night with a fairly new but very compatible close woman friend. It was a hot new restaurant and the food and conversation were great. I am feeling surprisingly happy for what I am going through. I am kind of excited about creating a new life.
Today I am going for a hike with my BIL.
@janbb : That is a cool thing, the prospect of new stuff. New friendships and new activities can be quite an effective anodyne.
@janbb Great news, yep, maybe time for that little Penguin to find her inner Polar Bear. haha
I remembermy rebirth AD ( after divorce ) man, whatta a great, exciting time! Power up girl! :-D
@janbb: If you think of reinvention, write it all down as to what can work and be gotten then it gets exciting. Do little things at first, start in your home, your closets, cupboards, furniture, paint schemes, etc. and then go further such as your person, a different job, volunteerism, hogging all the hot water, blankets, sleeping diagonal across your bed, letting music play round the clock.
I had the day off (Revolution Day in Mexico), so I slept in and went to the gym.
Also, I started to make some seriously fun plans.
Almost finished my Xmas shopping and got a GREAT haircut!
Always nice, considering one out of every 3 is a screw up. lol
Something great that happened today? Five pm came and I drove home.
Mistress has been teasing me with the knowledge of a ‘post-birthday, in between Christmas’ gift and I have been very curious. She presented me wih a Turian slave cuff. :)
It’s a really cool hinged stainless steel circle that is discreetly locked on using a tiny Allen screw and special wrench. Traditionally, it is a symbol of ownership.. It means a lot to me because it’s a symbol of her acceptance, caring, and that she considers me to be hers.. (or at least somewhat, since I’m allowed my freedom and she shares me). I have to admit that this cuffing is so what I wanted! I’m a happy girl.
Happy Thanksgiving!
My husband and I are cooking the feast. We made the cornbread for the dressing. We cooked the sugar pumpkin for the pumpkin pie. We are about to make Mother Stamberg’s cranberry relish, and we have the stock on for the dressing.
Yum, it makes me hungry just thinking about it.
I’m opting to stay home today after doing my Thanksgiving combined with my daughters birthday last week.
Went out of town last year, and now, my phone is ringing off the hook with invites and everyone is wanting my company.
Nice to feel wanted, but, I am actually looking forward to making a little dinner of my own and just hanging out on this rainy day.
One friend is dropping in around noon for a little pow wow and to pick up some of my cranberry-apple relish to take to his dinner with friends.
Funny though, how some people just can’t believe one would choose to stay home. I’m good, no worries here!
Happy Day to all you guys! :-)
I treated myself to fish and chips for tea!
Had a truly lovely Thanksgiving dinner with @KatawaGrey and some friends, dishes are washing to be honest, cleanup will take a while but I don’t care and now I can wind down, Fluther a bit, sneak another piece of pie, and be thrilled at all I have to be thankful for. Happiest of Thanksgivings to all of my Jellies, whether you celebrate or not!
I’ve been playing around with my new kiln, learning a lot about what methods work and what ones don’t. I’m starting to get some good results, pendants worthy of selling, I think. It’s exciting to finally start adding glass creations to my Etsy shop!
I also discovered that my college will have an orientation in January for transfer students, so that’s another way I could meet people when I go back.
Great overnight visit and breakfast from my SIL, nephew and his family. It gave me a real lift.
Last night I went to see The Spanish School of Riding at Wembley Arena. Incredible horsemanship. I now have a new found respect for Dressage!
@Mariah Oooh, I am jealous! A new kiln! I have been wanting to get back into some sculpting. I have the clay, but have yet to play again!
Awesome morning up here, ended up hanging with a friend all day T’s-‘Giving and making a nice little dinner for two, great conversation and a movie.
Spontaneous moments are the best.
My house is in tip top order and today my gardener buddy is coming over to do some raking and barn cleaning and gutter clearing.
I am going to enjoy a happy brownie afternoon playing outdoors on what’s promising to be a lovely day of sunshine and perfect temps. high 50’s to low 60’s.
I think this fall is one of the most beautiful ever, with the early rains and the change of light everything is so green already and the contrast of the colors of the trees is just sublime.
My favorite thing, getting a little bit high and kicking around the micro-farm on a fine afternoon! Yippee! :-D
@Coloma I’ve been dreaming about doing this for years! My kiln is for glass though actually. And it’s itty bitty and goes in the microwave. It’s definitely a tool for newbies. I call in my “gateway” kiln. :P
Something great: The Curiosity rover launched successfully and will reach Mars in 8½ months.
Well, it’s great to be back to fluther and back home. I’ve missed you all so much. I finally got out of the hospital today, it’s been a miserable two months. I don’t know how I survived without fluther maybe it was the meds, I don’t know But I have a lot of catching up to do.
@shego Welcome back! I hope you’re recovering well.
I had a really relaxing morning with my fella. We stayed in bed until 11am (unheard of for him, he likes to start the day early so as not to waste any of it!), watched an episode of Gilmore Girls and (he) had cookies for breakfast!
Sounds wonderful! Cookies for breakfast too! ;-D
A great peaceful morning, still have the coffee scene goin’ on all warm and happy in my little space.
Oh dear god, I am finding myself browsing for cats again after my bad cat year of death, disease and wild strays that wouldn’t blend with my cat.
My daughter sent me 5 petfinder ads for siamese guys that need homes.
Dare I try again? I do not know! Aaaah!
Hey @shego! That’s my good news for the day! Welcome home!
I finally gathered the courage to go to the gym. I work in a sports centre and have only set foot in the gym about 5 times in my six years of working here!!! One of my colleauges made a programme for me to stick to and, despite feeling physically sick after my first session, mentally I felt great. Looking forward to my next session even though I know I will regret it in the morning!!!!
Bought lots of bubble bath and my favorite chocolates! Also opened a checking account in my name only.
Go, go, little penguin, go!
I emailed my nurse to ask if I was cleared to exercise yet and she still wants me to take it easy on my abdominal muscles, but said I can pretty much do whatever I want. So I went to the gym and did 20 minutes on an elliptical and 10 minutes uphill walking on a treadmill. I’m gonna have an uphill walk to class when I get back to school so I want to be ready!
My adviser said I could start preparing my next manuscript with data I thought he’d poop on!
Took a friend to see The Muppets. He’s been having a rough time, and he laughed and laughed. It was really good for him.
The cloud formation in the sky as I was driving to work was beautiful.
I had to take a cab to work this morning because a neighbor forgot to leave the keys to her car where she was supposed to, so she blocked the rest of the building in. That wasn’t fun, but then on the way back I walked home, and it was pretty relaxing.
Look at Myles!
A great afternnoon!
I visited with Myles today, he might be the one!
He is a 5 yr. old stray, came to the shelter already neutered and has been there since Oct. 20.
He is AMAZING! Huge, mellow, a big ragdoll kinda guy, just goes limp in your arms and throws his weight into you. Nobody wants the older guys but I think Myles is purrfect.
I’ll make a decision by tomorrow maybe bring Myles home on Saturday. :-D
I’m sitting here, hanging out with my good friend. We’ve had good dinner, a good conversation and we’re each wearing one of my corsets and absolutely cracking up at how we each look. It’s a great evening. :)
We had a little fashion show. The pictures are on facebook. We had so much fun. :)
Went for a nice evening hike last night on the boardwalk with a new bunch of people.
Our little town gets all goopy and holiday funky this time of year. Last Friday they lit the trees up on the town green, tonight is the “lamplighter Stroll” with peopl in period costumes caroling around the businesses, dance groups of teenagers randomly performing, and horse and carriage rides around downtown. I love the holiday season in my little town!
@Leanne1986 That’s exactly what I was thinking. I always think of Jill and Katawa as the Gilmore Girls.
@janbb and @Leanne1986 : We kinda are…except we’re shorter, blonder, and I’m a lot older than Lorelei! But our little Connecticut town could indeed have been the model for Stars Hollow. Along with about 100 other little Connecticut towns…
I was told a while back that when I get back to school I’m going to be stuck in whatever housing is available, so I kind of assumed I would get the dregs. But I just got an email…there was an opening in a super nice apartment-style dorm, and I’m getting it. I can’t believe my luck!
A couple days late on this one—Tuesday night, my coworkers and I had a really fun potluck dinner, and my coworker’s fussy little kid fell asleep on me and it was pretty fucking cute.
Myles is home! see his picture above from yesterday ^
You oughta see this cat. 15 lbs. of ragdoll tuxedo tank, and…he is modestly UNDERWEIGHT still!
I have never seen such big legs and paws on a cat in my life!
He reminds me of a Shire horse.
He is incredibly mellow, amazingly laid back, he tripped over an area rug and fell over. haha
He is relaxing in the bathroom with his new litter box, new bed and his first can of Fancy Feast. I am confident he will pose no threat to diva cat Mia, this guy was made to order in the easy going cat department.
Long live Myles! :-D
Did you get him @Coloma? I went and looked at his pic, he looks gorgeous!!! Aww, lots of photos required. I want a second cat but Jasper would just not stand for any intruders. I don’t want to take the risk. Let me know how Mia goes? Jasper has always been a lone feline in this house (he has to share with dogs and a fish but they are not his equals, neither are the humans so it is all good to him).
My girls are here and we spent some quality time over a pizza delivery. Fly made gingerbread cookies, too. :)
@augustlan Mmm..I love gingerbread :-)
A silent, minus the sound of Myles clawing at the bathroom door and howling lol 5 a.m. over here.
Let the new cat integration commence for the 3rd time in 14 months. haha
Myles is quite the cat burglar, learned to open the bathroom door at 2 a.m., and hopped up on my bed much to Mias upset.
She burrowed under the covers which she never does and I got up to tend to the wayward child.
Yep, he kept opening the door by jumping up and pulling the handle, sooo….after letting him out for some attention and brief exploration I secured the door with a silk bathrobe sash tied from the outside handle to a linen closet handle a few feet down the hall.
Creative genius is called for under such circumstances. haha
Then, had to undo my handiwork when he knocked a basket of towels off the shelf and scattered towels and TP rolls all over the bathroom.
By then it was almost 3 a.m. sooo, wtf..feeling awake and good soooo, might as well put on the coffee and call it a start to my day. :-p
Now, are you ready for some real humor?
In order to not disturb Myles again in hopes he will fall asleep I peed in a bowl in my garage and dumped it down the sink with soap and hot water. lol
Again, one must implement creative alternatives to bathroom cats at 4 a.m.
Should be an interesting day, have company coming at 5:30 tonight, so, a nap might be in order.
I am doing a little writing, along with fluthering, lends a whole new meaning to “burning the midnight oil. ”
Welcome to my world this morning! :-/
I bought a shiny new Atrix 2 today :) It was $100 altogether (phone, ridiculous tax, and insurance – which includes a free battery after thirty days of usage.) Not too shabby. I considered getting a Galaxy S II but couldn’t justify paying that much since I need cash for holiday gifts.
LOL@Coloma… so, Myles is letting his true personality out and the ‘meek and mild’ Myles was a bit of a ruse huh? He sounds like a real character and you are going to have lots of fun. Imagine what Mia was saying in her little cat head while all of this was going on :D
I am planning a lazy day today.
Post-party. They came; they talked; we had fun.
I did manage to have a fairly lazy day today and I am currently cooking a fish pie in the oven that has been broken for over a year but my boyfriend managed to fix for me last night. I am so glad that I don’t have to microwave everything now! I also heard from a good friend who lives quite far away. I am going to see her and her husband in a few weeks time and we are going to see Les Miserables (my favourite) in London two days before Christmas. I am very excited :)
I shoveled my 75+ foot driveway and sidewalks by myself, sans-ex-spouse. Reeeawrrr!
@nikipedia Yay! Bend over and let the spankings commence! ;-D
@nikipedia: Happy birthday! :D
I realized yesterday that the adversity I encounter from people with opposing belief systems is actually good for me and my beliefs. I had heard from Christians before that encountering strong opposition has actually made them and their beliefs stronger and I simply didn’t believe it. Now, however, I find that it is not only true but incredible. :)
Santa just rode by on a fire engine. Love my small town.
My husband and I woke up, started getting ready for work and noticed we both still felt like we were on the oceanliner we left yesterday. It’s kind of like a sweet cruise hangover :)
Had a very nice weekend in New York with my nephew, niece and great niece.
Great day, cats doing well, keeping them apart but Myles is truly a “ragdoll”, literally & figuratively, he is SO mellow. He just was enjoying belly rubs on the big ottoman in my living room and rolled over and fell off. lol
Went to lunch with a good friend and took a river walk and now, enjoying a “Hop Stoopid” ale while Myles gets some living room time and Mia the fragile princess dines in her tower in the princess suite. haha
I found my future suitemates on Facebook (well, they found me). Exciting times, these.
Today, my children and I will decorate the Christmas tree. That is always a lovely thing to do.
Yay, fun! I am trying to decide if I am going to haul in my daughters giant present a dining room set and attempt to prop against the wall and wrap it, or…keep it hidden in the garage and show her a picture of it before the unveiling.
I bought the boyfriend a screwdriver set, is that obvious or what? lol
@Bellatrix I too decorated a real fir tree with my daughter and son’s girlfriend. We pulled out 3 dusty boxes of Christmas decorations. 2 more boxes will be pulled out tomorrow.
The last few Christmases were totally for the kids, but I only mustered up the most basic effort to decorate. I had gotten quite Scroogey with the X around—nothing seemed fun, but those two girls had plenty of enthusiasm for 3 people, plus more. Ahhh…. it was FUN and finally feels like a real Christmas again!!
Because I did well budgeting our honeymoon trip and spending a lot less during than my husband estimated, he told me we could book another cruise! Eeeeeeee!
Had a nice phone conversation with my younger son. I was feeling very distant from him so it was good.
Carried Myles around the yard today for a glimpse of the ark and a sit on the deck to watch the birds moment.
He was wide eyed at the geese, deer, sheep, mules and Llama milling around the pastures and fields.
I don’t think he’s ever seen such creatures before.
Welcome to the micro-farm Myles. :-)
He is right at home and Mia is being pretty good about things, I think she senses he is so amazingly placid and non-aggressive, I’m banking that by Xmas we’ll all be one big, happy, integrated family.
On a bummer note I spilled half a bottle of $60 goose arthritis medicine and ate way too many miniature snickers bars. lol
Aww @Coloma. He sounds so lovely. Has he settled down at night now? Is all calm on the bathroom front?
@Bellatrix Yes, going really well! He has spent the last 2 nights out and on my bed, Mia on one side, he on the other and they are having breakfast together in the kitchen in the mornings. He is so non-threatening so she is a bit pissy but nothing like trying to introduce the psycho girl cat last summer. haha
I almost feel like what passes for normal today.
My dad is making me dinner tonight. He always makes the yummiest meals!
@janbb Good to hear! :-)
@Leanne1986 Love the Lippizan (sp?) avatar, and hey, can I come to dinner too? lol
@Coloma Everyone’s welcome! I had better call dad and tell him to make enough to go round!!
We slept in until noon today :) It feels so good to be caught up on sleep. I think I can comfortably say that my insomnia is cured. knock on wood
Yay! Some seeds I ordered came today!
Giant Moso Bamboo. I want a grove of big timber bamboo, the house that Coloma built. lol
I got in from work and had a long bubble bath, then changed into a flannel nightie. Have spent the evening watching an old movie in the bedroom and baking brownies for company I am having on Saturday night. I am quite content right at the moment.
That contentment will keep growing, let it flow. ;-)
I made myself turn down an offered double shift for one of my days off. I’m in training to be okay with not working so much as I’ve done in the recent past few years. I’m almost human…
I think I might take a leaf from your book @janbb. It is a rainy, rainy day and I might just run a bath and soak and chill out for a while. Good idea from you. Thank you.
Many angry months after I stopped taking Zoloft, I’m starting to shed the crazy weight gain that’s killed my back and feet. I swear, when I first tried this for panic attacks in the 90’s, I had no weight gain or other side affects. Grrr.
Every time I solve a problem I never dealt with before or figure something out my own way, I feel just a little bit taller.
Today is an awesome Fluther day!
This morning I went to the post office to send a surprise gift to a friend. When I got home, there was a package on my doorstep…a surprise gift from that same friend! I love it when incredibly cute things like that happen!
I’m on the road with my parents house hunting again. Our real estate agent bought a necklace from me! :D
I got an A on both of my final papers, which means I earned an A in both courses for my first year as a graduate student. I feel an enormous weight lifting from my shoulders. I can do this and I will.
Time to go splurge on a gift to myself!
Well done Muppetish! Nice feeling and yes you can and you will.
A jelly sent me chocolates for the holidays! :D
One week today and Myles is blending splendidly!
He has mastered the cat door into the garage, sooo, very soon, I think I can move his poo box out with Mias to the scent free zone. lol
I have been taking him out on brief, supervised outtings, and he is doing great.
Today he climbed a tree and sat on a big fallen tree in my ravine just looking at his new world!
Then lounged in the sun on the deck for about 30 minutes.
He is so mellow but playful too.
Mia ran up to him for a greet and play rushed him!
They are eating in the kitchen together and sharing the bed!
Yay! Looks like Myles is a winner!
Let the kitty games commence!
@augustlan : I’m bettin’ we know the same jelly!!! and I already ate it all up!
And I had a looooong phone conversation with that same jelly, what a treat! I’m a lurvin’ the Tide Pool today!
When do we get a new TMSGTHT thread? In time for Xmas maybe? lol
@Coloma Good idea! Look for it under your tree but don’t unwrap it early.
I am going to have a lazy/productive day getting ready for a party I am having tonight. Just a few close friends for pot luck appetizers and desserts. Trying to keep it as stress free for myself as possible.
We’re moving in the spring. It doesn’t affect me that much because I’m headed off to school anyway, but it’s still weird because I have lived in the same house my whole life.
Anyhow, I spent some time today helping my mom out by peeling glow in the dark stars off my bedroom ceiling. I can distinctly remember the day I put them on there with my sister. I had to stand on a big pile of stuffed animals on top my bed to reach (I have a loft bed). Today, I had to hunch to keep from hitting my head on the ceiling. In one way, it was emotional, in another way, it wasn’t nearly as emotional as I think it would have been a year ago.
So I guess my something great is that I think I might be getting tougher.
I survived my oral surgery. My doctor asked me when he was almost done if we were still friends lol I told him so far, yea. He did a marvelous job, said everything went perfectly and now 10 hours later it only hurts if I press on it (so I don’t press on it <winks>)
I’m dentist/doctor phobish.
Drove a coworker of mine home. She and I had a great chat about religion and spirituality and are planning to do it again soon. :)
I also bought a few things for my momma for Christmas and greatly enhanced my own music collection by adding some Sublime, Elvis, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles and some more Black Keys.
Saw a favorite customer of mine and we talked about the woeful lack of Spock Santa hats available.
Also, saw my mom in the morning and a good friend very briefly because he left his work keys in my car last night and I had to race to his house to drop them off.
All in all, a good day.
Gave Myles a bath a little while ago, he had a little poo on on his ultra fluffy behind. He did AMAZINGLY well! Just sort of stood there as I shower massaged him and shampooed him.
He’s not too happy to be locked in the bathroom right now while he is drying and I am prepping to go comb him out, but….as far as giving a cat a bath, Myles was a GREAT candidate!
Now Mia…OMG! Never, no way, ever. lol
this thread needs part xv.
And lo! the Flippered One has heard and will answer your prayers in the fullness of time – or maybe this weekend.
All hail the Flippered One!!!
@janbb :D Much obliged, O’ Flippered One!
You may kiss my tailfeathers!
@janbb Don’t temp me, I’m a perv. :)
Gotta call em the way I see them.
I got a fruitcake in the mail today from a friend. Thank you friend!
OMG, random fruitcake sighting! Be careful…. ;-)
I bought a fruitcake at the Farmers Market in Cooperstown last weekend. One of my nieces loves them.
A really good fruitcake can double as a weapon in a pinch.
I shared with a co worker at our sister store that I’ve caught a nasty head cold that makes me want to cut off my head and store it away for a few days. She drove over from the other store to deliver me some fantastic gel caps that cleared my ears and started my sinuses draining. Aw… sweet person and sweet relief even if I am now burping rosemary.
I got a homemade fruitcake in the mail today!
Can you guys stand more of Colomas’ cat chronicles? haha
Sooo, a great morning, finally some RAIN, after a very dry December with hard freezes every night for weeks.
Yay rain!
Myles has become “fluther cat”, likes to sprawl right next to my laptop on the library table in front of my living room window with a veiw of the patio on the hill and the wooded hillside where live the frightful flock of sheep. lol
Myles is in the window sill right now looking, and just became very alert and growled while straining for a better look.
Went to the door to check it out and it’s just the sheep moseying along the ravine.
Oh those ultra scary cat killing sheep! lol
The other day he froze in place for a solid 20 minutes having a stare off with one, but, he LOVES to sit in front of the goose corral and watch those strange creatures swimming.
Oh, the adjustments to life on the micro-farm for a city slicker cat. :-P
@Coloma It’s customary to wait for an answer when you ask a question! LOL
Haha…yeah, guess that was a statement disguised as a Q, cause you know I’m going to tell you anyway. I need a grandchild, haha
@Coloma Oy – then it would be never-ending but yes!
<—— It’s Zuppy’s birthday. He’s 11. If we’re going to be reporting on pets, thought I’d add that…
My son said he will meet me at the airport when I get to Paris which makes that trip a lot more comfortable. I had a very nurturing conversation with him yesterday after I was recuperating from a severe headache.
It has been six years since my online friend passed away. She was a lovely person, truly wonderful. We are going to burn a fire and I am going to write her another love letter. Today is my New Year’s Day, really. I always reflect on where I’m going and where I’ve been on this day more than any other. I’m in a good place. I hope she is too.
I received a homemade fruitcake in the mail from a friend. Sweet!
My husband and I rehashed some of the major catastrophic events we’ve managed through in the past 3yrs and came to the agreement we’ve been fortunate, by hook or crook to push through them and come out okay. We are also thankful my pasta is a touch less mushy than what I attempted last night.
I, too received a homemade fruitcake in the mail from a friend! I love getting packages and when they are this nice, it’s extra special.
How interesting that so many are receiving fruitcakes in the mail! Is it a coincidence or something more….sinister….
Seems that there’s a conspiracy to restore the good name of Fruitcake to the universe. Generations of holiday confections, much maligned, can now stand tall.
I had a conversation with a jelly about fruit cake not long ago. I love it! Anyone who wants to send me a rich, moist, fruit cake, please feel free. Especially if it has some yummy marzipan and icing on it.
I had a friend over for a visit who I hadn’t had a sit down visit with for a couple of months due to our very busy schedules. It was lovely to see her.
Took another walk tonight with the boardwalk walkers’ group. A nice friendly bunch; I enjoyed myself.
I just got a lovely tin of homemade confections and my productivity level will be very low, today, as I intend to gobble them up without restraint or regret! Damn, I lurve the season and all my Jellies!
Remember the land we bought? We got a chance to meet our neighbors (who live ¼ mile away.) They are AWESOME!!!! Down to earth, very nice farmers. His great-great Grandfather was from Germany, and he homesteaded something like 800 acres, which included our little plot. The family still farms the rest. So…that kind of makes us family, kinda! And I love them to death, in just the short time we met them. I’m so relieved and I hope they are too! : )
Yes @Coloma. They have spotted bob cats and cougars, but only very rarely, thank goodness.
Oh goodness, I had a wonderful day yesterday and I just had to tell you fine folk about it.
I spent the entire day with a good friend of mine. She came over in the morning and we watched Zombieland. Then I made her an experimental meal that I call my Christmas quinoa casserole what can I say, I’m a writer, I love alliteration. She warned me beforehand that she is an extremely picky eater so she probably wouldn’t like it but she was going to try it just in case. She took a bite, told me how much she liked it and then asked me to make it on her birthday! I was so ecstatic that my food experiment not only turned out edible, but good enough that such a picky eater loved it!
Then we went to a giant mall. It took us a few hours to get there because of traffic, but we had such a great time chatting and listening to music that it was all right. Then we wandered around the mall, bought a few Christmas things and drove home. There, we ate chocolate, watched The Help we were on a bit of an Emma Stone kick and chatted some more.
Throughout this whole day, I was texting intermittently with a guy I have developed a crush on. At my friend’s behest, I told him that I liked him and he took it waaaaaaaaay better than I expected. Things are not awkward between us at all and it’s possible that by the time I’m ready to start dating again, he’ll be interested in dating me!
Basically, I had the best day ever yesterday. Got some potentially bad news last night but even that wasn’t enough to keep the good mood from bleeding over into today.
Yesterday I went out for a meal with my dog training colleague and some dog groomers that often pass clients our way. It was great to be able to talk about dogs all night with no one looking at me like I was a broken record and I finally felt a sense of belonging in the industry (not sure whether industry is the right word but couldn’t think of a better one!) I have been trying to get into for years.
I had a deep bath with my husband. I drank a bottle of red (far out I am a bit tipsy), he drank beer. We talked and talked and it was wonderful. Then (sad I know) we sang Billy Joel’s ‘I love you just the way you are’ to each other. Sighs….
@KatawaGrey Will you share the recipe? I have a box of quinoa I have been wondering what to do with.
@Bellatrix That was so sweet it brought tears to me eyes.
@KatawaGrey Can I have your recipe? Your Mom is trying to sneak away to Florida, BTW. Just thought you might want to know so you can stop her!
Why would she want to stop me??? It’s only for a few days!!!
I had a working interview this morning for a baking position at a cafe in Berkeley. Just a few hours a week, mostly making muffin batters for the week. I made a couple of things for the owner and while everything wasn’t perfect, things turned out well and I landed myself a job. :)
Congratulations @MissAnthrope. Muffins all round!
I woke up. The sun is shining and I don’t have to drive to work. All good.
I am doing really good work on some of my LBGT library projects. The lobby display is nearly ready and will be up by the beginning of next semester.
And I am finished with work for about 3 weeks – Winter Break has begun!
@Coloma Santa has not forgotten your Christmas wish, she has just been very busy. She is leaving today for the West Coast. I promise if you are a good little girl and don’t “lol” too often, a new thread will arrive in the new year.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day! (I will be around Fluther as time permits this week.)
Love you all,
Santa Penguin
Have a fabulous time with your Left Coasters, Little Penguin! I’ll be thinking of you…
And you in Florida, dear. A day in the city together at some point would be lovely. M&Ms and MOMA?
M&Ms and MOMA…an exercise in ultimate satisfaction! To the New Year, and all the promise it brings! <raises champagne flute and clinks>
Dog club Christmas party tonight! I will be running a fun dog show and there’ll be mince pies (ewww) and doggy treats galore!
I invited the grandkids to stay the night tonight. It’s a very rare event. When I asked the other day my daughter said, “Sure..but why?”
I said “Because I want them underfoot all day while I’m working on Christmas dinner (which we’re having tomorrow night) so I can yell “Ya’ll gettin’ on my very last nerve! Go Do Something Else!” I miss that.” : ( I do. I miss my babies.
Anyway, they’re here. They both wrote letters to me. My 8 year old granddaughter wrote “It is an honor to spend the night at your house.”
Her 6 year old brother wrote “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. It has been so long since I could say “sister” right.”
:) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :)
That is so cute @Dutchess_III. “It is an honor to spend the night at your house”. Lovely. I adored spending weekends with my Nanna.
I wanna be a Nana. <sigh>
So do I @Jill. My kids are saying no, no, no though :-(. And they don’t mean just for now (which would be fine) ... they mean never!
I’ll start popping out kids as soon as a) I can support myself financially and b) I find someone who can I trust to be my co-parent.
Although, if I get pregnant by accident, now that I’m out of school and could devote more time to a child, I would keep the baby. @JilltheTooth knows this and she squeals every time I say it. ;)
Four kids, ages 4 to 11. We made giant gingerbread-man shaped sugar cookies. They looked great—until we cooked them! The kids got sick on cookie dough and candy. I cleaned up the mess while one of the kids clamored for a bubble bath. While he was doing that I fed everyone else ice cream. I got the roast and the ham ready for tomorrow. Then I cleaned the kitchen again. I’ve run the dish washer twice today, which is a tab bit more than the once a week we usually run it. Then I made beds.
Then they munched on cheese and grapes and watched a bit of Santa Clause 2.
Now kids are brushing their teeth. The oldest, 11, taught the 4 year old how to brush his teeth and how to swish water around and spit it out!
Rick put them up against the measuring wall, face first..then he pulled their heads back a tiny bit and clunked their foreheads against the wall and said, “There! Now it’s marked!”
NOW they’re running through the house yelling “The British are coming! The British are coming!” One just came to me saying he was hungry. How is that possible????????
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can NOT believe I used to run a daycare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having a great time visiting with my SF son.
My mom made a safe drive to CA to spend a few days with my sister, I know they’ll have a wonderful Christmas.
Since I have been away from home for the majority of winter break, it hasn’t felt like Christmas is right around the corner. Nobody in my family said much about the holidays so it sounded like we weren’t going to do much to celebrate. Now that I am home, I can see the prayer candle lit for my dad’s health (since he fell ill a year ago, which still affects him now), presents being wrapped, the house being cleaned… tomorrow we’re spending Christmas Eve at my uncle’s house and Christmas at home (we’re planning on a breakfast-themed dinner to fit our tight budget.) I’m in brighter spirits now.
After the school fiasco with a canceled class, tuition refund issues, and a shit-ton of textbooks to purchase, I am so relieved that everyone else is being warm and fuzzy. My parents even bought gifts for my Significant Other’s family, which I wasn’t expecting. They had assumed I would be spending Christmas outside of home and were preparing everything for me. I still want to spend Christmas here, but I’m glad I’ll have gifts to give everyone on behalf of my family when I leave again.
There’s a boy. That’s all I will say for now. :)
Don’t wanna jinx it.
And the mother is always the last to know. <sigh>
Oh, I told you about him. It’s nothing official or solid, I’m just saying it could be in the near-ish future. :)
We will talk later! :-)))
Last night I went to London to see Les Miserables with some dear friends of mine who I haven’t seen for about 6 months and think of as second parents!
Today I finally finished my Christmas shopping.
Am having a wonderful Christmas morning breakfast of link sausages, baked eggs with cheese and herbs and ham, and homemade buttermilk biscuits and jam and coffee with my husband while we open presents.
@marinelife Go you!
Had a really fun Christmas Eve with my son and an old friend of both boys. An appy spread, lit a fire and Chanukah candles, talked, laughed and watched seinfelds. This trip was a good plan.
I start “tripping” tomorrow, how uplifting it all is!
I stayed at my Grandparents house last night and, in the early hours of this morning when I crawled into bed after getting back from midnight mass, I found that my grandad had left a hot water bottle in my bed. He really is one of the sweetest men I know. Christmas was great but that was my favourite part, made me feel incredibly loved.
For Christmas, from my husband, I got everything I need to start a yoga regimen, and power tools! So excited!
@augustlan : Yeah, yoga hooray, POWER TOOLS???? Yaaaayyyyy! Build stuff! Fix stuff! OWN THE WORLD!!!!
Merry Christmas @Auggie. Don’t tie yourself in a knot will you? Don’t want to have to get the power tools out to unwind you.
Cyclone Grant missed Darwin and doesn’t appear to have caused any major damage. That is a truly wonderful thing for our top end Aussies.
Walked across the Golden Gate Bridge and back with my son and then through Muir Woods. A totally new Christmas day.
And a lovely one, I’ll bet! I’ve done that, the walk across the bridge thing, just not on Christmas…
The stepkids, hubby & I had a really nice breakfast with my in-laws then a nice sit down dinner at our house. I learned from my husband that a few of his kids have made mention they actually like that we all sit at a table when they come over (for at least one meal). That made me feel good along with seeing them eat more food than gets thrown away from the plates.
@janbb I love Muir Woods. That, to me, is like being in church.
@JilltheTooth if you weren’t always running away from home you’d know things like @KatawaGrey is getting married n stuff!!
Today I get to spend some quality time on Fluther! It’s been so long (a week) since I had the time to really get with you guys.
Home from my trip – my cold and I survived an annoying plane flight. It was an absolutely wonderful visit with one of my two favorite people in the world! Much love and understanding were exchanged, good food was eaten and new holiday activities were shared.
just had a very exciting idea about the next part of my life..Can’t reveal details yet but it would involve a relocation.
It’s my birthday today! A big one: 60. But I only feel 30ish. I’m not sure whether this is something great or not, but it definitely is something big.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Marinelife
Happy birthday to you!!!
It certainly is something big!
MazeL Tov – dear marinelife ! Could be woise !
Happy birthday @marinelife! We January babies are just wonderful, ain’t we? ;)
@janbb: Good luck with your exciting life idea! I know I’m not alone when I say that I wait with baited breath for more details. :)
I had the first ever video chat with a friend of mine who I have been facebook friends with for almost 4 years, but who I have only really started interacting with recently. We talked for 2 hours and spent a good part of the chat being super amazed that we were finally seeing each other “face-to-face.” He’s visiting at the end of the month. This is the boy that I mentioned earlier. The only catch is that he lives in Las Vegas currently. :(
Happy Birthday @marinelife ::D
@janbb: reinvention is exciting when you’re an adult with experiences. Good luck.
Happy Birthday, @marinelife ! And @janbb , I also await details with excitement! I took a big step at the end of last year (couple of weeks ago!) and will be doing some serious paradigm shifting as well in the personal department….
I raked leaves in shorts and t-shirt, sweating in 80F degree weather.
This Sucks
This is belated, but I was out with a migraine yesterday, so I hope I’m forgiven!
I had such a fun NYE! In the afternoon, I volunteered at The Citadel’s Wonderland fundraiser (due to changing locations), of which I am very proud of myself. I am really shy, so after I agreed to be a ticket seller (wandering around with a tray like a cigarette girl), I was like, Hmmmm.. why did I do that? Can I really do this? But then I thought that I’d just throw myself into it and I did—charming everyone out of their money and selling the most tickets out of anyone, by far. ;)
In addition to that, there was a silent auction and I somehow managed to be the only bidder on a set of two leather paddle-y toys. The gods smiled upon me and I won them for $10. $10!
I debated attending the Citadel NYE party, but ultimately decided to pass because I don’t really know anyone yet. I texted my friend as I left the fundraiser, asking what he was doing, and he happened to be free. So, we had dinner and then party, party! Met a lot of his new friends in the city, didn’t get home until almost 6 am. Such fun. :)
I usually fill up a daily calendar block because it helps me with bill paying, birthdays, holidays, trip planning and recording good things that happen. This time around, new hubby is getting in on it with me to see if it helps him organize also.
Belated Happy Birthday @Marinelife! That it is/was your birthday is a nice thought for the day.
Nothing fascinating to add. On holiday at home. Had a wonderful evening with my family. Beautiful weather (not too hot and humid). Life’s good!
I just had an hour-and-a-half conversation with this boy out in Las Vegas. We have similar views on a lot of things like spirituality we’re both spiritual and marijuana neither of us likes it. Plus, we actually talked about his mother who died about five years ago and instead of being angry and weepy which would be perfectly reasonable responses he was so happy to talk about his mother and we seem to both interact with our mothers very similarly.
Not gonna lie, I did cry when he was telling me about how his mother died because she died of cancer. He doesn’t know that I cried, but I told him that my momma had cancer too and and all I could think was, “Oh my god, what if my mom died too?” over and over again. She didn’t, so I told him he could share mine. :)
I went back to work today after over a weeks holiday for Christmas. As sad as it sounds I am happy to be back to my normal routine and it has been a fairly easy day to ease me in gently to the new year.
My friend made me some fingerless mitts for Christmas. Now that I’m back from warm lands and my hands are cold, I am very grateful! Love my little mitties!
My significant other and I recently celebrated our first anniversary :) My present of audiobook recordings (I read Comet in Moominland by Tove Jansson, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and Peter Pan or the Boy Who Would Not Grow Up by J.M. Barrie along with a 12-song playlist of lullabies.) The expression of love on his face was enough to make all those hours of recording worth the extra effort. We had a lovely dinner yesterday, too.
School begins tomorrow. I’m nervous, but a little excited too.
I found out today that I was included as an author on a project I worked on years ago. Had no idea it was even published.
today would have been my Dad’s birthday if he were still alive. Happy Birthday Dad!
Hope you can have a drink for him @janbb.
I got my butt back in the gym today. I am going to hurt in the morning!!!
Late last night my daughter followed me into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth. She wanted to show me something. I asked her to show me in the morning but she insisted. She showed me a book she had put together that had all her art in it.
She closed up her book and said, “Mom, you are my role model”.
I gave her a big hug and nearly cried. It is a wonderful thing to hear from your 14 year old.
had a lovely lunch at the Cafe Deux Magots with my DIL and then looking at curtains. she is being a love to me. Tonight I will babysit and treat them to dinner out as their Christmas gift.
@janbb Good for you. Sounds nice.
@tranquilsea Is that your pic in the avatar? I’m thinking a 14 year old? What were you, 9 or 10 when you had her? (I meant that in a good way)
@Adirondackwannabe lol. I changed my avatar for the ? that asked what you looked like when you were teenager and how you’ve changed. I’ll keep it up for a couple of days and then go back to my long suffering dog.
@tranquilsea, that is so sweet! You go, Momma!
It feels so good to finally be at the other end of the tunnel, the end where I’m the one giving support instead of receiving it. A nurse from my GI’s office called me up and said there’s a girl being treated there who’s about to get the same surgery as me. She said the girl is really nervous and they wanted to give her a young contact who had already had surgery to reassure and support her.
The girl is 8 years old.
@tranquilsea Leave it for a little. The internet needs more beauty, love, and laughter, and less hate and hurtful comments.
@Mariah That’s awesome. You deserve the best. Good luck.
I put on a pair of pants and was overjoyed to see them hanging off my hips instead of squeezing across my tummy.
My fabulous kid was just here. When I was little, my sister and I subscribed to comic books, and I had told @KatawaGrey about that. She found an old issue of The Doom Patrol in a comic book store and bought it for me! I can’t believe she remembered that that was one of the ones I subscribed to!
I am home again! I had a wonderful time seeing my son and his family and they were great to me, but a lot of powerful emotions were stirred up and I did a lot of grieving. It felt welcoming to come into my house.
My hubby gave me two massage visits for a Christmas gift so I said I wanted to share with him and have us both worked on. When we went for our appt., the spa thought it was a nice idea and gave us one complimentary visit, probably banking we’d buy a second and come again together. We’re giving the appt. to my mother. Sometimes “paying it forward” feels really nice.
Went for a 5 mile hike with my new hiking group. Talked to a woman I had clicked with before. She and I will probably get together for dinner and she also invited me on a tentative (pun intended) camping trip to Assateague Island that we may organize a group for in the Spring. I also spoke with a man I had talked to before. He is pleasant and might be interested in dating me, but too old seeming, I feel, and there is no spark. I feel happy.
Also joined another meetup.com group and will go to their birthday party for January folk at a wine bar a week from Thursday. New life – look out!
@janbb Good for you getting out and about!
Thanks; I was lazy to go today but so glad I pushed myself.
(And new thread is coming soon, I promise.)
Prompted by @aster’s recent post about husbands and housekeeping, I talked with mine about stepping it up a bit in an effort to keep our days off just for fun to which he agreed and remained cheery.
Toilets are so much easier to clean when you’re a woman living alone! (On the other hand, I have to do all the housework.)
I got off my lazy bum and did my workout. My stomach didn’t appreciate it as it has been living the high life these last 14 days.
Naw, @janbb , you’ve got it wrong. Now you don’t have to do any housework, unless you want to.
@tranquilsea : Good for you! I have considered such a course of action. I may consider it again tomorrow.
I just saw a guy hit 133 meters on the ski jump.
Well, I’m finally back in school and got registered and all that this evening. I had a heck of a time with getting holds cleared and whatnot, but I did it! It’s a slow start, working on a prerequisite for now, plus a drawing class to keep the student loan sharks at bay. Feed my mind, feed my soul. I really should have taken a formal drawing class long ago.
I am back at college. Finally. And so far so good in the homesickness department. I think I’m going to be able to handle this much better this time around.
We went for a lovely day out. Long drive, delicious lunch and now home. And thank goodness for air conditioning since it is about 39 out there at the moment.
My job agreed to give me a 15 minute break away from my desk on my 10hr days without docking it from my pay like they originally tried to do. My state has no laws that say an employer must provide breaks much less pay for them but… the Federal govt. does and so after some haggling, they agreed they are supposed to defer to the Federal statute. Hurrah! This means I can go and scarf down some food uninterrupted, in private.
If all goes according to plan, I’m having a baby within 5 days!!!! :)
12:14 AM, Eastern Standard Time. IT’S OFFICIALLY MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I’M 23!!!!!
YAY!! Happy Birthday @KatawaGrey. Hope you have a wonderful day.
I didn’t strangle my dog!
I have my laptop on my knee and he likes to sit by my feet. I was totally engrossed in what I was doing and then realised the mouse cord was very short and I was having to yank on it to move the mouse around. So I pulled on it more to free it up. Still stuck. Tugged again…harder. Nope. Caught. So I looked down and it was wrapped around his neck!! Not a sound. Just sat there until I tried to untangle it and then of course, he has to start wriggling around… Thankfully, he and the mouse are both fine.
@Cupcake So exciting! Keep us posted. :D
@KatawaGrey Happy birthday, girlie!
As for me, I have finally arranged to have my van fixed. What was going to cost me over a thousand bucks is now only going to cost about $200.00! Thank goodness for used parts and honest mechanics.
Happy Birthday, MyMouse! I was going to make this grand announcement here, for you, but you beat me to it… Hope you are feeling better!
Happy birthday, fellow Capricornian.
Happy Birthday KatawaGrey :-)
Thanks guys!
In addition to getting awesome birthday wishes from all my friends, a couple of my friends baked cookies for me and secretly delivered them to me. After they left, I got a text saying, “Check outside your door, ASAP!” It’s the cutest thing ever and I can’t wait to eat them with my momma. :)
I got a bit of my sassy back today! (At least for the moment.)
Happy Birthday KatawaGrey!
Had a really awesome day with my momma. We watched some TV, ate some of those delicious cookies, got me an xbox 360 and her old TV which is bigger than mine and just generally had fun. Plus, you know, I get a huge ego boost from all the birthday wishes I’m getting. :)
And you done wore me out. I’m pooped.
We took my doggie with us to our favorite mountain town for a day of walking around shops, galleries, old haunts and he was in bliss!
Had lunch in the sunshine by the river with a friend today. Crazy weather here, like spring, high 60’s, soooo not January, but yay…. rain & snow is coming next week!
Week 6 with the new cat Myles, perfect integration, it’s like he’s been here for 6 months. I picked a really great cat! :-)
To quote @johnpowell “It is my motherfucking birthday today!”
I was going to submit a cryptically worded post to that effect, Little Penguin, but I guess I can save my brain… Happy Birthday! Be wildly self-indulgent….
@janbb Happy Birthday!!!! Two words: Decadent Dessert.
Had a great brunch with women friends and one of them stayed overnight last night. We had such a good time. She noticed my artwork and asked to see more. She is a public librarian and wants to mount a display of it in her library! Such a nice birthday surprise!
A friend from another site is stopping by soon on his way back to DC from NYC and my brother is coming for an early supper.
Did I mention the cannolis? Having a super day!! (And all the FB wishes are great too!)
How about this. My nephew, delivered 10/26 at 1 lb, 15 ounces is home. 4 lbs 15 ounces and work to do but how about that?
He’s home? That’s fabulous! It can’t hurt that he had a slew of virtual strangers pulling for him… I know the road they’re on will be a long, tough one, but I’m very happy for your family tonight, @Adirondackwannabe .
Thanks guys. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts.
@janbb Thanks. I was scared the parents were going to leave the hospital empty handed. It’s been great news.
I’m so happy for you and your family @Adirondackwannabe!
4 hours from now I’m having an amniocentesis then labor induction!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to hold him and hear him… but mostly I just want to put my nose into his little fuzzy head and inhale his sweet newborn fragrance.
Oh, @Cupcake , this is so exciting for you! I hope you had a lovely weekend, I wish for you a speedy and non-traumatic birth, and a marvelous life ahead with your new family!!!
@Cupcake Sending you any extra love, prayers, and thoughts we got for your use. Good luck!
It’s four hours later @Cupcake and I’ve just read this now:
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Postive Thoughts}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Sent to you & your wee one! I hope he’s in your arms soon.
Happy MF Birthday dear Flippered one!
I put a shoe cube together! It only took 2 hours and no power tools. Woo Hoo!
I hope @Cupcake or her proxy can come on soon and update us… Anybody friends with her IRL?
Congrats and my hope that everything goes well, @Cupcake!
And belated happy birthday to you, @janbb. :)
My dad’s dog went missing on a walk today, I left work early to help him search for her and we traipsed round fields for 4 hours before she finally appeared out of nowhere and flopped, exhausted, at our feet. We were both so relieved. That dog is my dad’s best buddy and I know he would have been heartbroken if we hadn’t found her. It was starting to get dark and the past few nights have been below freezing. I hate the idea of her being out all night. She’s now fast asleep having had a decent meal and a bath (she was filthy).
@Leanne1986 : Oh, I’m so glad you found the dog! Especially this time of year it’s scary when they go missing.
@JilltheTooth Tell me about it. The moment she reappeared was the most relief (the kind of relief were you want to hug someone and brain them at the same time) I have felt in a long time. Dad thinks she tried to chase a hare that took her away from their usual route.
I was menaced by a pack of coyotes today on my run with my dog. Thankfully, they left us alone as I slowly turned and ran in the other direction (as fast as you can when it is -40c out).
I feel badly for them as they are just being coyotes. I feel badly for me because I don’t want to be attacked nor do I want my dog attacked.
@tranquilsea : What a rush! Glad you guys are OK. We had occasional confrontations with coyotes when we lived in Colorado, I kept the dogs on lead in the early morning when I realized that was Prime Time for Wile E. and his band…
@JilltheTooth it was a rush. They were all calling to each other and I had no idea whether they were calling “HEY, LUNCH IS HERE!” or ,“HEY, SOME CHICK IS COMING WITH HER DOG: LET’S GET OUT OF HERE”.
I think they are cute BUT I know they can be deadly too.
@tranquilsea : I just assumed that they were sizing up the golden wussie retriever for lunch, and figuring out how to hold off the tough and aggressive Westie. And then of course, there was that delicious looking woman at the end of the leashes… I’m well-marbled and tender
@JilltheTooth lol. My dog is more of snack size but I’m enough to feed the whole pack. But I’d bite back lol.
Yo, how about part XV? :P
I’M ON MOTHERFUCKING VACATION! Still checking in though, so behave, damn it. :p
@augustlan How is Cancun at this time of year? :-)
Haha, I wish. I guess I should have said ‘staycation’.
Well, it wasn’t quick and it wasn’t easy… but WE BROUGHT OUR BABY HOME TODAY!!! He arrived Tuesday weighing 9lbs 5.5oz and measuring 21.5 inches. His head was somewhat malpositioned, but we managed to get him out without surgical intervention. He’s very calm and handsome and soft and yummy and has a head full of brown hair. His daddy and I are, of course, thrilled and big (teenage) brother is falling in love (as well as laughing at the facebook rumors that he fathered a child).
Bliss. [and lots of recovery/transition].
Oh, @Cupcake , YAY! And OW…big baby I am very very happy for you, and jealous, I miss having a teeny one!
CONGRATULATIONS @Cupcake!!! That’s a lot of baby! All the best to you and your family.
Congratulations @Cupcake! How wonderful and…ouch…. that is a lot of baby….
Hope you are both relaxing and chilling out together and he remains a cool, calm fellow.
@Cupcake Congrats lady. Best wishes for all of you guys. I hope you know how deep those wishes are coming from within me.:)
Congratulations @Cupcake!!! I hope your first few days home with your newborn go well!
Mazel Tov @Cupcake !
My news is only slightly appropriate for the “tell me something great” thread but since this is home base here goes:
My Mom died in California on Tuesday night. We had the funeral here in NJ yesterday. It was a not unexpected death – she was 92 – and a peaceful one. The great part is that I gave the eulogy which was very empowering and I had a very clear and fairly conclusive discussion with my ex-partner in which I was able to express some feelings and get some more clarity about what was going on. Plus, I organized the whole funeral lunch by myself and served and cleaned up with help of some friends. My nephews stayed all day and my sons flew in and are still here.
@janbb : This New Year has been revelatory for you, it sounds like a good thing. I’m glad that your mom was peaceful at the end, we should all be so lucky! This is a perfect moving forward time for you, I’m glad you have greater clarity for 2012…
Congratulations @Cupcake!! There is nothing in this world that is better than bringing a new baby into the world and home.
I had a very fun afternoon with the hubby. I can’t believe we’ve been together for 18 years now and we still enjoy each other to the degree we do.
The nicest hug happened to me.
I had breakfast with a friend of mine who is recently in much better spirits and finally has some relief from daily migraine attacks. She looked wonderful, refreshed even. The difference in her energy seemed to set my day off in good strong direction, cool all the way around.
Woo hoo, well done, @Cupcake! Congratulations. :)
My coworker gave birth to a beautiful, healthy girl this morning! Thanks to some good advice I got I’m going to bring her a Target gift card, some kind of meal she can reheat easily, and some gifts for her older kids.
My sister got engaged last night!!
Yes, I know it was way past due, but several real life things intervened.
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