Social Question

ucme's avatar

Which professions did you admire when you were a kid?

Asked by ucme (50052points) September 26th, 2011

Yeah, not necessarily one which you aspired to, just a job that impressed you in whatever way. I looked up to anyone in the armed services, but had no ambition to join. You catch my drift.

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21 Answers

Hibernate's avatar

Firefighters. I did courses but I didn’t want to pursue the job even though I’;d be good at it. [I had to deal with some fires (not started by me)].

Cruiser's avatar

Because of Jacques Cousteau and his underwater research I wanted to be an oceanographer.

TexasDude's avatar

I’ve always thought soldiers were cool, though I never really wanted to be one. That one definitely stuck with me as I’m a huge military history buff now.

I also thought that geologists and herpetologists were cool, until I realized that these jobs are more grant-writing and less Indiana Jones. I wanted to be both of these things at different times in my childhood.

flutherother's avatar

Astronomers, and I used to watch the Sky at Night

jrpowell's avatar

I am not joking. When I was growing up I wanted to be a CPA. Two college accounting classes later and I changed my major to Economics.

rebbel's avatar


silverangel's avatar

I admired a lot of professions when I was younger e.g. I used to dream about becoming an astronaut so that I can travel through space and see the stars up close, then this dream shifted into me becoming a dentist. Eventually I guess it ended up by me wishing to be a cardiologist…

OpryLeigh's avatar

Travel agent (probably because that was what my mum did at the time)
Broadway superstar

picante's avatar

Teachers, librarians, doctors, law enforcement officials, firefighters, pilots . . . and on and on. Anything that held out the promise of doing something of value.

smilingheart1's avatar

Teacher, Teacher, Teacher

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Museum docents


Policemen (especially the SWAT squad)




beccagolling's avatar

Archaeologists. And for the longest time wanted to be one.

lemming's avatar

I wanted to be an artist. Now I settle for making the odd mandala:)

downtide's avatar

Teachers, police officers and veterinarians.

Berserker's avatar

I used to think explorers and archeologists and people like that were totally awesome. I never aspired to be any of that, but I was indeed fascinated by all the adventures they seemed to have, as well as all the cool shit they find.
I myself wanted to be an entomologist. Insects kick ass.

Also, I denno hy but, I totally had this thing for rich Englishmen with curly mustaches and top hats, and while I didn’t know what their jobs were, I figured that whatever it was, it must be awesome.
Now that I think of it though, I don’t remember where I even saw someone like that, prolly never did, unless it was in a movie or the two hours I spent at King’s Cross when I was six.
And they were prolly pimps. XD

filmfann's avatar


martianspringtime's avatar

I never wanted to be a teacher, but I loved teachers and the idea of teaching. I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I did not actually want to go near needles or injured animals so I guess I just thought that was a cool job.
I did want to be a detective, but in a Mary-Kate and Ashley way… I honestly thought I could do that. Or that my friend could do it, and I could write books about her. I also wanted to be a magician. I used to put on magic shows nonstop for anyone who dared to come near the house.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Police Officers
Military members

Bellatrix's avatar

Artists and writers. Can’t think of any other professions that I admired back then.

jfos's avatar

as a child:
—Underwater researchers
—Coal miners
in grade school:
—Yao Ming and other big athletes
during high school:
—Sumo Guys

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