Social Question

Jude's avatar

There's something (attractive) about John Deacon from Queen (in his younger years). Who would be your celebrity "sexy ugly"?

Asked by Jude (32210points) September 27th, 2011

Sexy ugly: someone who is not conventionally good-looking (or any kind of good-looking in some cases), but possesses an appealing personality, style, or talent, and is thus considered sexually attractive by many.

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35 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Honestly…..For some reason, I find Judi Dench kind of attractive. Lol. :/

picante's avatar

John Malkovich

FutureMemory's avatar

Well, I’m not a celebrity…

Jude's avatar

Also, George Harrison’s son, Dhani.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Christine Baranski, It’s the voice and mannerisms. Given the chance I’d bone the crap out of her.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’m not ashamed to admit that I have an insane crush on Woody Harrelson.

cookieman's avatar

gal: Bettye Lavette
She could sing me the phone book

guy: Steven Tyler
I find him riveting to watch

OpryLeigh's avatar

Martin Clunes – I find his persona sexy which makes me find him attractive even though he isn’t an oil painting.

marinelife's avatar

The tenor in my high school choir. He was as homely as a mud fence and dumber than a bag of rocks, but when he opened his mouth to sing he could have had his way with me.

Ayesha's avatar

Woody Harrelson is sexy!

I’d have to say Steven Tyler.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Ayesha I think I lurve you. Everyone looks at me like I’m crazy when I say that.

Jellie's avatar

David Bowie (is he considered good looking?)

Oh also all of Led Zeppelin.

zensky's avatar


christine215's avatar

Howard Stern and that actor that played George Washington in the HBO series about Thomas Jefferson… I forget his name. He’s in that TV show Hack.

AmWiser's avatar

Lou Ferrigno
Morgan Freeman

Paradox1's avatar

@zensky I think Beyonce is pretty attractive and thought she was perceived to be as well?

zensky's avatar

I’m just responding to the question. She is so fine, she is my “sexy ugly” celebrity. She knows this and is cool with my calling her so.

zensky's avatar

Serious answer, now that I’ve given it some thought (and watched a little VH1): SEAL

And we know who else thinks he’s attractive – Heidi Klum.

BTW – for those interested – he has an amazing story.Here

tinyfaery's avatar

David Duchoveny

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Christopher Walken.

Bellatrix's avatar

Willem Dafoe .. he was being interviewed last night on the TV and oh my he is so sexy and such a nice man.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Jellie David Bowie is super hot, but not conventionally hot (I don’t think.) He was my first celebrity crush. I loved Labyrinth as a kid because of him.

lonelydragon's avatar

Christian Clemenson.

cletrans2col's avatar

Mayim Bialik

christine215's avatar

@tinyfaery Wait, David Duchoveny is conventionally hot, isn’t he? (I lust after that man)

Jude's avatar

I love my Jews.

Harvey Levin

tinyfaery's avatar

Not to me. I have a thing about noses.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery You like little noses?

tinyfaery's avatar

A nose has to fit a face.

emeraldisles's avatar

Steven Tyler

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