Okay, this is much longer than I intended, sorry.
The reason I believe they worked (in most cases, not all) is because I got better in less than half the time it normally takes me to feel better with an illness. Usually, when we nail the right remedy, I can feel an almost immediate change, and I’m better if not back to normal within a couple hours. (Sometimes you have to fiddle with remedies before getting just the right one, though. it’s not an exact “science”.)
Or occasionally, the illness itself was pretty severe and nothing touched it, not even antibiotics, until we figured out the right remedy. (See, remedies are complicated. Just because one person takes Nux Vomica for the flu doesn’t mean another person needs Nux Vomica. A different person may do better with Bryonia or Belladonna [which is not the actual plant, btw].)
I’ll give an example of when I know a remedy worked for me: When I was 17, I got an extremely bad case of the flu and I had been sick for over a week. My mother, the homeopath, God bless her, asked if I wanted to go to the doc and I didn’t. She had just begun learning about homeopathy and reading about all of the remedies in the Materia Medica, so I let her play guinea pig with me.
She tried about 8 or 9 different remedies on me, until this one called “Bryonia”. Up until that point, I hadn’t been holding anything down and hadn’t gotten out of my bed except to go to the bathroom, and I had zero energy. A few minutes after I took that remedy, my fever was down and I was happily drinking 7-Up, then maybe about an hour after that, my fever was gone, I felt perky and got out of bed, put clothes on and drove up to McDonald’s to get myself some chicken nuggets. Everything stayed down. In less than an hour I had snapped back to normal. It took a couple days for my energy to fully come back, naturally, but the flu that had been plaguing me left right after I took that remedy. (And for it to have been a placebo effect, I would have had to think it was going to work, when in actuality I was getting so frustrated that I didn’t figure it was going to work and that I’d have to go to the doctor the next day because I was getting dehydrated.)
One other example is when my oldest daughter had a pretty bad ear infection as a toddler. I took her to the doctor and got her some antibiotics (probably Amoxicillin). They didn’t work. I called in and requested a different kind of antibiotic. They didn’t work. Her ear was just getting worse and I was concerned that the eardrum was going to rupture like mine did as a child. I called my mom in a panic and she told me which remedy to give her (I think it was Hepar Sulfuris). Her ear infection was gone the next day. Not better, but gone.
And because I hear a lot of “it’s just a placebo”, I always give this example: my dog got a regular rabies vaccination. Later that day, she wasn’t acting normal, but I didn’t think much of it. The next day, though, she was staying in her crate, not moving, not getting out to eat or drink and her breathing was labored. I once again called my mother in a panic, and she came over with a few drops of the actual vaccine fluid that she’d gotten from the vet. We made a homemade remedy with it and dropped some of it into my dog’s mouth. (In the homeopathic world, “Like cures Like”, sort of like “Fight fire with fire”, so in a lot of cases you take the “remedy form” of what made you ill to get rid of the illness. A lot of people think it’s bunk, but it saved my dog.) A few minutes later, she wobbled out her crate and stood there for a minute, then laid back down. Not long after that, she walked into the kitchen to get a drink. And just a bit later that day, she was back to normal.
Homeopathy also saved my friend’s dog, that had Parvo. The vet said there was no hope, but a couple hours after I gave the dog the remedy my mom told me to, he was getting better and the next day he was fine. A dog doesn’t know about placebos.
I’ve also given remedies to my daughters when they were newborns, and they don’t know about placebos either.
Sorry this was so long. I could go on and on about natural medicine and Homeopathy, and when I’ve seen it work. And FWIW, my husband was a complete skeptic when he met me, but he now uses a remedy (Apis Mellifica) everytime he has symptoms of anaphylactic shock from eating something that touched shellfish. He’s also used a homeopathic cream called Arnica Montana to lessen the tenderness of bruises and make them go away faster. And we use a homepathic Calendula ointment, instead of Neosporin, for cuts and scrapes. The cuts heal faster and there’s not as much scarring from bad “booboos”, lol.
And one more side note- I was bitten by a brown recluse this summer, and I took the remedy “Loxosceles” (which is the remedy form of the brown recluse venom) and coated the bite with Calendula ointment. My skin did begin to do funky things (like rotting, eww, eww, eww) but after a few days, it started to heal instead of getting worse. I even went to see my doctor to make sure it was okay and he said it was a fiddleback bite and to keep doing whatever it was that I was doing because it was obviously making it better. Before it started healing, the wound was about 3 inches long, about 2 inches wide and had sloughed off quite a few layers of skin. When I would clean the wound, the skin would literally just fall off. And there’s no scar. =0)