What would you do if time froze and you had the whole day?
You have 24 hours to do just about anything and time is frozen. What would you do?
I asked my bf this yesterday because we had nothing to talk about and it was kinda fun. Typical guy, he said he’d take some exotic sports car and try to get away with it. I said I’d do something to mess with society like play a bunch of goofy pranks…I couldn’t think of anything else.
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40 Answers
Is time frozen and I’m the only one functioning?
I day-dream of this scenario regularly.
I would set up shop in a park or near a lake or river (perhaps under a tree), and read and nap and listen to music all day. I may get up and go for a walk for lunch, then return to my tree for some more napping.
Some day before I die. :: le sigh ::
I’d get my girlfriend (she can come along too, right?) and go spend sometime without crowds in the country, or by a lake, or hiking in the Sierras.
Yes adirondackwannabe. You’re the only one functioning in this whole world! But I mean you can still drive a car, ride a roller coaster, etc.
NO ONE BUT YOU!!!!!!! lol But I think it’d be funner to have some company actually. So I guess you can give me both scenarios. What’d you do by yourself? What’d you do with a partner (that you’re not sexually attracted to lmao) if I had my bf I’d probably be doin it in the most random places hahahhahaha shhh
But cprevite, you can do that even if time wasn’t frozen! I’d take advantage of all the things I couldn’t do while time was going on!!
I would probably take some sleeping pills and sleep until it wore off. I don’t think I could handle 0 social interaction for an entire day… Imagine all the unanswered fluther questions I would ask!
Walk through the Research and Development department at Apple. Then I would sell the info to Gizmodo.
I’d shop, drive around, kiss all the cute animals, eat a lot.
Then I’d pick up a male stripper, have some fun with him. Or figure out where Jason Statham lives, and do stuff to him, with him whatever!
Ayesha, but they are not active, they are frozen also. That’d be rape! LOL!! When you say fun you mean sexual things? Hahahhaa I do like your answer though, sounds more interesting.
If I was by myself I’d enjoy nature, possibly go fishing at the DEC center nearby (They have some monster trout), or maybe borrow a canoe or kayak and go out on one of the lakes. You ruined the one other person part. I was thinking take my s/o to the adult store here and try out all the different toys. She’d never go there if there was a chance anyone would see her, but if time was frozen she might try it.
That depends… Are the people frozen too?
If yes, You really don’t want to know, and I probably can’t legally put it into print anyway.
If no… Probably entertain myself in some stupid way for a few hours, and get bored and go right back to my usual routine.
Molest all the frozen people. Lol. Ok just kidding, but I would also stop by a Nissan lot and have some fun.
@chelle21689 Oh then in that case do stuff to their frozen a**!!
But if I want a partner, I’d go with a male stripper. They have good bodies.
Gabriele, now you got me interested. WHy can’t you put it legally into print? It’s not like it’s going to happen LOL Come on make it interesting!
Blackberry, yeah right you know you would! LOL
Ayeesha, sooooo you would do things to the frozen strippers? lmao I went to a male strip club once, very nice bodies. Friend bought me a lap dance, and it wasn’t as hot as I thought it’d be. I just wasn’t that into it haha
Great question!
Alone in the world, I’d do all the little rebellious things… Go out doors that are marked “not an exit”; find my way into luxury penthouse apartments and raid all the gourmet treats; release dogs, cats and bunnies from animal testing labs; take a sweet car off a dealership lot and go as fast as I wanted on the highway and up a winding mountain road.
After 24 hours, I’d be tired of not having company.
I wonder if it’d be better to ask if you did have a partner (that wasn’t of romantic/sexual interest)
I’ve never kissed the girl I love so I would probably kiss her on the cheeks. Pathetic? Not for me!
Walk. nekkid. EVERYWHERE!!!
Jellie, that’s a good one too!! LMAO! I’d probably do that too hahahahaha! But be sure to be back in my room before time starts again o.O
Is Fluther still working? Kiss every nice looking girl I saw.
I’m surprised no one said take money lol
No, no. Stealing would be wrong.
Fondleing is perfectly fine, however.
Yeah, stealing is bad kharma.
Is it still fondling if they don’t know they’ve been fondled?
LMAO so fondeling and touching someone sexually is okay but not stealing? What if it was from some big company that wasn’t good like say a tobacco company?
@chelle21689 Hey you froze them in time and I wouldn’t exchange any fluids with them.
Yes you would. Your stuff would leave traces in there lol
I would just use my hands and I’d wash those.
I like being alone but being ALL ALONE .. I’d take sleeping pills and sleep that whole day. I can’t have fun alone more than one hour. Interacting with others it’s all I’m about.
I’d hibernate till they wake up ^^^
Sleep. A lot.
Then go in peoples houses, and mess it up. :)
Eh for starters stick the local police into jail cells, they as a whole seem corrupt enough to belong there. Go to the local theater watch a or two movies, bust into the local military R&D and swipe something, take a Shelby GT 500 for a spin, weld up shut the local wal mart, munch on some delicious gelato, go into banks and take all the cash from the registers (not mean enough to do vaults), take scandalous photos of the city mayor and stick em on the web from her laptop, get a bunch of hoses, connect them into one long hose, hook it up to a faucet somewhere put it on the top floor of city hall and let her rip, swipe a bunch of stuff from GNC, take a S Mart delivery truck and drop off a shit load of food to the homeless community that lives under a giant overpass, and I guess that would be it.
LMFAO king Pariah you won this one!!! I’d probably do what you do. I thought of a similar way as you except less detailed and not as crazy. Haha I’d definitely play pranks on society!!!
Give me 327 hours and I’ll show the world chaos.
I’d probably visit some exotic car dealerships in Scottsdale or Paradise Valley and take some supercars for a spin around the city.
@King_Pariah and what exactly you’ll do in two weeks alone? Wouldn’t you get tired to be alone?
Alone, surrounded by friends, I really don’t care. Since I’ve been out of the hospital I’ve pretty much been alone and that’s been about 6 months now. Human interaction is not a necessity. Not for me anyway.
Go back to sleep. And I’m serious. Every weekday morning I get up, I feel so fucked up and dead that I would honestly and literally pay money just for another hour of sleep.
lol in comes the emo people :(
@King_Pariah but even in a hospital doctors/nurses come to you every day. You might not want to interact but at least you saw people every day. I’m glad to hear you are okay and out of hospital now.
@chelle21689 In my case, it’s physical dead and fucked up, rather than anything emo. But that, too. XD
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