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Jeruba's avatar

If you were the president's wife, would you want him to run again?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) September 27th, 2011

Are you or have you ever been in a remotely comparable position, as the spouse or partner of the person who runs the show and takes the heat?

Even being the spouse of the company chief or the president of the club can give you a good look at the stress and the headaches behind the scenes.

If you’ve ever been in the partner position, what did that teach you about supporting the holder of the big office, and would you ever want to put him or her through that again?

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10 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Probably not, but if he wanted to, I would support him.

rebbel's avatar

I am not quite sure whether Barack would want me to be his wife. ~
I can’t even begin to grasp the responsibilities that come with the job, so I think that I wouldn’t even want my wife to stand for President to start with.

mrrich724's avatar

No, and even if I don’t particularly like Obama, I give him and every president credit for actually doing something that I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do!

Bellatrix's avatar

Power is an amazing thing. I suspect he will want to and she will want him to. Being the first lady carries a good deal of influence too. Your system is different to ours (and the system in the UK) but there are so many incidences of Prime Ministers being very reluctant to give up the power that comes with the job. There are equally discussions of the influence their wives have had over the term they were in office.

I would support my husband if that’s what he wanted to do. Even if I didn’t particularly relish the continuation myself.

gailcalled's avatar

I was the wife of a headmaster of a fancy independent Quaker day school in Phila. for 14 years. It is a similar position but on a smaller scale and with few of the perks.

I had to be very careful about making close friends within the community of faculty and parents; and I had to watch demeanor, comportment and behavior at every pubic event, be it an honors assembly, weekly meeting for worship or a ninth grade squad D girls’ lacrosse game.

We did hang out with the administrative staff, who, luckily, were a wonderful bunch. My ex-husband was an
A headmaster, and, as such, hired A staff.

Our kids were students there and I had a fairly neutral job as Head of College Placement, but many people behaved as though I had special powers to grant special favors.

On week-ends, if we decided to go out for a snack and a movie, we used to drive miles out of our way in order not to bump into anyone we knew.

Three of the five kids got into minor difficulties with pot-related incidents (although my youngest step-son was caught selling what turned out to be oregano) and everyone bent over backwards to be fair to everyone. Lots of dancing on hot coals.

It was a wonderful, enriching experience for us all but we left two years after the youngest had graduated with a feeling of profound relief.

JLeslie's avatar

Obviously, it is difficult for any of us to really know what it is like to be the President’s wife. What would matter to me most was how he was handeling it. If overall he seemed happy, and ok with the stress, then I would support him in running for another term. It is a finite amount of time he will be in office, and when I have a light at the end of a tunnel, I can get through and make the best of it, even if I am not completely content with my circumstance.

It is such an important position, I would not feel I could take it away from my spouse. Not to mention if I believed he was doing good for the country, I feel country comes first before my family in this circumstance.

Pandora's avatar

Oh, hell No. I am very protective of the people I love so I would’ve had a hard time watching my husband being joked about and insulted and stabbed in the back and the front and watch him feel poorly about not being able to do enough to fix things because his hands where tied. I would’ve told him exactly these words..
Sweety you did your best to do what was right. We are financially set from here on out no matter what, so let the m@#%&&$ing assholes take another shot at screwing shit up more since they think they can do better and let them see what its like to have a bulls eye on their back for 4 years. Its impossible to fix all the crap the republicans have screwed up in another 4 years.
Lets just collect the pay check and go.
But I would’ve made and interesting first wife. All those back stabbing jerks would’ve gotten the tongue lashing their mothers never gave them and they would’ve wished I just took out my belt and whipped them by the time I was done.

cheebdragon's avatar

Assuming I actually liked the president? Sure why not, she will probably always be in the public eye to an extent, so it wouldn’t really matter that much at this point, it’s pretty much just a change of houses….

Jeruba's avatar

Thank you, @gailcalled, for reading the details.

gailcalled's avatar

@Jeruba: Such an irritating habit, some people think. (Sugar maples here showing more and more color each day.)

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