Have you ever blown your nose and thought, "Ya know, that sounds just like a song I know"?
Asked by
cookieman (
September 27th, 2011
from iPhone
I did this today, and the first couple of notes of “What I Like About You” by the Romantics came out.
Damn song was stuck in my head all morning after that.
How ‘bout you?
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10 Answers
Can’t say I’ve ever noticed this but I had to thank you for the great laugh I got thinking about it!
No, I can’t say that ever happened, but once I cut the cheese and it reminded me of a motorboat.
Ok, more than once.
I haven’t had this happen as of yet but I am reminded sometimes of avian sounds (like a goose for example) when I’ve blown my nose on some occasions.
No, actually, I haven’t. What kind of music do you listen to @cprevite?
No, but it can sound like a fog horn sometimes.
Foghorn and goose sounds are also common for me.
So, no other musical experiences, huh??
No I can honestly say I have never heard music in the act of nose blowing. I can however say, that from this day forward I will always listen for it.
Hahahahahahahahaahaaajhahahaa! :D
I’m no Miles Davis but “So What?” has showed up before.
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