Do you frequently, occasionally or ever find things that you've lost in odd places? What's the oddest place you've ever found something that you lost?
There was something I’ve been looking for for a couple of days and I just found it in my freezer. I also used to, on more than a few occasions, get to work and find my television remote in my purse.
How does this stuff get in these places?
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16 Answers
My littlest one once lost her McDonald’s Happy Meal plastic toy and we spent days looking for it but to no avail. It was a collectible that she got from one of her cousins, the plastic Aladdin figure.
More than a week had passed. Then one morning as I was getting dressed to go to work, I reached into my dresser drawer to get a new pair of socks out and out popped Aladdin from one of the dress socks! That was such a surprise.
As to how it got there, who knows? We had a party at our house a couple of weeks earlier, so I’m guessing a bratty kid must have went into our bedroom while playing and slipped the toy into one of my executive length dress socks as a joke. Erg.$200x200$
@MRSHINYSHOES LOL. That’s the great mystery, isn’t it? You can only speculate as to how these things end up where they end up.
I love finding stuff I lost! Or stuff I forgot I even owned, It’s kinda like Christmas…....I’ve left my phone in the freezer or fridge a few times, and I’ve found money in kitty house slippers. When i was a teenager I use to keep a lot of * herbal paraphernalia *inside a bubblegum machine I had in my bedroom….my mom was kinda surprised when she went to refill the machine for me because the old candy had started tasting funny.
@lillycoyote I’m guessing it had to be one of the guests’ children who were playing around inside our home when we had the party. My own children know they’re not really allowed in our bedroom unless it’s for a good reason.
@cheebdragon LOL. I love finding stuff too, even though I know it’s just my stuff that I lost to begin with. I remember once when my dryer was spitting out $20 dollar bills like it was some kind of slot machine! I knew that it was only happening because I’d been to the ATM a day or so before and stuffed the money in my pants’ pocket and forgotten about it; that it was my money to begin with, not found or won money, but it was still fun.
And, about the “herbals….” I don’t do that stuff anymore, but in my youth I used to tell my mother that that smell coming from my room was incense. One day I burned some actual incense in my room and my mother commented that it certainly smelled a lot better than the incense I usually burned. :-) She’s gone now, but to this day, I still feel a little bad about that, and the rest of the absolutely blatant lies I used to tell her and my father when I was young.
@MRSHINYSHOES Yes, I don’t have kids myself, but I remember that when I was growing up that my parents’ bedroom was a place of great mystery to me! We weren’t really allowed to be in there uninvited or unaccompanied either. The only time I ever went in there was to sneak a look at my Christmas presents because they hid them in their bedroom closet and it took them a while to figure out what a willful, disobedient and sneaky child I was. :-)
I frequently find my stuff in the weardest places * blush * My partner always makes fun of me because I never can find my belongings. It’s just that, I always have my mind on my new projects so I never look where I put my things. I have a lot that I am searching for my glasses or a pair of scissors or something like that, to find them… in my hands or on my nose. The weardest thing I ever did was loosing my grandmothers teeth. I picked them up from the dentist,and by the time my granny wanted to know where her teeth where I could not find them again, even if my life depended on it. The whole household was in state of panic and everyone was searching for those false teeth. Eventually we found them again… in a flowerpot. How it got there? No idea. But that was the last time my granny asked me to go get something for her.
lol@ the teeth in the flowerpot. Welcome to fluther @Moonya.
I think weirder than things I have lost and then found in odd places, are the things I have lost and never, ever found again. Like the groceries I bought and put somewhere but never did find again. I was under a great deal of stress and was working on automatic but to this day I don’t know where I put those groceries!
@Moonya In a flower pot? LOL! Don’t feel bad at all! That’s the kind of stuff that happens to me and exactly why I asked this question. I was kind of hoping for some answers but I guess those of us who lose things in these ways will simply never know how or why these things end up where they do.
And I will second my dear friend @Bellatrix. Welcome to Fluther. Your quirky little habits and secrets are safe with us!
@ Bellatrix
Ahh but I do have a theory for that. All stuff lost, including socks you never find again goes through a black hole into to another dimension where alien leprechauns find use for it * grin *.
@Moonya You may very well be right. All that stuff is somewhere, isn’t it? It has to be. I don’t so much wonder about the stuff I never find again as much as the stuff I lose and find and lose and find and lose and find, daily, if not hourly, like my keys, glasses and sometimes my wallet and cell phone. What are the alien leprechauns doing in their dimension with those kind of things; things that just come and go on a very regular basis? I always imagine that they must just “duck and cover” as my stuff rapidly flies in and out of their dimension; I can’t imagine that they stop to find a use for my keys or glasses when I will only, at some point, eventually find them. :-)
Recently I lost my kitchen sponge and it turned up in the freezer a few days later. haha
I am always finding pairs of reading glasses I thought were lost, in old purses or under the furniture.
Most recently, I had to laugh, caught my cat flinging around a green knit glove that she had gone into my car through the open window and brought it in the house to play with.
I forgot these gloves were in my backseat and she has retrieved both of them and they are her favorite playthings. She also steals socks and hides them around the house. I never know what I’ll find under the bed or behind the furniture.
One day when I was folding laundry, a lost ring appeared in mid air and fell to the floor.
I suspect it was hidden in a fold of clothes and when I shook out the garment, the ring flew into the air.
@Yarnlady, I bet you were happy to find it.
Sometimes I think we have a ghost here called Mrs P. Things do appear to be moved. I am sure it is our imagination though.
@SuperMouse LOL. If I had a nickel for every minute I have spent looking for my keys over the course of my life, I could afford to hire very well compensated, live-in, personal assistant whose sole responsibility would be to keep track of my keys.
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