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Hibernate's avatar

What would you do if you couldn't talk/write/use sign language?

Asked by Hibernate (9091points) September 28th, 2011

This question is for fantasy. I’m interested in replies like “I’ma learn how to use my foot and practice typing”.

This is supposed to be a fun question ^^

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16 Answers

ucme's avatar

Interpretive dance, it’s the only way….fun too!

CWOTUS's avatar

I would be happy to be a cosiner.

Jellie's avatar

I would use Cos language.

Edit: Just realized @CWOTUS made a similar joke. So I’m gonna have a serious reply too: I’d draw stuff.

Kayak8's avatar

Charades anyone . . .?

Ela's avatar

I would get a set of magnetic words (and pocket sized board) and carry them everywhere with me.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d go off on Tangents.

YARNLADY's avatar

Use one of those stylus hand held computers.

SuperMouse's avatar

After my husband broke his neck and couldn’t write, speak, sign, or anything else he clicked with his mouth to get attention. I told him that if I had been around back then I would have gotten real close listened to the clicks and said “What’s that you say? Timmy fell down the well and he can’t get out!” I’m pretty sure the doctors would have kicked me right out but I know it would have made my husband smile!

Jude's avatar

Ever heard of Marcel Marceau?

Gingerlaurie's avatar

Did you know you can “chew” the entire alphabet out of pretzels? Obviously not the straight ones. LOL. Used to do this with my girls to leave secret messages! =)

saint's avatar

Play my guitar

AshLeigh's avatar

Sing… ;)

linguaphile's avatar

Paint. A lot.

Sunny2's avatar

I’m pretty good at ‘Pictionary.’ I’d draw pictures and pantomime. I did this once in Japan when I went to a druggist and need Q-Tips. I don’t speak Japanese at all. I got them with a drawing and pantomime. I had a bit more difficulty trying to explain states’ rights to an Italian in Italy. I’m not sure he understood me. But I tried.

sydneyMASH4077's avatar

I guess it would be time to learn to draw better!

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