What should I get or do for my Mom for her birthday?
My mom’s turning 71. She still works out of state; she lives in an apartment Monday through Thursday and comes home on weekends.
She’s a successful person, but then again, she’s also (love you, Mom) kind of shallow and materialistic and has enough money to just go and get herself whatever she wants.
My sister and her husband are financially quite well off, and always gets the first “in” with my mother by planning trips or dinners at very expensive restaurants… most of which I can’t afford, and I don’t really like my sister much anyhow, so I usually pass by saying that I can’t make it and then I try to reschedule something else with my mother. Sometimes she is able to make time sometimes not.
So, instead of trying to schedule time with my mother for dinner, or a show or something like that, I figured I’d just BUY her something for her birthday this year.
With that kind of back-story… what the hell would YOU buy this woman if she were YOUR mother?
(Love you, Mom!)
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10 Answers
I would look for something that fits her interests and style, preferably a one of a kind item if you can. We hit the arts and craft fests and pick out things that fit my mother’s interests. They’re hand made gifts that she couldn’t find elsewhere. There are also unusual food items at the fests that she wouldn’t come across otherwise.
The perfect stick it to the shallow rich person gift… A charitable donation to their favorite organization in their name and honor. It’s like being told that your antique is worthless on the antiques roadshow, but you’re on camera so you can’t object.
It’s a beautiful thoughtful, loving, gift, and a slight dig as well… Perfect!
Do you know if she has a favorite perfume or fancy boutique soap preference?
Could she use a spa style cotton robe?
Does she favor a particular brand of clothing to where you can give her a gift certificate?
Is there a restaurant she loves but is near where she works or more to the point- is there a restaurant you know she loves that your sister hasn’t taken her to or is out of the sister’s area?
Mini espresso/cappuccino machine
A kindle or Nook electronic reader
A nice, big bouquet of flowers.
You can never go wrong with flowers as a present maybe only with florists you can.
Because she spends long hours on the road, I might get AAA membership or other safety-related, car-related gift. My mom is about the same age and what she most appreciates is my time giving her my 100% attention while not distracted by cell phones, other people, etc. I can assure you, it doesn’t have to be a fancy dinner, just getting to spend un-interrupted time is priceless. Perhaps there is a place on the historic register or of interest to her based on her hobbies etc. that you could agree to do with her. I took my mom to an exhibit of art I knew she liked that she would otherwise not have seen and we spent three hours in the car each way so we had a good chance to “catch up.” I also know there is a restaurant associated with a historic place near us that Mom would love to see and it is on our list.
Maybe taking the time to sit down with her and make a list of 12 things (one per month) that she really wants to do with YOU that are on her bucket list and then do them. Come armed with 6 things you would like to do with HER and spend time with her to figure out what her 6 things are and make your schedule of special you-and-Mom-time activities.
Do you think she would like a day at a spa with you…. you could do a pampering day while spending time together.
All great ideas…
She’s not really a “spa” person, but she has recently discovered pedicures and likes those.
Clothing is out, because she’s either returned or never worn anything I’ve ever gotten her, but that did give me the idea of something along the lines of a really nice silk scarf as an accessory. hmmm
Thank you all very much, I have some ideas to ponder!
@christine215 how about a parafin wax and pedicure for her feet…. she will be amazed how soft her feet feel when they are done.
How about a shotgun….......... a field, some clay pigions, and a hand thrower and you got yourself hours of entertainment.
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