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What should I get or do for my Mom for her birthday?
My mom’s turning 71. She still works out of state; she lives in an apartment Monday through Thursday and comes home on weekends.
She’s a successful person, but then again, she’s also (love you, Mom) kind of shallow and materialistic and has enough money to just go and get herself whatever she wants.
My sister and her husband are financially quite well off, and always gets the first “in” with my mother by planning trips or dinners at very expensive restaurants… most of which I can’t afford, and I don’t really like my sister much anyhow, so I usually pass by saying that I can’t make it and then I try to reschedule something else with my mother. Sometimes she is able to make time sometimes not.
So, instead of trying to schedule time with my mother for dinner, or a show or something like that, I figured I’d just BUY her something for her birthday this year.
With that kind of back-story… what the hell would YOU buy this woman if she were YOUR mother?
(Love you, Mom!)
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